Bad News

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In Poland, Krysia is going through her mail. Marcel is on a date with Zuzanna and Liliana is at her friend, Jonathan's house. She is now at the last envelope. It says, "OTWIERAĆ NATYCHMIAST" (OPEN IMMEDIATELY). "Hmm?" she muttered as she opened the envelope. What she saw made her gasp. "OGŁOSZENIE O EKSMISJI?!" (EVICTION NOTICE?!) Krysia screamed. She nearly collapsed when she saw the letter. That's when she heard a knock on the door. 

She calmed herself down, went to the door and opened it. It was the landlord. He was mean and cold hearted. "Dzień dobry Krysia." (Good day, Krysia.) He spoke. "Czego pan chce, panie Bartosz? DLACZEGO MNIE WYBIERASZ?!" (What do you want, Mr. Bartosz? WHY ARE YOU KICKING ME OUT?!) Krysia said. "Cóż, nie nadążasz z czynszem... Nie płacisz wystarczająco... Mogę to kontynuować, proszę pani." (Well, you can't keep up with the rent... You're not paying enough... I can go on with this, ma'am.) Mr. Bartosz said. 

"Cóż, próbujesz być singlem, wychowując dwójkę dzieci i mając okropną pracę, która nie daje ci wiele! Jestem biedna, bo mój były mąż zabrał prawie wszystkie moje pieniądze i uciekł z inną kobietą!" (Well, you're trying to be single with two kids and a terrible job that doesn't get you much! I'm poor because my ex-husband took almost all my money and ran off with another woman!) Krysia said to him, "Czy jest jakiś sposób, żebym mógł tu zostać jeszcze przez CO NAJMNIEJ kolejny miesiąc?" (Is there any way I can stay here for AT LEAST another month?). "Hmm, dobrze..." (Hmm, well) Mr. Bartosz said as he got closer to Krysia, then putting his hands on her shoulders, Krysia had a scared look on her face, "Mógłbyś coś dla mnie zrobić... na przykład w łóżku..." (You could do some things for me... like in bed...). Krysia had an offended look on her face. She turned around and punched him square in the nose. 

"Ah! ty suko!" (Ah! You bitch!) Mr. Bartosz yelled. "NIGDY nie sprzedam ci swojego ciała!" (I will NEVER sell you, my body!) Krysia screamed, "TY PIEPRZONA ŚWINIU!" (YOU FUCKING PIG!). She then pushed him out of the room and slammed the door shut. Krysia then laid down on her couch, put her face into a pillow and cried for what seemed like hours. 

A few hours later, Marcel comes back home. "Cześć mamo." (Hi, mother.) He says as he sees his mother sleeping on the couch. "Hmm? Och, jak tam moje słoneczko?" (Hmm? Oh, how's my sunshine?) Krysia said, smiling as she saw her son. She then got up off the couch and hugged him. "Mamo, czuję, że coś jest nie tak. Co się dzieje?" (Mom, I feel something is wrong. What's going on?) He asked a little worried, noticing that something felt off. "Marcel, kochanie, nie ma sposobu, żebym mógł ci powiedzieć to w miły sposób, więc powiem ci prawdę, dobrze kochanie?" (Marcel, sweetie, there's no way I can tell you this in a nice way, so I'll tell you the truth, okay baby?) Krysia warned her son. Marcel nodded, getting ready for the truth. "Zostaliśmy eksmitowani i musimy wyjechać do końca miesiąca." (We have been evicted and have to leave by the end of the month.) Krysia said. That hit Marcel like a ton of bricks. 

"O nie... jak powiemy Liliana?" (Oh no... how do we tell Liliana?) Marcel said. "Nie wiem. Prawdopodobnie będziemy musieli jej po prostu powiedzieć." (I don't know. We'll probably just have to tell her.) Krysia said. Marcel nodded.

A few minutes have passed, and Liliana walked in the door to see her family. "Cześć rodzino." (Hello, family.) the teenage girl said. "Witaj mój kwiatku." (Hello, my flower.) Krysia said. "Siostro... mamy wieści... i nie są dobre." (Sister... we have news... and it's not good) Marcel said. "Dlaczego? Co jest nie tak? Co się dzieje?" (Why? What is wrong? What's going on?) Liliana asked a little anxious. "Liliana, jesteśmy eksmitowani." (Liliana, we're being evicted.) Krysia said as she put an arm on her shoulder.

"Oh... zostaniemy wyrzuceni? Gdzie pójdziemy? co będziemy robić? Co się z nami stanie?! Czy skończymy na ulicach? CO?! CO?! CO?!" (Oh... will we be kicked out? Where will we go? what are we going to do? What will happen to us?! Will we end up in the streets? WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?!) Liliana said panicking. This was now the old Liliana. The Liliana that Marcel and Krysia knew. The chatterbox Liliana. She was back to her old self.

"Nie wiem. Nie wiem, córko! Ale posłuchaj mnie. Ty też, Marcel, chodź tutaj." (I don't know. I don't know, daughter! But listen to me. You too, Marcel, come here.) Krysia said. Marcel walked up to his mother and sister. "Będę musiał nas zawieźć do pustego hotelu, który jest w DOBRYM stanie, ale tani. Coś, co nie jest za dużo złota. Mam plan. Twoja mama ZAWSZE ma plan, dobrze?" (I will have to drive us to an empty hotel which is in GOOD condition but cheap. Something that is not too much gold. I have a plan. Your mom ALWAYS has a plan, okay? I will have to drive us to an empty hotel which is in GOOD condition but cheap. Something that is not too much money. I have a plan. Your mother ALWAYS has a plan, okay?) Krysia said to her children. They both nodded.

Meanwhile in Great Lakes City in the Casagrande's house, Ronnie Anne is angry. "I just don't believe it! How could he like other girls?" she asked in a bitter tone. "But aren't you guys broken up? Why do you care who he dates?" Sid asked. "I don't think he should be able to! He should be running back to me!" Ronnie Anne said. "Isn't that a little toxic?" Sid asked. "I don't care!" Ronnie Anne said.

With Lori and Bobby, Lori is venting about how stressed she is. "I literally can't take it right now! My parents are in jail facing court right now, my siblings are stuck in my Aunt Ruth's home, and Leni took custody of Lucy and Lily and fled to Japan! Pop-pop went to Canada too! None of this would've ever happened if my stupid aunt never came to get the bad luck!" Lori raged. 

"Babe, calm down. I'm sure everything will be fine, and your parents will be out of jail. I'm SURE Leni, Lucy and Lily will come back." Bobby said. "Thank you, boo-boo-bear." Lori said. "You're welcome, babe." Bobby said. "Wait, is that Lincoln?" Maria said pointing to the TV. "In other international news, Lincoln Nowak, formerly Lincoln Loud, the boy who was kicked out of his house for being "bad luck", is dominating the basketball court in Japan. The boy has lead his team to a 3-game winning streak as he just got done with their fourth game. Chances are high that they he will lead them to the playoffs. Back to you, Richard." the TV anchor said.

Meanwhile in Royal Woods, Lynn is watching the news right now and she has an angry look on her face that could kill. She was gripping and squeezing her basketball so hard that it popped.

To be continued...

End of chapter 59. Hope you all enjoyed!

Peace out! 

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