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It is Sunday, March 12th in the Tokyo International Airport. Lincoln and Suziko are saying their last goodbyes to Krysia, Marcel, and Liliana. Suziko said her goodbyes to them, it was now time for Lincoln to do so. "We had a wonderful time with you. I got to spend some time with my nephew and sister-in-law, and I am so happy about that!" Krysia said. "We were happy to be with you for a little bit too, Krysia." Suziko said. "Do you have anything to say, Lincoln?" Suziko asked her son. "Yes. Aunt Krysia, thank you for coming. It was really wonderful having an aunt to talk to. I loved making memories with you, and I hope to do so again in the future." Lincoln said. "Aww, thank you, kochane! I loved spending time with you too! I hope we spend some time together in the summer!" Krysia said before she hugged Lincoln. "I love you, kochane." Krysia said. "I love you, Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said as he kissed her cheek. After breaking the hug up, he spoke to his cousins. 

"Marcel, Liliana, it was wonderful having you two to talk to and I'm glad I helped you move past your problems. I'm also glad to spend time with my cousins too. I loved being with you both and I hope we can do the same again in the summer." Lincoln said. This warmed Marcel's and Liliana's hearts. They both hugged Lincoln. "Thank you, Lincoln." Marcel said. "We love you." Liliana said. "I love you guys too." Lincoln said before kissing both their cheeks. They then broke the hug. 

"Well, I guess this is it." Suziko said. "Yep." Krysia said. "Will we see you guys again?" Liliana asked. "Oh definitely. This is not the last time, and we will keep in contact with each other." Suziko said. "We got to go. Our plane is about to leave." Krysia said. "Goodbye everyone! We'll see you for summer!" Lincoln said. "Bye, Lincoln!" Marcel said. "Goodbye!" Liliana said. "Bye-bye you kochanes!" Krysia said. Suziko and Lincoln watched them get on the plane.

It cuts to mother and son in their car. "It was really wonderful having them over for a few weeks." Lincoln said. "It was. Your father's family are wonderful people." Suziko said. "Was my dad a good person." Lincoln asked. "He was an amazing person, but he was... broken..." Suziko said. "Broken?" Lincoln asked. "Yes. He wasn't very happy." Suziko said, "He may have seemed happy, but he discussed his inner feelings with me. You have to be careful with people, Lincoln. You never know what they're going through.". That's when a car cut them off and went over the speed limit. "Yeah, nice turn signal, fuckface." Suziko said angrily.

It cuts to them walking in their home. As they walked in, they turned on the TV. The news was on. "And this new story, in the little town of Royal Woods, Michigan, police are investigating a man named Lynn Loud Sr. and his wife Rita Loud for child abuse. They left outside a 12-year-old boy for being "bad luck". Luckily, Rita's sister, Sumiko Bridgette Weber, got him back and he is now living safe with her. Back to you, Brent." the TV said. 

"Wow... Lynn Sr. and Rita are being held for child abuse. It's public!" Suziko said. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Yeah. Lincoln, honey, I think we may have to go back to America a little bit for this hearing." Suziko said.

It cuts to somewhere in Poland. Krysia and her children are walking in their apartment. Krysia sighed and said, "Nie ma to jak w domu. Tęsknię za tym. Cieszę się, że wróciłem." (There's no place like home. I miss this. I'm glad to be back.). She then turned on the light. What she saw shocked her and made her yelp and jump. It was a man sitting in the recliner. He looked raggedy. You couldn't see his face. A baseball cap was covering his whole face except his mouth. She then took out a gun from her purse and pointed it at him. "KIM DO CHOLERY JESTEŚ I CO ROBISZ W MOIM DOMU?!" (WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!) She screamed. "Odłóż broń, Krysia." (Put the gun down, Krysia) the man said. He then lifted his baseball cap a little bit. It revealed his beard more, and his big green eyes. Krysia then lowered her gun slowly and said, "A-Antoni?".


In Sakura No Hana, Suziko is dialing her phone. After waiting for a little bit, she picks up. "Hello?" she hears a southern accent say. "Hey, Julietta." Suziko said. "Sumiko, darling! Hi! How are you doing?" Julietta said. "Pretty good. Lincoln's fine. How are you? How is it in Texas?" Suziko asked. "Wonderful, darling. Me and Dallas just got back from Louisiana. Seeing our Cajun family for a little bit. I also took Dally to that NF concert. He was so happy to see his favorite rapper! We want you and Lincoln to swing by sometime! We miss you!" Julietta said. "I miss you guys too. I will come over for the summer. You probably know the reason why." Suziko said. "No, I don't. Why, Sumiko?" Julietta asked. "Because of Lynn and Rita." Suziko said. "Is that because of the abuse cases?" Julietta asked. "Yes, actually. Lincoln and I will be stopping by before and after the cases. We will see you in Texas and then on the way back, Louisiana." Suziko said. "Alright, sugar. Call you later." Julietta said. "Bye, Jules." Suziko said before hanging up.

With Ema and her granddaughters, she is getting Lucy ready for her first day of school. Lucy just put on her school uniform. "Oh, my goodness! You look so cute! Smile!" Ema said as she took a picture of Lucy. That's when she heard her phone ringing. "Hold on, koibito. I'll be back." Ema said. "Ok, Grandma Ema." Lucy said. She then heard her talk in Japanese. After a few minutes, Ema finally came back. "Ok. Lucy, I have bad news. Your parents may go to jail." Ema said. "W-what?!" Lucy said shocked. "Yes. They will be going to court in June. You and Leni will have to testify." Ema said. "I better go tell Leni." Lucy said. Ema understood and nodded.

In Poland, Krysia was frozen. She hadn't seen her brother in a long time. Marcel and Liliana were also stunned. This is the first time they had seen their uncle in years. "Antoniego? Czy to naprawdę ty? Czy to naprawdę... tak długo?" (Antoni? Is it really you? Has it really been... that long?) Krysia asked almost quietly. "Tak, to ja, siostrzyczka... i tak. Minęło już tak dużo czasu." (Yes, it's me, little sister... and yes. It's been so long.) Antoni said. He then got up out of the recliner and opened up his arms. Krysia wasted no time running into his arms. "Tak bardzo za tobą tęskniłem, starszy bracie!" (I missed you so much, big brother!) Krysia wept joyfully. She had tears of joy. "Ja też za tobą tęskniłem, siostrzyczko." (I missed you too, baby sister.) Antoni said as he hugged her back, he got a little teary and choked up but still managed to have the same expression and same emotion but deep deep down, he was emotionally shattered, "też za tobą tęskniłam." (I missed you too).

Marcel and Liliana saw this, and they couldn't resist any longer. They then hugged their uncle. Zofia's spirit grew a smile on her lips as she was watching. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 50. Hope you all enjoyed!

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