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June 30th

It was the Detroit international airport. Lincoln is saying goodbye to his friends. After saying goodbye to Josh and Marcus, he finally followed his mother on the plane.


"Goodbye, Royal Woods... this time for good..." Lincoln said. 

"I'm never coming back here, again."

The plane then started taking off.


"Lincoln-San?" Lincoln heard a voice to his right. He saw Akari in the row across from him. They were both in the first seats in their rows. "Akari!" Lincoln said as he held her hand from across. "Lincoln-San... about that girl... Ronnie Anna?" She asked. "Ronnie Anne?" Lincoln asked. "Yes, about her... what's the worst thing she's ever done to you?" Akari asked. "Well, she shattered my arm on purpose once because I got her the wrong flowers." Lincoln said. "Oh, my goodness!" Akari said, scared, "I would never do that to you, Linky. For a couple of reasons: I love you too much and I'm way too light to do that.". "Another reason is you belong to me. Ronnie Anne belongs to the streets." Lincoln said, "In 20 years from now, I wouldn't be surprised if she had like 3 kids from 3 different guys and you know something? They'd all be rainbows." Lincoln said. "What does that mean?" Akari asked. "They would be ALL of the colors." Lincoln said, which caused Akari to laugh.


It cuts to hours later; Lincoln, Akari and their families are now in the Tokyo International Airport. "So good to be back." Lincoln said. "That is true, koibito." Akari said. 

"Ah... now what?" Albert asked his wife. "Hmmm.... I was thinking... how about a beach house in Okinawa? We will go there every summer now... although we don't have a lot of summers left." Ema said as they both laughed. 

"Lori..." Leni said to her older sister as Lori turned to her. "Yes, Leni?" Lori asked her younger sister. "Where are you going to stay?" Leni asked. "Well, I'm planning on getting an apartment in Nagano, where I'll be going to college." Lori said. "Really? Because I was wondering, wherever I go, can I live with you?" Leni asked. "Sure, Leni. We'll be roomies again." Lori said. "It shouldn't be too far away from my school that I'm going to. I only have a year left there." Leni said. "Why do you want to move out of Grandma Ema and Pop-Pop's place?" Lori asked. "They're getting older and they're in their retirement years, I don't think they can handle raising 3 more girls." Leni said. "I agree, but what will happen to Lily and Lucy?" Lori asked. "I'll take custody of them." they heard a voice from behind. They turned around to see their white-haired, 38-year-old aunt. 

"You'll take care of them?" Leni asked. Suziko nodded and said, "Yep.". "But, why?" Lori asked. "Because, you know, family is family, and family always comes first." Suziko said. Leni and Lori smiled at her. "Now, speaking of which..." Suziko said.

She then walked over to Lucy, kneeled on knee to her level and said, "Hey, little Lucy.". "Hi..." Lucy said, in her monotone voice. "How does this sound? You and Lily could be living with me from now on." Suziko said. Lucy smiled. "What will happen to Leni and Lori?" Lucy asked. "They might move an apartment in Nagano." Suziko said, "Would you like to live with your auntie?". Lucy smiled and said, "Yes.". Suziko smiled at her niece.


It is the next day, July 1st. Lincoln and Akari are visiting their school for a talent show sign-up. As they walked up to the sign-up, Akari asked Lincoln, "Lincoln-San, what are you going to do for the talent show?". Lincoln answered by not speaking, but writing, "Rap God" on the paper. Akari's eyes widened. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 89. Hope you all enjoyed! Peace!

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