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It's been 3 months. School has started back up, Leni has moved in with Lori in a townhouse in Sakura No Hana, Lucy and Lily have moved in with their aunt Suziko and Lincoln. Albert and Ema are both retired and living together. Life has changed a lot.

It is the end of the day and Lincoln is currently in his gym class. Surprisingly, he's in the same class as Akari and Leni at the same time. They just got done playing dodgeball and Lincoln was putting away the play balls.

After changing in the locker room, he then walked up to Leni. He heard her talking, "Oh, that is such a cute idea! Oh, Lincoln needs me. See you tonight, Marin!" Leni said as she waved goodbye to her friend.

"Hi, Linky!" Leni said. "Hey, Leni, I got a question." Lincoln said. "What's the matter, Linky?" she asked. "What are you going to be?" Lincoln asked. "I don't know, yet." Leni said, "What are you going to be?". "A Slipknot member." Lincoln said. "That weird band with the masks?" Leni asked. "They're not just some weird band with masks, Leni, they're one of the greatest metal bands in the world. They're up there on Metallica's level." Lincoln said. Leni just shrugged and walked away.

"Who should I be though...?" Lincoln thought as he walked out of the school, waiting for his mother to pick him up.

Suziko then showed up in her car as Lincoln walked in.

"Hi, amai pai!" (Sweetie pie) Suziko said to her son, "How was your day at school?". "It was alright. I mostly discussed what I was going to be for Halloween this year." Lincoln said. "What are you going to be this year?" Suziko asked. "I've decided. A Slipknot member." Lincoln said. "Oh, really?! I used to love them when I was a teenager. I already have a white jumpsuit and a mask for you!" Suziko said. "Really?! Sweet!" Lincoln said.

"You know, Lincoln, me and your father went to a Slipknot concert a few months before you were conceived. I kind of grew out of them at that point but your father always loved them. I took him to one for his birthday present." Suziko said. "Wow..." Lincoln said. "Yep. Let me tell you a little story about it." Suziko said.


Corey Taylor, the singer, or #8 was screaming his lungs out at the end of the Eyeless. "LOOK ME IN THE BRAND NEW..." he screamed as the instruments stopped, he then screamed, "EEEEEEEYYYYYEEEEEE!". The crowd roared cheering as it ended.

As they were about to leave, Antoni felt a tap on his shoulder. They turned around to see Paul Gray, the bass player, or #2. "PAUL!" Suziko said excited. "Hey, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to the back, I just thought about giving you guys a gift before you go." Paul said. "Uh... sure..." Antoni said.

As they walked backstage, Paul disappeared. "Paul?" Suziko called for him, wondering where he went. "Surprise!" a voice said as shorter man jumped out with a pair of sticks with his name signed on them, "Joey Jordison". This was Joey Jordison, the drummer, or #1. "JOEY!" Suziko said excited. Paul then walked back up. "Are those... for us?" Antoni asked about the sticks.

(Jim is the guitarist, or #4, Mick also is the guitarist, or #7. Slipknot has 9 guys BTW.)

"Just think of them as a gift from us." Paul said. "But why to us?" Antoni asked. "Well, I remember you from another show a few years back. You gave me a pair of drumsticks that you made as a gift. You also gave Paul, Mick and Jim these wooden picks. Just thought we could do something nice for our fans and return the favor." Joey said. It was true. Antoni was a master wood carver. He made many things out of it. "There's also something else special for our fans, Joey and I have a new solo project coming up. We'll start working on it in early... 2011, I believe?" Paul said. "Uh, yeah, yeah, when we uh... finish up this tour and take a little break, we'll do it." Joey said.

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