Come to L.A. (Quick)

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Puck and Quinn sat down in the backyard. Neither of them said anything.

"You mind if I smoke?" Puck broke the silence.

"Okay." Quinn nodded.

Puck dug through his pockets for his pack and his lighter. He put a cigarette in his mouth and looked at Quinn. "Want one?"

"Sure." Quinn said, taking one and putting it in her mouth.

Puck lit the cigarettes before pocketing everything again, and the pair smoked together.

"I was talking to Santana." Puck began. "About us."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"And I told her that I know you're gonna do really cool things with your life and your career." Puck stated. "I just wanna be included in that. Well, most importantly, I want Beth to be included in that."

"She will be." Quinn promised. "Whether I'm in New York or L.A., but... I can't come back with you."

Puck took another drag of his cigarette to mask his disappointment.

"I want to." Quinn told Puck. "But I can't."

"Why not?" Puck asked, trying to sound curious rather than convincing.

"I don't know." Quinn confessed. "What if I don't belong there? It's so far away from all of our friends and my mom and-"

"Mercedes and Sam are there." Puck interrupted. "And you can always go visit your mom, and vice versa."

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"If you don't wanna come, don't." Puck told Quinn. "But you're talking about where you belong - you don't belong in Lima."

"I know that." Quinn said calmly. "This is just temporary."

"You need a plan, Quinn." Puck continued. "You need a timeline. You can't just say this is temporary and stay here with your mom. And what about Beth? Where does she fit into your life if you're gonna live so far away?"

"I can't come to L.A. just for you and Beth, Noah." Quinn replied.

"I don't care about me." Puck clarified. "Beth deserves her mom."

"I can't." Quinn repeated.

"Why not?" Puck asked.

"Because." Quinn said. "I'm afraid."

"Of what?" Puck demanded.

"Doesn't the idea of the three of us together in L.A. terrify you?" Quinn wondered.

"No." Puck shook his head.

"Well, have you been with anyone else?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Yeah." Puck said. "But-"

"I was gonna settle down." Quinn interrupted. "You're not ready to settle down. It's not what you want."

"It is if it's with you." Puck stated.

Quinn looked at him.

"I'm not gonna settle down when all I've ever wanted was you and Beth." Puck reminded Quinn.

"Whenever things were really bad between me and Biff, I thought about packing a bag and flying to L.A. in the middle of the night." Quinn admitted. "And I always thought it was too late for the three of us."

Puck didn't say anything.

"But somehow you and I always find our way back."

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