Find Another Place to Feed Your Greed While I Find a Place to Rest

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PLEASE READ THIS: Now BEFORE anyone gets on to me, I don't know ANYTHING about custody laws. Please correct me about them. I will fix it. Thank you. 

In her car, Suziko grabbed a pen. She then wrote her name on the paper. Suziko walked to the front door and opened it. She then waved the papers at Lynn Sr. and Rita. "I just got full custody. You just lost all of it." Suziko said with a smirk on her face. "Wait! Wait! Before you guys go, I want to talk to my... *clears throat* cousin." Lynn Jr. said. "Make it quick. Say your last words before we leave." Suziko said. She knew her niece was up to no good. 

As she walked to the car, she opened the door and saw Lincoln there. She pounded her fists together and said, "1 last time. I'm going to enjoy this.". She raised her fist, but she felt something grab her hand. She turned around to see her aunt with her fist in her hand. Suziko had a death glare that would kill of it could. 

Suziko slowly squeezed Lynn's hand, increasingly putting pressure in it. Lynn Jr. started to cry in pain. "Don't. Ever. Touch. Him. Again." Suziko said in a low, threating voice, "Understand?". Lynn Jr. nodded yes and Suziko shoved her away, looked at Lincoln for a moment, then closed the door. Suziko then walked back into the house. "I'm here to get his stuff. Where is his room?" She asked. "Oh, we had to throw it all away because it was so cursed" Rita said. "I'm sorry... what?!" Suziko said as she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, "You threw him out and threw away all his stuff?! What kind of parents are you?!". "Ones who protect our daughters from curses!" Lynn Sr. said. "Oh, shut the hell up! Luck doesn't exist and you know it! What you did was pure child abuse!" Suziko scolded at them.   

"Bruh-bruh!" Lily said in sad voice. Suziko noticed this and thought it would be pretty unfair to do that to the baby. She then decided to pick her youngest niece up and say to her, "Would you wike to see Winky, Wiwy?" Suziko said in a baby voice. Lily nodded. 

Suziko walked Lily to the car and opened the door for her. She then set Lily down by Lincoln. Lily waddled to Lincoln and hugged his face. Suziko saw this and her heart melted. She put a hand on her chest and had a sad look on her face. It wasn't fair to do this to Lily, she was likely the only one who actually loved him, and she was just a baby. "Wuv you, Winkin" she said. That made Suziko even more sad.

Suziko then picked up Lily and said, "How about this, Lily? Once you get older, you can see your cousin any time you want. You are the only ever one out of all of them to see him. Why? Because you were the only one who was good to him. What do you say?". This made Lily smile. The baby nodded yes. This made Suziko smile. "Bye-Bye, Winky!" Lily said before Suziko shut the door.

After giving Lily back to Rita, and saying their final goodbyes to each other, Suziko got into the car and before driving away, she looked back at her sleeping son and smiled. She then drove off to Royal Woods Hospital to check her son in and get him all healed up.

To be continued...

End of chapter 3. Hope y'all enjoyed. Peace! 

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