The semi finals

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Antoni now had a smile on his face. He also felt positive. Something he hadn't felt in years. As Zofia saw her son smile, it made her smile too.

It cuts to later that night. Antoni is packing his things. "Wiec wyzdrowiales?" (So, you're recovered?) Zofia asked. "Tak. Nie czulem sie tak od dawna, mama. Wyiezdzam za godzine. W kazdym razie moj czas tutaj dobiegl konca." (Yep. I haven't felt this way in a long time, mama. I'm leaving in an hour. My time is up here, anyway.) Antoni said. "Cieszę się kochanie. Powiedz mi, wracasz do Japonii?" (I'm glad, kochanie. Tell me, are you going back to Japan?) Zofia asked. "Nie. Jeszcze nie. Zatrzymam się u Krysia na trochę. Minie jeszcze trochę czasu, zanim będę mógł pokazać twarz mojej żonie lub synowi. Wkrótce jednak ich poznam. Może za kilka miesięcy, może za rok.." (Nope. Not yet. I will stay at Krysia's for a little bit. It's going to be a while before I can show my face to my wife or son yet. I will meet them soon though. Maybe a few months from now, maybe a year from now.) Antoni said. Zofia nodded.  

May 18th, Thursday.

In Nagano city, it is the semi-final game. It is the 4th quarter now with 3 minutes on the clock. The current score: Sakura No Hana-64, Nagano-64. Lincoln is up. 

Lincoln is point guard. The other team just scored, and it was now a tie. Lincoln had the ball. As he was dribbling, he saw Muto open. He got up closer and passed the ball to him. Lincoln ran up closer to the net. Muto saw him and passed it back to him. Lincoln shot and scored. Score now: 66-64. Lincoln hi-fived all his teammates as they took defensive side now. "WOOHOO! THAT'S MY BOY! MAMA LOVES YOU, LINCOLN!" Suziko screamed. Lincoln was embarrassed by this but happy his mother came. He was happy that she actually came to his games unlike a certain 2 parents. He didn't want to think about that. He couldn't. He was too focused on the game. He hated them anyway, so why waste energy on it?

Anyway, back to the game. Lincoln's side was now defending. Who he was trying to block was a tall kid. When he got up to him, he saw how tall he REALLY was. This wasn't going to be good for Lincoln. When the ball was passed, it was passed to his opponent. He tried to block him but to no avail. The kid shot and scored. 3-pointer. Damn. Score: 66-67.

There were now 30 seconds on the clock. It was the final play. Lincoln would try to get his team back. He had the ball in his hands. He saw as his teammates were opening their arms, signaling that they were open. A member from the opposing team came up to him and tried to block him. That's when Lincoln started running while dribbling. His teammates were still holding up their signals just in case. He managed to break out from his opponent's trap as the opponent was now chasing him. He threw the ball to Muto, Lincoln ran closer to the net, Muto put threw the ball to Lincoln. Lincoln took his shot. 

The whole crowd and both teams watched as the ball flew into the air. The made it closer and closer to the hoop and as it reached it, it bounced off and missed. The clock ran out. That was the game. 

Sakura No Hana watched as they saw the other team celebrate. Sakura No Hana all gathered together. Lincoln sighed in sadness and said, "Well guys, I'm sorry. I thought I could take us to the finals, but I didn't. I missed.". That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw coach Aoki. "It's alright, Lincoln. Hey, we'll try harder next year..." Aoki said as trailed off. He then walked away. He saw cheerleader Akari walk up to him. "Hey, Akari-girl." Lincoln said. "Hi, Lincoln-San." Akari said. "Well... I cost us the game and-" Lincoln was interrupted by Akari planting a kiss on his lips. He was shocked. After breaking the kiss, Akari looked at him and smiled. Lincoln smiled back. "I still think you did great, Linky." Akari said. Lincoln smiled and kissed her. She returned it before they broke it up. Lincoln then heard footsteps. He looked behind and saw his mother walking up to him. She then hugged him. "Oh koibito... I'm so sorry you lost the game..." Suziko said. "It's ok, mama..." Lincoln said as he hugged back. Suziko smiled at her son. "You'll get em next year, honey." Suziko said. Lincoln smiled.

Then, a member from the rival team went up to him and said, "Good game." as he offered to shake his hand. Lincoln shook it and said, "Good luck on the finals.". "Thanks." the rival teammate said as let go and walked away. "Hey, wait!" Lincoln said. He turned around and saw him. "See you next year." Lincoln said as he smiled. He nodded as he went back to his team. 

Meanwhile in Tokyo Airport, a certain person is wearing a blue coat, high heels with big sunglasses and a furry hat on. She has her luggage and her purse on her shoulder. "Hello there, Tokyo!" she said as she started walking. 

As she walked out of the airport, she saw the glimpse of the big city from the distance. "Wow... so, this is the country where my grandmother is from... I really wonder why mom never told us this before ever?" Lori wondered as she started walking. "TAXI!" she called out.

To be continued...

End of chapter 70. Hope you all enjoyed!

Peace out!

A/N: I may combine some more old chapters.

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