Another conversation

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In Lincoln and Suziko's house, Lincoln is going through an old dusty drawer in the attic. As he is rummaging through, he sees something that catches his eye. A gas mask. "Hmmm..." Lincoln thought as he took it out. He decided to go downstairs and show it to Suziko and see if she knew anything about it. 

"MAMA! I FOUND SOMETHING STRANGE!" Lincoln called for his mother. Suziko walked into the living room and said, "What is it, koibito?". "It's a gas mask." Lincoln said. "Huh..." Suziko said, "It doesn't look familiar. Truth be told, I never saw this till now." Suziko said to her son. "Huh..." Lincoln said.

Meanwhile in Poland, Antoni is going through his childhood memories in the basement. Krysia stored them in there. As he looks, he sees an old gas mask with a bunch of empty spray cans with it. "Czy mógłbyś na to spojrzeć?" (Would you look at that?) Antoni said as he chuckled and picked up the mask, "Mój stary zestaw do graffiti." (My old graffiti kit.). "Jedna z wielu maseczek jakie posiadam. Zastanawiam się, gdzie są inni?" (One of the many masks I had. I wonder where the others are?) he asked himself. 

After looking at that, he went back down to his sister. He saw her dialing up a number on her chord phone that surprisingly still worked. "Hej Antoni! Mówię twojej żonie, że w końcu cię znaleźliśmy!" (Hey Antoni! I'm telling your wife we finally found you!) Krysia said. That's where he immediately took the phone and hung it up. "Sssssshhhhh..." he said. "Co? Nie chcesz, żeby Suziko wiedziała, że wróciłeś?" (What? Don't you want Suziko to know you're back?) Krysia asked confused. "Chcę jej to sam powiedzieć. Poza tym, czy ci uwierzy? Pewnie pomyśli, że tylko się z nią bawisz. To nie jest dobry pomysł." (I want to tell her myself. Besides, will she believe you? She'll probably think you're just playing with her. This is not a good idea.) Antoni said. Krysia nodded and asked, "Nie chcesz jej w końcu powiedzieć?" (Well, don't you want to tell her eventually?). "Będę, ale... to będzie trochę." (I will, but... it will be a little bit.) Antoni said, "Krysia, chcesz wiedzieć dlaczego tak długo mnie nie widziałaś?" (Krysia, do you want to know why you haven't seen me for so long?). "Dlaczego?" (Why?) Krysia asked. "Jestem na odwyku." (I'm in rehab) Antoni said. Krysia was shocked.

Later that night, Krysia is sitting on her bed. She is looking at a locket of an old family photo of 4-year-old her, 5-year-old Antoni and their mother sitting on a picnic blanket in the park. "To był cudowny dzień, prawda kochanie?" (It was a wonderful day, wasn't it, honey?) she heard a voice say. "To było..." (It was...) Krysia said, "Nadal pamiętam to krystalicznie czyste." (I still remember it crystal clear.). She then sighed and asked, "Mama, mam kilka pytań. Na przykład, kiedy wszedłeś do jego bramy, czy to piękne miejsce? Objął cię ramionami? Czy wziął cię za rękę i powiedział, że wszystko jest w porządku? Znam te wszystkie pytania, mama." (Mama, I have some questions. Like, when you entered his gate, is it a beautiful place? Has he put his arms around you? Did he take your hand and tell you everything is fine? I need to know all these questions, Mama.).

Zofia put a hand on her daughter's shoulder and answered with, "To jest piękne miejsce. Piękniejsze niż jakiekolwiek miejsce, jakie kiedykolwiek widziałem na Ziemi. Kiedy go pierwszy raz spotkałem, wziął mnie za rękę i poprowadził. Powiedział, że wszystko będzie ok. Nie płakałam od lat. Od lat nie czułem się zraniony. Czuję się... szczęśliwy, Krysia. Czuję się... sobą." (This is a beautiful place. More beautiful than any place I've ever seen on Earth. When I first met him, he took my hand and led me. He said everything would be fine. I haven't cried in years. I haven't felt hurt in years. I feel... happy, Krysia. I feel... myself.". Krysia smiled at this. "Cieszę się, że tak się czujesz, mama. Cieszę się, że już nie musisz płakać. Cieszę się, że możesz być już spokojna. Cieszę się, że jesteś teraz wolny. W końcu cię spotkam, mama." (I'm glad you feel that way, mama. I'm glad you don't have to cry anymore. I'm glad you can be at peace now. I'm glad you're free now. I'll meet you eventually, mama.) she said to her mother's ghost. "Wiem, że będziesz, Krysia." (I know you will, Krysia.) Zofia said. 

"Mama..." Krysia said. "Tak, córeczko?" (Yes, baby girl?) Zofia asked. "W niebie..." (In heaven...) Krysia said, "Czy możesz zarezerwować stolik dla 3 osób?" (Can you please save a table for 3?). Zofia smiled and nodded yes. "Na pewno." (Definitely) Zofia said. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 51. Hope you all enjoyed!

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