Second day of school!

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It is nighttime and Lincoln is in his room. He is looking at the number Akari gave him. He decided to take out his phone and go to contacts. He pressed add contact and put her number in it. He then put down "Akari" on it and set it. 

After dinner with his mother, he brushed his teeth, changed into his pajamas and went to bed.

It cuts to next morning when Lincoln gets out of his room in his school uniform, already to go. He grabbed his backpack and went downstairs. He was greeted by his mother who was putting makeup on her face in the living room. "Good morning, sweetie." Suziko said. "Good morning, Mama" Lincoln said. "You ready to go?" Suziko asked. "Ready" Lincoln said. "Good. Glad to see both of us ready." she said as she closed her makeup kit and put it away.

It cuts to Lincoln and Suziko in the car together. Suziko is driving Lincoln to school. "So, what are some of your classes today?" Suziko asked. "Well, I have chemistry. Surprisingly, our teacher is American. His name is Mr. White. I heard he's really rude." Lincoln said. "I remember dealing with rude teachers. Anyway, I'm sorry for that. Go ahead, honey." Suziko said. "Then, there's sex ed." Lincoln said. "THAT'S RIGHT! I have to give him 'the talk'!" Suziko thought screaming in her head. It isn't going to be easy, but it has to come. "There's study hall, which is fun. just an hour of nothing!" Lincoln said. "Uh-huh" Suziko said. 

"I hope I have at least a class or two with that Akari girl." Lincoln said with a dreamy smile on his face. "Oh, so that's her name." Suziko said, "You know Lincoln, I do want you and that girl together. I definitely support it. But remember, be careful what you do. Don't go around breaking young girl's hearts. Be careful who you love and be careful what you do. Be a good boy. I know you are one.". Lincoln nodded.

It cuts to Lincoln waving bye to Suziko and then walking inside. As he's walking, he sees Akari jumping up and down, waving at him, trying to get his attention. Lincoln saw her, waved back, and walked over to Akari. "Hi, Akari! How are you?" Lincoln asked. "Hi there, Lincoln-san! Doing great, now that you're here." Akari said. Lincoln smiled at her comment and asked, "So, what's your first period?". "Chemistry" Akari replied. "Hey, that's what I have first period!" Lincoln said. "Really? Wow!" Akari said, "But, just to let you know, Mr. White is kind of an asshole.". "I heard. I've dealt with asshole teachers before. Nothing new for me." Lincoln said, "Do you know where the class is?" Lincoln asked. "Um, yeah. Follow me." Akari said as they started walking.


As Lincoln and Akari walked in, they were greeted by a bald man with a beard and glasses. "Hello there, Miss Nakamura, Mr. Nowak, I'm assuming." Mr. White said. "Yep." Lincoln said. "Hmm... I just hope that you are a good student like Akira and not a little screw up like a good handful of the kids here." Mr. White said to Lincoln. Lincoln gulped and said, "You have my word. I was the best student in class at my old school for science stuff.". "I better hope so" Mr. White said as he slowly walked to his desk. 

"He scares me, like he's doing something bad." Lincoln said. "Oh, he's like that with everyone. Even me." Akari said. "Really?" Lincoln asked. Akari nodded her head yes. "Wow" Lincoln said. 

It cuts to Lincoln and Akari at a table together. Mr. White assigned everyone to partner up and Lincoln and Akari decided to partner up. They were working on an empty periodic table. They had to put all on the elements in the correct place. Akari was surprised. Lincoln was nailing it. "FE, which is iron goes right there." Lincoln said pointing to the correct place, "and NA, which is sodium, goes right there." Lincoln said. "Wow, Lincoln, you're doing great at this!" Akari said surprised. "Am I?" Lincoln asked. "Yeah, out of all the partners I had, you were definitely the fastest!" Akari replied. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Definitely! I still remember my last partner; he was dumb as a rock." Akari said as she laughed. Lincoln laughed too.

As the rest of class went on, Lincoln and Akira finished their project. Lincoln and Akira were sitting at the same table in the back as they were watching the teacher give instruction. As Lincoln was watching, he felt Akria's touch his. They both quickly pulled their hands back from each other. "Sorry!" They both whispered. They both had rosey cheeks. 


Study hall was boring and fun at the same time for Lincoln. It was in the auditorium. He didn't really know what to do with his time. That's when he noticed Kenji and Yui. Lincoln then quietly and sneakily walked over to their chairs. "Hey guys" He whispered. This shocked both Kenji and Yui. "Oh... hi, Lincoln-San!" Yui whispered to him with a smile. "Did I scare ya?" Lincoln asked with a grin on his face. "N-no" Kenji said quietly while crossing his arms. "Haha, he can't admit it" Yui said quietly taunting him. "Y-yes I can!" Kenji said quietly glaring at her. "Kenji wa kowai nekodesu! Kenji wa kowai nekodesu! (Kenji's a scaredy cat! Kenji's a scaredy cat!)" Yui mockingly sang to him. Kenji took a harder glare at her. "Guys, guys, calm down. Calm down." Lincoln said chuckling a little bit, "Let's all get along here, ok?". Kenji and Yui huffed. "Come on, now. Shake on it." Lincoln said. That's when Yui offered her hand to Kenji, who sighed and shook her hand. "Good. Now, can we get along?" Lincoln asked. "Ok" Kenji and Yui said.

"Alright, now, since study hall is pretty boring, I want to have some fun!" Lincoln said. "Well, what is there to do? It's just nothing but sitting in an auditorium seat." Kenji said. "Well, I have an idea. The teacher usually just stays in a room and doesn't care, right?" Lincoln asked. "Yeah" Yui said.  "Then, follow me" Lincoln said as he got up sneakily as his 2 friends followed. 

"Where are we going?" Yui asked. "Just follow me. I'm not going to spoil anything" Lincoln said. They stopped when they approached a door. "Alright. I found a way to get onto the stage" Lincoln said as he opened the door. It was the stage which was covered by the drapes. "What are going to do in here?" Kenji asked. "That is up to you. Like do you just want to talk, play a game, like what?" Lincoln asked. "We can play truth or dare" Yui asked. "That sounds fun" Kenji said. "I'm down" Lincoln said. "I'll start. Kenji, truth or dare?" Yui said. 

For the next half hour, they played this. It is now Lincoln's turn. "Lincoln, truth or dare?" Yui asked. "Truth" Lincoln said. "Who is your biggest crush?" Yui asked a little excitedly. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Um, yeah" Yui said, a little excited in her voice. "Okay, you want me to be honest? OK" Lincoln said as he took a deep sigh. Yui was getting a little excited now. "It is... Akari Nakamura." Lincoln said. Yui's mood quickly changed from excited to... broken. "Akari? Wow. She's really cute." Kenji said. "Akari..." Yui said a little sad. The bell rang as they all got up. After saying goodbye, they separated. 

Lincoln was walking and saw Yui in a distance. He saw that she was sad for some reason. He decided to walk to her. As he walked up to her, he asked her, "Hey, Yui, what's wrong?". "Oh, hi, Lincoln. Nothing. Nothing's wrong." She spoke. "You sure?" Lincoln asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." Yui said. "Remember, if there's someone to talk to, it can always be me." Lincoln said. "OK. Thank you, Lincoln-San", She said. Lincoln hugged her. "Bestie" Lincoln said. Yui smiled, hugged him back and said, "Bestie.".


After sex ed class, it is now the end of the day as Lincoln is walking in Suziko's car. "Hey, honey, how was your day?" Suziko asked. "It was fine. I had study hall, chemistry and sex ed. Sex ed... wow..." Lincoln said. Suziko gulped and said "Lincoln, I have to tell you something about that." Suziko said. "Yeah, what is it?" Lincoln asked.

It cuts to Lincoln and Suziko pulling up at their home, parking, and exiting the car. "But wait, why would people do that?" Lincoln asked. "Some people just don't know how to control their urges. They're so stupid, they would start going left and right just for that stuff. Lincoln, promise me you won't end up like that." Suziko said. "I promise you I won't end up like that, Mama" Lincoln said. "Good. I know my son is smarter than that." Suziko said as they walked inside.

To be continued...

End of chapter 18. Hope you all enjoyed! Peace!

A/N: Those references are NOT mini crossovers. They are just mere references.

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