S1: Episode 13 [ One of Those Nights ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 13: [ One Of Those Nights ]






"I'm sorry daddy, please forgive me."

"Alaster, for the last time! It's, forgive me Father for I hath sinned!"

"Sorry Sis, I must be reading a different bible, haha."

On this bright and early day, the light of the ever-blazing sun glowed brightly, covering even the green mountains in a warm, vibrant hue. Making the dark green grass appear lime and alive, as a set of feet crunched and marched along the trail. A set of blondes, a set of siblings, brother, and sister were up early in the morning for a hike up one of the many mountains that made up the range. With the clouds up high in the blue sky, birds could be seen flying in the air while the critters below moved around without disturbance.

"Huh? But I thought I gave you a copy of mine?" Asia questioned, looking a little confused while staring at Y/n, or rather Alaster, the name she preferred referring to him as. Glancing back at her, the blond who had on a pair of sunglasses raised his purple shades over his eyes and gave a look of surprise.

"What? No way! I swear I don't remember such a thing, I must've left it at home," The male commented in a false voice. Dressed in bright orange shorts which went well with his white Polo shirt, sneakers, and socks, Y/n wore a black cap on his head while Asia was dressed in blue jeans and a lime green T-shirt, and white sneakers. Pausing for a moment, the older sibling squinted her eyes at Y/n. "...Ok mister, I'll believe you for now..."

"Hey, you make it sound like I'm lying, I swear I'm not," Y/n said as Asia began walking ahead of him before suddenly turning around, pointing to her eyes with two fingers before back at him, making the boy laugh as he looked back to someone who was slowly coming up behind him. "Hey, Issei! Back me up buddy, do I look like a liar to you?"

With heavy breaths, struggling to stand and covered in sweat, Issei who was dressed in gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt while wearing a dark green backpack, looked both tired and annoyed, which likely explained the way he responded. "Alaster, it's been eight days so far, and I've come to two realizations...," Issei spoke, stopping to take a breath as Y/n crossed his arms and smiled like he was about to be told some good news.

"Which are...?" Y/n asked in an awaiting tone.

"One, you're built like you play lacrosse, and two, I can never tell if you're messing with me or not! You said I would get a break today, but we're going mountain hiking and it's only eight in the morning!" Issei complained as Y/n paused for a moment.

"Actually, it's currently ten in the morning, we've been out here for three hours."

"What!? You are telling me I missed breakfast!" Issei fell to his knees as Y/n smiled brightly.

"But the gains Issei! Think of the gains!"

"I wanted to have a break today! You've been beating my ass all week!" Issei truthfully spoke as Y/n helped him up and patted him on the shoulder. "Correction, I've been beating everyone's ass this week, and anyways...," Y/n stopped for a moment, losing his smile before giving Issei a nod and thumbs up. "I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but see, you are growing stronger, I mean, look at your arms, I'm beginning to see some definition in those noodles, what? Did you think I got off on smashing you into the ground? I told you I would get results."

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