Introducing Zuzanna

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It is in Sakura No Hana the next day. Krysia and Suziko are in the living room discussing plans on what to do for the summer. "Maybe we could go to Almeria." Krysia said. "Spain?" Suziko asked. "Oh, yeah. It is beautiful in the summer. They have a waterpark there too that Lincoln, Marcel and Liliana would all enjoy." Krysia said, "And trust me, we all look like we could use a tan. Especially Lincoln". "That actually sounds perfect. All of the above. Plus, it's perfect for Lincoln. Back in America, the doctor said that when it's warm out, Lincoln needs to get sunlight as much as possible to restore his natural skin tone. He looked like a ghoul when I first saw him in years." Suziko said. "That poor boy. I would never do that to my babies. I couldn't imagine. I love them way too much to do anything so horrible." Krysia said. 

"Would that be something Thomas would do?" Suziko asked. "Please don't mention that Dutch dupek's (asshole's) name to my face. He makes me uncontrollably mad. I love him, give him two children, he cheats on me with a Korean woman, runs off and marries her. I despise him. The next time I see him, I'm cutting his bitterballens off." Krysia said angrily. "Sorry." Suziko said. "It is not your fault. Sorry for blowing up there." Krysia said. "Do you ever plan on remarrying?" Suziko asked. "No, I do not need a man. All I need are my children." Krysia said, "The main reason I took full custody of Marcel and Liliana is because I don't want him to be a bad influence on them. Especially Marcel. I don't want Marcel thinking it's ok to break a woman's heart like that.". 

Lincoln is with Marcel and Liliana in his room. They are currently telling stories to each other while sitting crisscross on Lincoln's bed. Lincoln was telling stories about his childhood in Royal Woods and Marcel and Liliana were telling stories about their childhoods in Warsaw. "Really? They beat you up? Just for some money?" Liliana asked in disbelief. "Yep." Lincoln said. "That one sounds more bullshit than the one about you being a servant." Marcel said. "Well, they're a terrible family." Lincoln said. That's where they then heard a voice that said, "MARCEL! LILIANA! LINCOLN! GET READY BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO THE PARK!". "Well, we better go downstairs. See you in a few minutes." Marcel said as he and Liliana walked downstairs. 

It cuts to them at Sakura No Hana Park. It was beautiful. There were cherry blossom trees and pink everywhere. Liliana and Lincoln were throwing the frisbee to each other, Suziko was throwing peas and chopped up carrots to the ducks at the pond, and Krysia was taking pictures of her family. 

As Marcel was walking down the park, he noticed a very familiar teenage girl.

As Marcel was walking down the park, he noticed a very familiar teenage girl

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"Zuzanna?" he spoke. Then, she noticed him. "Marcel?" she said. That's when the girl started walking up closer to him. She then grew a smile as she ran to him. "Marcel!" she exclaimed happy. "Zuzanna!" Marcel exclaimed as he hugged her. "O mój Boże! Tak bardzo za Tobą tęskniłem!" (Oh my God! I missed you so much!) Zuzanna exclaimed as she hugged him. "Też za tobą tęskniłam!" (I missed you too!) Marcel exclaimed. They then broke the hug. "Co Ty tutaj robisz?" (What are you doing here?) Zuzanna asked. "Odwiedzanie rodziny" (Visiting family) Marcel said, (Co Ty tutaj robisz?) "What are you doing here?". "Mój ojciec jest w podróży służbowej i chciał zabrać mnie i moją mamę." (My father is on a business trip and wanted to take me and my mum.) Zuzanna explained, "Mam dla ciebie kilka specjalnych rzeczy." (I have some special things for you.). "Naprawdę? czym oni są?" (Really? what are they?) Marcel asked. "Cóż, to jest jeden z nich." (Well, this is one of them.) Zuzanna said. She then pulled Marcel into a kiss.

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