Leni's side

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After 4 days have passed, it is now Sunday, March 5th. It is in the Tokyo International Airport. Zuzanna and Marcel are hugging each other, saying their goodbyes. "Cóż, kochanie, myślę, że to jest to." (Well, baby, I think this is it.) Marcel said. "Chyba tak." (I guess so) Zuzanna said, "Czy spotkamy się na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie?" (Will we meet at Warsaw Chopin Airport?). "Tak, będziemy." (Yes, we shall) Marcel said.  "Muszę teraz iść." (I need to go) Zuzanna said before they shared a kiss. They smiled as they touched noses and giggled. They then broke the hug. "Żegnaj Zuzanna, kocham Cię skarbie." (Goodbye Zuzanna, I love you dear.) Marcel said. "Żegnaj kochanie, ja też cię kocham." (Goodbye baby, I love you too.) Zuzanna said before running to her parents. She walked with them on the plane entry. (IDK what it's called). 

Marcel waved as he had a smile on his face. He then walked back to his mother, sister, cousin and aunt. "Let's go, family!" Marcel said. 

On the car ride back, Lincoln is sitting at the far right. Liliana is sitting at the far left. Marcel is sitting in the middle. "So, Marcel, Liliana, you only have one week left in Sakura No Hana. What do you plan to do?" Lincoln asked. "Spend the rest of our time with you." Liliana said with a smile on her face. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Mm-hmm." Liliana said with a smile on her face. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Lincoln asked. "We don't know yet." Marcel said.

It is now in Lincoln and Suziko's house. Lincoln, Marcel and Liliana are all in the kitchen. Marcel then notices a familiar snack in the cabinet. He is interested as he walks over to the cabinet and takes it out. "Stroopwafels?" Marcel said. "Really?!" Liliana said excitedly. "You guys like stroopwafels?" Lincoln asked. "Do we like stroopwafels?! We love stroopwafels! We are half-Dutch!" Liliana said. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Yes. Our father was a Dutchman from Zeeland. I still have very good memories from him." Marcel said. That's when Liliana had a sad look on her face. "What's wrong, Liliana?" Lincoln asked. "I... I only have a few memories of my papa. The last one I had of him was him and my mama screaming at each other." Liliana said. "Hey, I bet most of those memories were good memories, though." Lincoln said. Liliana nodded with a sad face. "Hey, Liliana... If you want to talk to me about it, you can." Lincoln said as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Ok... thank you, Linky."  Liliana said as she smiled. Marcel also put a hand on her shoulder. Liliana smiled at him too. "Thank you both." Liliana said, "Now all of this aside, can we please try them?". "Why not?" Lincoln said. 

Marcel then gave Liliana a stroopwafel. Lincoln also took one from him. They all took a bite out of it. Marcel and Liliana had unsatisfied faces. "It tastes kind of... meh." Marcel said. "Yeah, I expected a lot better." Liliana said. "Oh well, you won't find nearly as good stroopwafels outside of Belgium or The Netherlands." Marcel said, "At least based on my experience.". "This is nowhere near as good as Dutch or Belgian." Liliana said. "Liliana" Marcel called for his sister, "ik heb een idee." (I have an idea) he said in Dutch. Lilana smiled as she knew what this meant. "Tijd om stroopwafels te maken." (Time to make stroopwafels) Liliana said as she ran to the cabinets, took out the waffle maker and plugged it in. She then went back to the cabinet and took out a pan. The pink haired teenage girl then set the pan on the stove and put it on high. She then put some butter in there. Marcel took out some caramel cubes and put them in the pan and let them melt. 

After a few minutes of cooking, the stroopwafels were finished. Marcel put them all on a plate and gave one to Liliana, gave one to Lincoln and had one for himself. They then took a bite. "Mmm... now THIS is a stroopwafel. Made from Nederlandse mesen." Marcel said. "Mmm, it tastes like Amsterdam!" Liliana said. "These are really good! Better than the ones in our cabinet!" Lincoln said. "Oh definitely!" Marcel said. 

Meanwhile, at Ema's house, Leni is walking in. "Hi, Grandma Ema!" Leni said. "Hi, koibito!" Ema said. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a friend over for a project that we're working on." Leni said. "Oh, go ahead, honey! I'm fine with that." Ema said. "Thank you!" Leni said, "SHIKIMORI! SHE SAID IT'S OK!". That's when Shikimori walked in. "Grandma Ema, this is my friend, Mayoko Shikimori. Shikimori, my Grandma Ema. They both waved at each other. "Let's go to my room." Leni said as they walked over to Leni's room. Lucy then came into the room. "Grandma Ema, when and where am I going to school?" she asked. "You start next week. You will go to Sakura No Hana Elementary School." Ema said. "Ok." Lucy said, "I will be honest, Grandma Ema, I'm kind of scared. I miss my old friends." Lucy said. "I think you will be great at making friends." Ema said. "You really think so?" Lucy asked. "Yep." Ema said. 

It cuts to Leni's room. Shikimori and Leni are lying down on the bed with a textbook right in front of them. "Ok, so we got the book, the pencils, snacks, do we have any drinks?" Shikimori asked. "Umm yeah, I have sodas in that little mini fridge right there." Leni said, pointing to the little fridge. "Oh, ok. Convenient." Shikimori said. "Thank you!" Leni said, "Before we start, I just want to say, you know about the child abuse allegations going on in America, right now?". "Yeah? It's heard about all over Both the Americas, Europe, South Korea and Japan. Why?" Shikimori asked. "What if I told you... I was one of those sisters?" Leni said. Shikimori now had a shocked face. 

In Lincoln and Suziko's home, Krysia sees a picture of her and her brother. He had his shirt off and wrapped around his head. In the background, it is a gigantic fire. "Hm. Woodstock 1999." Krysia said. She then has flashbacks of that concert. She was 16 and he was 17. Some of the flashbacks were of seeing him crowd surfing, seeing him be part of the riots, basically half the time, he was drunk. There was this one memory she had when Metallica was on set, a pervert was coming up to her (she could tell he was) but Antoni tore him up. He saved her from getting assaulted. There was another time when KoRn was on set, she got trampled a lot, but Antoni helped her up, but he also pushed her up to the crowd surfing levels. Probably some of the most fun she ever had. Limp Bizkit was up, and Antoni was having a ball he even hi-fived Fred Durst from the front row. When Red Hot Chili Peppers was up, she really wondered why the bassist was naked while playing. RHCP, Limp Bizkit, DMX, Metallica, KoRn, a concert that she will never forget.

She snaps back to reality when she heard saw Liliana and Marcel talking to Lincoln. She smiled as she saw her daughter and her son talk to her nephew.

It cuts to Ema's house in Leni's room. "What, so you are one of those sisters that left their brother outside?" Shikimori said in disbelief with a hint of anger in her voice. She was mad but would let Leni talk first before making judgements.

"Well... you see, not all of us wanted to throw him outside like that. Me, and my little sister, Lucy wanted to help him and be there for him, but we were threatened to get the same treatment as him if we did." Leni said. "Really?" Shikimori said, this time no anger. Rather, with shock. "Yep. We weren't treated fairly either and we didn't agree to anything to what they were doing. When they were ganging up on him, they forced us to or else. We had no choice." Leni said, "That's why I got emancipated, took my little sisters, and went to go live with my grandma Ema. I know Lincoln is nearby, I can just feel it.". "Well, I hope you can reunite with him one day and I hope you can make it up to him. I understand." Shikimori said. "Thank you, bestie." Leni said. "Bestie?" Shikimori said confused. "Yeah, we're best friends, right?" Leni said. "Um, sure, ok. Bestie." Shikimori said smiling.

It is the next day, March 6th, in Sakura No Hana Park. In the middle of the park, between the pink trees, Akari was sitting on the bench, watching her baby sister, Hina, play in the sandbox. She smiled as she looked at her sister. It warmed her heart. While Hina was playing with a shovel, another toddler with blonde hair, a lavender shirt, and little jean shorts came up to her. Hina noticed her as she offered her shovel to the other little girl. The little girl took it and started playing with it too. She giggled and had a smile on her face. Hina smiled and giggled too. They both started babbling baby noises to each other. "Aww! She's making friends!" Akari said as she saw Hina and the mysterious baby playing.

"It's so adorable, isn't it?" she heard a voice say. She looked up to see a blonde teen girl and a gothic dressed black-haired girl. "It is!" Akari said.

"Hi-naa!" Hina said to the toddler. "Wi-wy!" The other toddler said. They both giggled. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 47. Hope you all enjoyed!

A/N: I put Shikimori in this fic because I thought her, and Leni would be perfect best friends for each other. I may or may not have Shikimori introduce Izumi to Leni.

Should Shikimori introduce Izumi and Leni to each other?

A/N 2: Happy Easter! The day Jesus rose.

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