Breastmilk (Quick/Jake/Sam)

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Puck gently squeezed the bottle, dripping some milk onto his arm to test the temperature before licking it off.

"Oh my god!"


"What?" Puck asked innocently.

"Did you just drink breastmilk?" Jake wondered.

"That was barely even a sip." Puck stated. "But yeah, I've tried it before."

"That's so gross." Sam muttered, shaking his head as Quinn entered the apartment.

"Hey, guys." Quinn greeted everyone. "Hi, babe."

"Hi." Puck responded. "You're just in time, Q."

"For what?" Quinn wondered, closing the apartment door and joining the boys at the kitchen table.

"Jake and Sam think this is gross." Puck noted.

Quinn looked at Jake and Sam. "You think my breastmilk is gross?"

"Not exactly. I-"

"So Noah and I being able to feed our son is gross?" Quinn cut Sam off.

"No, of course not." Jake said.

"Then what is it?" Quinn wondered.

"Drinking it." Sam answered. "Puck said he's had it, have you?"

"Yes I have." Quinn replied.

"Eww." Sam muttered.

"Eww?" Quinn repeated. "I'm sure Mercedes will love hearing how you're grossed out by the female body's ability to feed a baby."

"Come on, just try it." Puck added.

"I'm actually not really hungry or thirsty right now." Jake said.

"Yeah, me neither." Sam responded.

Puck shrugged as he put the milk on his arm again and licked it off, watching Jake and Sam cringe.

"Just try it."

"I don't really wanna taste my brother's wife's milk." Jake stated.

Sam snickered and Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Perverts." Puck muttered as he got up. "I'm gonna go get the baby. It's lunchtime."

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