S1 Extra Content 2: [Crowley and Phenex. ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: One]

S1 Extra Content 2: [Crowley and Phenex. ]






With a swoosh and with a swash, the rowing oar gently ran through the crystal clear water, the sea floor coloring the ocean in a mix of blues and greens, an emerald sea which was filled with blue dye was cut through as the oar raised out of the water before returning in it as the white gondola moved ahead. Dressed in a bright orange shirt and tan shorts, the gondolier looked to be middle-aged, his dark hair looking faded as he stared into the crystal sea with ever-sharp eyes.

"In the story of life, split up and shared among all of us to form one cohesive tale called humanity, during the periods in which our tales intersect with others, we potentially leave ourselves open to being their hero or villain, and rather worry which of the two you'll inevitable be, even if it's just right down the middle...,"The words cut through the cool air like a knife, ending the soft silence that had only been previously accompanied by the sounds of the rowing boat and seagulls in the distance, as even the tourist at shore couldn't be heard this far out.

"Huh? Did you say something, Sir?" Speaking in Italian while looking back at his client, the driver wiped his brow and looked the man up and down, a bit confused as he believed he was being spoken to. "Is there something you need, Mr. Alaster?" Paid more than fairly for this trip, the man was quite a bit more attentive to this man in particular than any other rider he had earlier that day.

The sun which stood tall in the clear blue sky, devoid of any clouds, beamed down on his client's form like a beacon, a mirror being reflected with light, causing his long white coat which hung over his broad showers to shine and glow as a shadow was cast over the rest of his body. Cool and comfortable, the individual before the gondolier looked up at him as a bit of light glossed over his black sunglasses, reflecting off of the pair of shades as a smile touched his face.

"Hehe, nothing... I was just trying to answer a question that was on my mind, did I perhaps talk out loud?" Y/n asked as the driver nodded before letting out a chuckle himself.

"Yes, you have something you wish to share? You paid me enough to be your therapist for heaven's sake, haha!" Sharing a laugh, the two men matched the sunny day's atmosphere.

"Well, I tend to have this habit of asking questions about things that interest me you see...," He explained before slapping his hands on his knees, rising as he stood up from his seat. Putting his hands in his pockets he felt the wind's gentle breeze push against his light coat as he turned to stare off at the city and even the sun as he raised his head to the sky. Tight and fitting around his body, he felt the morning light touch his skin and warm him as the sunlight was absorbed by his black long-sleeved collared t-shirt, his white iron dress pants shining as the light hit them as well as his coat. With a black belt around his waist along with a matching pair of dress shoes, a sparkling smile graced his face as the waters below reflected his image.

"Ah I see, you're the artsy type, aren't you? Well then I recommend visiting 'The Doge's Palace', I'm sure you will enjoy yourself there," The driver recommended as Y/n took a breath of the fresh air.

"I plan to, I don't believe in doing things without a plan, and I don't intend on wasting my day here after my work is finished, of course," Y/n asked before running a hand through his hair. "But right, usually this is a debate I have with my older brother but I guess it may interest you," He began, turning around as the sun hit his back. Reaching for his sunglasses and taking them off before pocketing them, Y/n saw he had caught the man's interest, even if a little.

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