Family Reunion

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"Uh... yeah... I'm not so sure about that" Rita said as she took another sip at her wine. "Really? Why is that? Because he's bad luck?" Suziko said after taking a big sip with a glare at a face. "Yes. Yes, that's why. How do you know about this?" Rita asked. "Mom told me. And she's pissed. How do we both know since we live on the other side of the world?" Suziko asked "Simple. Dad told her. And he's pretty livid, too" She added, but that's not all she had to say to her stubborn older sister. 

"But they're not as angry as I am. Rita, I thought I could trust you with my baby boy. I still remember giving him to you and Lynn when he was 2. I thought you would take care of him. I couldn't! I was too poor and sick to do so! Remember, Rita? Bad luck my ass!" Suziko said in a very angry tone. "You locked him outside in a squirrel suit?!" She was standing up now. "Yes! We couldn't have that stupid little jinx messing up everything!" Rita said before she was slapped by Suziko. "Don't EVER talk about my son like that ever again, bitch!" Suziko said. Rita was angry, standing up and facing Suziko. Suziko then had a realization with a shocked face. She gasped. "Is... he... still outside?!" Suziko said in a livid, dark, low tone.

She then ran to the back door and saw her son, lying there in the snow, slowly creeping to the verge of death. "LINCOLN! LINCOLN!" Suziko said as she ran to her son. "It's ok, Lincoln. Mamas got you. Mamas got you. Come here, my baby." Suziko said as she picked him up. She could hear him moaning in pain. As they got back in the house, she set him on the couch. "Lincoln? Lincoln? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" Suziko said in a very worried tone. "Hel... lo? Wh-wh-who's-s th-there?" Lincoln slurred in a raspy, stuttering, dry and barely coherent voice. The daughters and Lynn Sr. were in the room now. "It's ok, Lincoln. Your mama's here for you. I got you, baby." She said as she stroked his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Hello, Suziko..." Lynn Sr. said in an angry tone with a glare on his face. Suziko turned to see her brother-in-law. "Hey, Lynn" Suziko said in the same way, but more uninterested, too worried about her son. "Why are you here?" He asked in a cocky tone. "I'm here to take Lincoln back to Japan with me. I'm saving him from you monsters." She spoke. "You will never be allowed to see him again. I got the custody papers right there, in my car.". "Good. No more jinx." Luna said. "Good riddance. Get him out of here." Lynn Jr said. Suziko was holding back so much to not violently hurt those girls.

She ignored them all as she just slowly took off Lincoln's suit for him. She saw that his skin was almost as white as their hair. She also saw a bunch of bruises, rashes, cuts, and dried up blood all over his body, and snot lines on his face, as his nose and mouth looked redder than ever. She also saw that he was wearing his pjs, which were all torn up. She gasped as she put a hand over her mouth and tears were coming out. She then started sobbing. She turned around and shot a glare at her sister's family. She had eyes of death. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM?! HE'S AT THE GATE OF DEATH AND YOU'RE ALL LEAVING HIM TO DIE!!!" Suziko screeched. "You are to never see us again! Don't come over! Don't call! And don't come try to take him back, because I would just LOVE to see you try!" She yelled as she picked up Lincoln and took him to her car. He stunk like high Heaven. It just made her even more sad. How could someone do this to her boy? 

After turning on the car, turning on the seat warmers, and turning on the heat at full blast, she laid him down on the backseats and put a blanket over him. She placed a kiss on his temple and went to the front passenger seat to grab a certain paper.

To be continued...

End of chapter 2. Hope y'all enjoyed.

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