Linkari Nowakamura

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In Sakura No Hana, Lincoln and Akari are in the living room to Lincoln's house. "My name, Lincoln? Well, it's a name that runs in my mother's family. My great-grandfather's name was Lincoln. I used to have this middle name that used to be "Marie". I hated that name. Thankfully, my mother gave me 2 meaningful middle names. Kanata, which my mother insisted on when she was pregnant with me apparently and Robert, which was my father's, grandfather's, great-grandfather's and so on's middle name. My full name is Lincoln Kanata Robert Nowak, which sounds way better than Lincoln Marie Loud." Lincoln explained his middle name. 

"Wow! My name has lots of meaning too!" Akari said. "Tell me." Lincoln said. "Well, Nakamura means "middle village". My ancestors in the medieval time were local village farmers who kept the entire village fed." Akari said, "Do you want to know what my first name means?". "Sure." Lincoln said. "My first name, Akari, means "lights" or vermillion or cinnabar lights, which might explain my love for the color red so much." Akari explained. "Well, that must explain you a lot." Lincoln said. "What do you mean?" Akari replied. "Well, you are partially the light in my life." Lincoln said. "Aww, Lincoln-San!" Akari replied as she blushed. Lincoln kissed Akari's temple which made her giggle.

"So, what does your white hair come from?" Akari asked. "Apparently, it comes from an Anglo-Saxon tribe during the 5th century. Something about the lack of sun + the cold air caused the hair to go from blonde to white." Lincoln said. "Wow... you know, Lincoln-San, I was always stunned by how smart you were." Akari said. "Oh, come on, I'm just a mid-wit. My IQs probably just around 100 or 101. Nothing special." Lincoln said. "No, I actually think you're smarter than that." Akari said. "What do you think?" Lincoln asked. "I'm guessing you are between 110 and 130." Akari said. "You really think so?" Lincoln asked. "Oh, I know so." Akari said.

In Great Lakes city, Lori is packing her things. As she zipped up her suitcase, Bobby entered the room. "Oh hey, babe, what are you doing?" he asked. "Bobby, I got some news." Lori said. "What is it?" Bobby asked. "I-I'm breaking up with you." Lori said. "What?!" Bobby said, "WHY?!".

"Well, over the time since my aunt retook Lincoln in... I've been realizing that you, Ronnie Anne, and I have been part of the problem and I realize now that to better myself, I must cut out all the people that are holding me back and keeping me this way." Lori said firmly. 

"Wha-what?! Lori! Please! I can change! Please! I can better myself!" Bobby pleaded as he went on his knees begging for forgiveness. Lori just rolled her eyes and walked out leaving Bobby crying in his room. "He wasn't even that good looking or charming and he was too clingy anyway." she muttered to herself.

After walking out of the apartment, Lori walked outside. She called up a number and pressed "call". "Hello, Carol, can I stay at your place?" she asked, "Uh-huh, uh-huh, ok, great. Meet you there. Bye.". She then hung up. Lori found a nearby taxi and walked into it. 

In Sakura No Hana, Lincoln is talking about his past relationships with Akari. "So, there was Paige, she rejected me after I sent her an admittedly creepy love letter, there was Christina, who punched me in the face after finding a video of me kissing a picture of her taped to a balloon and you already know about Ronnie Anne. To be honest, she wasn't very attractive." Lincoln said. "Wow... in your old life you were..." Akari said trying to look for the nicest word. "Creepy? Yeah, I know. Before I moved to Japan, I was this weak, scrawny, wimpy, geeky, creepy kid who had little to no social skills. I was all sorts of unattractive." Lincoln said. 

"Wait, about the love letter, did you say all of your siblings except the oldest did it?" Akari asked. "Yep. There was one who liked a girl. That was Luna. She was bi." Lincoln said. "Really? Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Akari said. "Oh no. In my honest opinion, love who you want to love as long as it doesn't involve someone who is too young, an elderly, more than one lover or an animal." Lincoln said. "Yeah. Gross!" Akari said agreeing.

"Anyway, it took me a little while to finally find the perfect girl." Lincoln said. Akari blushed at this. She then shocked him by kissing on the lips which he returned. After breaking the kiss, they smiled at each other. 

"Aww, how cute is that?" they heard a voice. They turned to see Suziko. "Oh, hi, mama." Lincoln said. "You two would make great husband and wife when you're both adults." Suziko said. This made them both blush. "Also, when you do grow up and get married, I want grandbabies." Suziko said. "Uh, wha-" Lincoln was interrupted. "YOU HEARD ME! I WANT GRANDBABIES TO LOVE ON AND SPOIL!!" Suziko said. Lincoln just froze at this. "O...k?" he said confused.

In Royal Woods Jail, Lynn Sr. and Rita are trying to hatch a plan to get out of prison. "So, what should we do? Bribe the judge, manipulate the jury, what?" Rita asked. "Trust me. I know my ways." Lynn Sr. said.

In Sakura No Hana, Lincoln and Akari are discussing Lincoln's court dates. "Lincoln-San, when you go to America, can I come with you? I know it may not sound like a good idea, but I just want to see what America is like. I'm really fascinated with America and western culture and would love to see it. Especially if you never traveled outside of your own country." Akari said. "I would love for you to, Akari-girl. I think you'd love it there. Some Americans like to talk about how bad America is, but don't realize how lucky they are to live in America." Lincoln said. "Really?" Akari asked. "Yep." Lincoln said.

In Ema's and Albert's house, Leni has invited Shikimori's and Izumi's friends over for 2 reasons: to get to know Leni better and to copy off her homework. They were all finished with the homework part. 

"So, wait, they kicked him out? Why didn't you say anything?" a girl named Kyo Neozaki said. "Well, because I was threatened to get the same treatment. I couldn't even help him either. All I could do was just watch him suffer." Leni said. "My goodness, that is horrible. I couldn't imagine the unbearable pain he went through. That family is horrible." a boy named Shu Inuzuka said. "Yep. Karma is eventually coming up to them." Leni said. "What do you mean?" a girl named Yui Hatchimitsu asked. "They're going to court. I'm going to testify." Leni said. "Yep. Your parents are going to lose." a girl named Ai Kamiya said. "Well clearly. I don't think they are smart enough to manipulate this one. You all know what's crazy? Ever since I moved to Japan, I have been feeling so much smarter. Back in America, I felt so ditzy and dumb, especially after I ate. Now, I feel... logical and normal." Leni said. This left her peers wondering. 

Ema then walked in with her homemade tea. "Motto ocha o." (More tea) Ema said as she put the tray down. "Tanaka-San, arigatōgozaimashita." (Thank you, Mrs. Tanaka.) they all (Except Leni) said. "Thank you, Grandma Ema." Leni said. "Dōitashimashite, okosma-tachi." (You are welcome, children) Ema said before walking out. 

They all took a sip of their drinks. After that, Hatchimitsu asked, "So, Leni, I got a question, who were your old friends?". "My old friends? Well, their names were Fiona, Mandee, Jackie, and Miguel. We all worked at a store called Reninger's. It was a Clothes shop. I thought they were my friends until I saw them throw trash at Lincoln in the squirrel suit. I cut off all contact ever since." Leni said. "Those don't sound like friends. They sound like fakes." Izumi said. "Trust me, I thought they were friends." Leni said. "You can trust us, Leni. We'd never do anything foul like that." Shikimori said. "Thank you, Shikimori." Leni said. "By the way, thank you for letting us copy your homework." Nekozaki said. "Anytime." Leni said.

It cuts to Ustka. Krysia is walking around the town looking for job applications. She loved Ustka. It was a beautiful, safe beach town. As she was looking around, she saw a little sidewalk area. She suddenly had memories of her and Antoni getting ice cream there as children. She looked at the beach, she had memories of her, her mother and her brother all going to the beach on that area. She looked at the ocean, she had memories of herself as a teenager surfing there. Krysia then continued walking as she had wiped a tear from her left eye.

To be continued...

End of chapter 63. Hope you all enjoyed! 

Peace out!

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