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Monday, March 27th

In Great Lakes City, Lori is questioning herself and what she is thinking. Was she being too harsh to Lincoln? WILL Leni and Lucy come back? Are the Santiagos part of the problem? Was she... part of the problem? She was really rethinking everything right now. She needed to get a drink of water.

Meanwhile in Sakura No Hana, in Ema's house, Ema, Albert, Leny, Lucy, and Lily are all at the dinner table. "This cooking is amazing, honey. I haven't had hibachi like this in years. I missed you cooking." Albert said. "Thank you, koibito. I missed your American barbecue too." Ema said. "We should get our families together again for Christmas this year like that one we had 18 years ago." Albert said. "Oh, that one where we combined Southern US barbecue and Japanese barbecue? That one was great." Ema said.  "Ooh! We will have a family reunion for Christmas this year?" Leni asked. "Maybe. We will have to ask our families." Albert said. "I will have to ask my niece, Inko." Ema said. 

"Also, Lucy, we are getting you into church. I will NOT have a granddaughter who is satanist." Ema said. "What? Grandma Ema, I'm not satanist, I'm goth. I just like dressing up in black, writing poems, and doing occult stuff like Ouija boards and witchcraft." Lucy said. "I will NOT take it! It's all satanist to ME! You will NOT cast demonic spirits into this HOUSE! YOU WILL BE A CHRISTIAN GIRL!" Ema said sternly, "If you think this is bad, you should've seen how I was with your mother and aunt. I still remember putting Suziko's Eminem and Limp Bizkit CDs down the grinder. NO DEVIL MUSIC!". "Sigh." Lucy said. 

Meanwhile with Lincoln and Suziko, Lincoln is in his room and hears a knock on the door. "Open up." he said. As the door opened, he saw his mother. 

"Oh, hi, Mama." He spoke. "Hi, honey." Suziko said. "What do you need?" Lincoln asked. "I want to gift you something." Suziko said. "What is it?" Lincoln asked. "Close your eyes." Suziko said. She then handed something that felt like plastic. "Now, open your eyes." Suziko said. Lincoln opened. 

"The Eminem Show? I love this album!" Lincoln said

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"The Eminem Show? I love this album!" Lincoln said. "I'm glad you do. I want you to keep it because my mother was very strict and had these crazy beliefs. She thought rap and metal were both satanic." Suziko said. "Thank you, Mama." Lincoln said. "You're welcome, sweetie." Suziko said, "And um, I may have heard something about Krysia. She's losing her apartment.". "Aunt Krysia?! Marcel?! Liliana?! They're going to be fine, right?!" Lincoln asked worriedly. "They'll be okay. They said that they will be in a nice hotel for a little bit. I offered her to stay but she said she has a plan." Suziko said. "Oh, well I hope they find a good place." Lincoln said. "I do too." Suziko said. 

Meanwhile in Ustka, Poland, Krysia and her children entered a hotel room. "Zostaniemy tutaj, dopóki nie znajdziemy nowego miejsca." (We will stay here until we find a new place) Krysia said. As they walked in, they got a view of the beach. it was beautiful. After settling down, Krysia then checked her bank account. 3,611.45 zloty. (867 in US dollars). She buried face in her hands after seeing this. It was silent for a while. 

"Hej, to nie może być takie złe!" (Hey, it can't be that bad!) Liliana said. "Huh?" Krysia asked. "No i mamy widok na plażę i chwilowo jesteśmy w fajnym miejscu. Mama, być może nie masz teraz pracy, odkąd zostałaś zwolniona, ale myślę, że w końcu znajdziesz dobrą. Myślę, że to dla nas świetny początek!" (And we have a view of the beach and for the moment we are in a nice place. Mama, you may not have a job now since you were laid off, but I think you'll find a good one eventually. I think it's a great start for us!)  Liliana said. Krysia smiled and said, "Masz rację mój kwiatuszku. To dobry początek. To dla nas nowy początek." (You are right my little flower. This is a good start. This is a new beginning for us.). She turned to Marcel and said, "Prawda, Marcel?" (Right, Marcel?). Marcel had a worried face. "Marcel? Co się dzieje, moje słoneczko?" (Marcel? What's wrong, my sunshine?) Krysia asked. "Zuzanna!" he said panicking as he immediately picked up his phone. Liliana then realized something, gasped and said, "Johnathan!" as she started frantically searched for her phone. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 60. Hope you all enjoyed!

A/N: I feel like I'm overdoing it on my chapters. Should I combine some of them?

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