Krysia tells her story

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Later that night, Lincoln is in his room. He then hears a knock on the door. "Open!" Lincoln said. That's when his aunt Krysia came into his room. "Hi kochanie." Krysia said. "Hi, Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said. "Lincoln... I want to you a little story... remember when Suziko told you about your father's overdose?" Krysia said. Lincoln nodded. "Well... I have a story of my own to tell you..." Krysia said as she sat on Lincoln's bed. "Well, me and your father had not-so-happy childhoods. We grew up in poverty in the rough, dangerous, and poor parts of Wrocław." Krysia said, "Our father, your grandfather, was a drinker and a gambler. He was gone about 30% of our childhoods. We were on our own. Your father, he... was part of a gang. There was a rival gang that constantly bothered us. He was part of the Zmije. Vipers in English. The rivals were Smocza furia. Dragon's fury in English. One night, there was a move that changed AND scarred both our lives...". Krysia said.

November 1999, Wrocław

It was 1999. 16-year-old Krysia was running away from home. She was bawling ugly tears as she ran. She also had some fresh black eyes and bruises on her face along with some bleeding. It was too dark for her to see almost anything. It had to be between midnight and 4:00. Why is she crying you ask? She just got into a thing with her father. 

After running a little bit, Krysia found herself at the city fountain. This is where she stopped. She then sat down at the edge of the fountain and let it out completely. She wept for what seemed like hours though it was only 7 minutes until, "KRYSIA!". She heard a familiar voice. She heard it from her right. She looked and saw what looked like a flashlight blasting her eyes. She couldn't see who it was though. As the light got closer, she started to see who it was. It was her big brother. "ANTONI!" Krysia cried out in joy as she ran to her big brother and hugged him. "Skąd wiedziałeś, że tu jestem?" (How did you know I was here?) Krysia asked. "Siostrzyczko, śledziłam cię przez cały ten czas!" (Little sister, I've been following you all this time!) Antoni said. "Naprawdę? Dlaczego?" (Really? Why?) Krysia asked. "Bo co jeśli po prostu pójdziemy do domu i spróbujemy go zignorować?" (Because what if we just go home and try to ignore him?) Antoni asked. "Nie... nie... widziałeś, co on próbował zrobić... Nie mogę." (No... no... you saw what he was trying to do... I can't) Krysia said. "Znowu cię dotyka... to koniec... SKOŃCZYŁ" (He touches you again... it's over... HE'S FINISHED.) Antoni said, "Nikt nie dotknie mojej siostrzyczki..." (No one touches my baby sister...). Krysia then hugged him again and cried. He wrapped his arms around her. 

"Możesz ukryć się w moim pokoju" (You can hide in my room) Antoni said. "Ale co jeśli on cię skrzywdzi?" (But what if he hurts you?) Krysia asked. "Ból mi nie przeszkadza... Już się do tego przyzwyczaiłem..." (Pain doesn't bother me... I'm used to it...) Antoni said. This pained Krysia a little bit more when he said that. 

Their hug was broken up when they saw flashing lights on a car roll up. Outside came 4 young adults. They all wore black hoodies, knee-high boots, ripped jeans and bandanas over their faces. One of them pulled down their mask and said, "Cześć Antoni. Co taki smolisty gryzoń jak ty tu robi?" (Hi Antoni. What's a tarry rodent like you doing here?). "Co ty tu kurwa robisz, Michal?" (What the fuck are you doing here, Michael?) Antoni said. "Po prostu wpadnij... pobaw się z kilkoma Zmije... wiesz jak to idzie..." (Just drop by... play with some Vipers... you know how it goes...) Michal said, "Wkurzyć cię" (Piss you off). "Jak?" (How?) Antoni asked. "Jak... wykorzystywanie twojej siostry..." (Like... taking advantage of you sister...) Michal said as he immediately got up to Krysia. Now she was scared as she looked at the rival's creepy smile. 

"Tak piękna pani... masz mężczyznę?" (Such a beautiful lady... do you have a man?) Michal asked. "Nie... ale NIE będziesz moja!" (No... but you will NOT be mine!) Krysia snapped at him. "Nie podoba mi się ten ton... może powinienem dać ci nauczkę, jeśli nie znasz swoich manier." (I don't like that tone... maybe I should teach you a lesson if you don't know your manners) Michal said as he grabbed Krysia by the back of her head and shoved her face into the water fountain. She was struggling to get out of the water so badly. She couldn't hold on to her breath for much longer. She tried to break free, but Michal's hand was too strong to get away from. Suddenly, his hand went off of her. She immediately took her head out of the water and was coughing and taking deep breaths. She even coughed up some water. When she snapped back into her senses, she saw Antoni just standing there frozen with wide eyes. The other three rival gang members were shocked as they ran to their car and drove away. 

"A-Antoni? Co się stało?" (A-Antoni? What happened?) Krysia asked. She then noticed her older brother was staring at the ground and breathing heavily. She looked to where he was looking. Neither of them would be the same because of what they saw. It was Michal's dead body lying there. A pool of blood slowly getting bigger coming out from the side of his neck. Krysia saw this and gasped as she put a hand over her mouth. "Jak to się stało?!" (How did this happen?!) Krysia asked. That's where she noticed her brother was holding a switchblade in his hand. It was covered in blood. 

They were both frozen. Krysia was crying again and covering her hands with her face. Antoni just stood there frozen. No expression on his face, just... emotionless. 

Present day

"Then we ran away for a few weeks. We were caught and Antoni was put in trial. He was found not guilty after it was declared self-defense. But it was not over. The other gang wanted revenge. They went all out war on Antoni's gang. Thankfully and fortunately, he managed to escape." Krysia said. "Wow..." Lincoln said, "I... didn't know dad... killed somebody..." Lincoln said, "But he was trying to protect you. So, there was a good reason behind it.". "Yep. And that Michal asshole deserved it. He is rotting in hell right now." Krysia said. "He definitely deserved it." Lincoln said, he then looked at the time, "It's late. I have to go to sleep.". "I do too. Well, good night, kochane." Krysia said. "Good night, Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said. Krysia kissed his temple and walked out of the room.

It cuts the morning time. Leni is in front of the Sakura No Hana Private School building. She is in her school uniform (which she thought was dazzling on her). She is nervous. Very nervous. Her first day at a new school. Thank goodness her grandma Ema taught her some Japanese. She was doing a lot better than she thought. She started to walk and eventually walked in. As she was walking in the school, she accidentally tripped and fell. "My goodness are you okay?" she heard a feminine Japanese accent. She looked up to see a teenage girl that looked to be her age with pink hair and blue eyes. 

"Huh? Oh, yes, I'm fine!" Leni said as she got back up

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"Huh? Oh, yes, I'm fine!" Leni said as she got back up. She was now face to face with the girl. "Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Leni asked her. "Oh, I'm Miyako Shikimori. What's yours?" Shikimori asked Leni. "My name is Leni Loud. I'm new here and I just moved. I live with my grandma and my 2 baby sisters." Leni said. "I'm assuming you're from America?" Shikimori asked. "Yep." Leni said. "Wow. You're our 2nd new student here this year." Shikimori said. "Really?" Leni asked. "Yep. Our first was this one boy who also came from America, he was apparently kicked out and abused by his old family and was called "bad luck." Something stupid." Shikimori said. 

Leni then had a shocked face with wide eyes. "A-are you ok?" Shikimori asked. "Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Totally ok." Leni said. "Alright well... see you at lunch!" Shikimori said. "Ok, see you there!" Leni said as they parted. She then thought of something. "Oh, wait! Shikimori!" Leni said as she ran back to her. "Yes, what is it, Leni?" Shikimori asked. "Does this mean we're friends now?" Leni asked. "Sure!" Shikimori said as she shrugged. "Ok see you at lunch!" Leni said as she went back to walking.

To be continued...

End of chapter 45. Hope you all enjoyed! 


A/N: I based this chapter off of "The Outsiders". Amazing book. In that situation, Krysia was like Ponyboy and Antoni was like a mix of Sodapop and Johnny.

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