Diss Track

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It is Friday, March 31st, in Royal Woods. Luna is watching the T.V. What she sees is a news report of Lincoln. 

"This week, a video has been leaked about the "bad luck" boy he boy whose family kicked him out of the house. It is a video of him sing Coldplay's hit song. "Viva La Vida"." the reporter said. As the video played, Luna had a shocked face. She had never known her "brother" had such an amazing voice. The news reporter spoke again, "The boy then dropped a "diss track" on one of his former "sisters", Luna Loud. Caution is advised for this next clip due to strong and offensive language. Another video played. It was Lincoln again with a mic in his hands.

"Now I would like to dedicate this to a little someone I thought I knew... Luna Loud. It's a little freestyle. No bullshit, no chorus, no beat, just a straight to the point freestyle.

First off, I just want to say that you're a bitch.

How could you be so close to me and then throw me in the ditch?

You may be a music artist that could set multiple traps.

But you forgot one thing that I CAN beat you at and that's rap.

Remember when you tried experimenting rap and you failed?

Now you're about to get trashed by Lincoln Kanata Robert Nowak!

Before this bullshit, I thought I was your bro...

But to me NOW, you're just a wannabe Mick Jagger lesbian HOE!"

(Pls don't rip me up for this. It's all just for the story. I am NOT homophobic in any way. I couldn't give a shit less who you love. Love who you want to love as long as it doesn't involve children, old people, or animals. I'll shut up now and let you go back to the story.)

Luna was pretty angry at this. She had an increasingly visible glare on her face as she saw this. Her hands balled into fists. 

"Now, I ain't no Mike Shinoda, I ain't no Logic, I ain't no NF

I sure as hell ain't no J Cole, I sure as hell ain't no Eminem

But I am white, and I can rap and when I diss, I can tell that you're ALREADY dead!

Now, listen here, Loud, you want to call me bad luck?! 

Well, now you're about to have some karma and get FUCKED!

This is a taste of yo own medicine, it don't taste good, don't it?

I've always heard you throw yo insults towards me. Now, it's MY turn so do me a favor and just fucking close it!

I might or might not have tested you...

but I ain't the reason why Sam rejected you.

She rejected you because you were a bitch.

She saw a lot of wrong things in you, but YOU didn't see in yourself that you had at least one glitch.

Now you all alone and don't blame anyone but yo damn self.

Don't blame me, I didn't make yo life hell.

You did that yo own damn self, now you going to be in that miserable little cell.

With the sporty cunt that only thinks of herself.

I gotta go but man, this spit was beautiful.

For my new life, I thank God, my Mama, and my girl, Akari. I thank for a plentiful.

That's the end of this track but one last thing...


Lincoln put the middle finger at the camera.

Luna got REALLY pissed and threw drumsticks at the T.V. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" she screamed. She then ran to the T.V. and turned it off. She breathed heavily and grabbed onto her hair. "That little JINX! When I get my hands on him and his mommy in that courtroom... just... AAAAAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!" she screamed, "Those two jizzheads will pay!".

In Royal Woods Jail, Rita and Lynn Sr. are in their cell playing cards. "So, do you have the money?" Rita asked. "Oh, baby, you have no idea. I have all that we need to get us out of here. Oh, and don't worry. I got your sister under control." Lynn Sr. said. "Good. I don't need the jizz haired monster getting everything she wants." Rita said. 

In Sakura No Hana, Lucy is with her Aunt Suziko. "So, Lucy, your Grandma Ema wants you to be a Christian, but you want to be goth. Well, I have way to teach you how to be a Christian Goth. I was one for years. I will teach you, my ways. How does that sound?" Suziko asked her niece. Lucy smiled at this. "I would love that." Lucy said. "Now first, your grandmother is right about the Ouija boards, witchcraft and occult stuff. We have to get rid of that completely. That is not good, it is evil." Suziko said. Lucy frowned. "Don't worry, when you turn to Jesus, you will see how bad that stuff you used to do is completely dangerous. Now, you can keep your poems and write gloomy stuff. That's what I did. You can also wear those same clothes too." Suziko said. Lucy nodded. "Now, I got a question. Were you ever big on music as a goth?" Suziko asked. "Um, no." Lucy said. "Well, I got a little something for you." Suziko said as she took out a CD.

" Suziko said as she took out a CD

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"What's this?" Lucy asked. "A masterpiece. Listen to it when you get home." Suziko said. "Ok, Aunt Suziko. Thank you." Lucy said. "You're welcome, koibito." Suziko said. Lucy smiled. "I have to go to the kitchen really quick." Suziko said.

Suziko then went to the kitchen and remembered something. "Lincoln's birthday! It's coming up! I have to start planning!" she said as she ran to her room. "Got to plan the cake, the party, the invitations, EVERYTHING!" she spoke. She then picked up her phone and pressed on a contact. "Hello, Jazzy? I need some help on setting up a birthday party. Why? Remember all those awesome birthday parties you used to have when we were growing up? Yeah, I need some advice." Suziko said. 

In Ema and Albert's house, Ema walked in the door with a box. "Hi, honey. What's that in your hands?" Albert asked. "Oh, it's just Lincoln's birthday cake. I have a lot planned out this year for him." Ema said. "13 years old already! Can you believe it?" Albert said. "Oh, I can't. I still holding the little snow top in my arms." Ema said, "He was so precious. You don't know how happy I was to finally have a grandson.". "Yep. Someone finally took on the white hair again. White hair is a symbolism in my family line, Ema. It's been there for over a thousand years. It's not just a genetic to me, it's what makes me proud to be who I am. History books may not show it, but the snow top line had a good influence on Western Civilization." Albert said. Ema smiled at this. "I do love your white hair; I think it is beautiful." Ema said. "Thank you, honey." Albert said. "Just as proud of it as you are proud of your singing voice." Albert said. "Oh, yes, my voice. My grandmother was a wonderful singer, my mother was a wonderful singer, I am a wonderful singer, Suziko is a wonderful singer, and Lincoln is a wonderful singer. I can tell because I heard his voice. It put a tear in my eye." Ema said. "Our grandson is something, isn't he?" Albert asked. "Yes, he definitely is." Ema said, "I am so proud of him.". "I am too." Albert said.

To be continued...

End of chapter 64. Hope you all enjoyed!

A/N: YESTERDAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR! SUMMER VACATION IS HERE NOW! Now, next year, I don't have to deal with bullshit like Math, Science, or History/Geography. Thank God.

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