Third basketball game

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The next day, Wednesday night, February 22nd. 6:30 PM. Lincoln and his team are running out of the locker room and onto the court. As Lincoln was running out, he saw his family at the stands. He saw his mother taking a picture of him, his aunt Krysia waving at him, and Marcel and Liliana waving mini-Japanese and mini-Polish flags. Marcel waving Japan and Liliana waving Poland. (And Liliana stealing some of Marcel's chili fries without him noticing.) He waved at them. It wasn't his time to go on yet, so he sits down but before he sits down, he decided to talk to a very certain someone.

Akari Nakamura was practicing her dancing and cheerleading techniques. Without any warning, and startling her, she felt someone wrap their arms around her from behind. "Konichiwa, Akari-girl." Lincoln said. "Oh, konichiwa, Lincoln-San!" Akari said as she broke from the hug. She then hugged him back this time facing forward. Lincoln hugged her again. 

Meanwhile in the stands, Krysia saw this and said to Suziko, "That's my future niece-in-law and I know it.". "Oh, I know. I already know because she's my future daughter-in-law." Suziko said as they both smirked and giggled at each other. 

Back with Lincoln and Akari, they just broke the hug. "So, are you ready to play?" Akari asked. "Yep. Can't wait. What about you? Are you ready?" Lincoln asked. "Yes, I am. I am ready to be thrown in the air and be stacked on the pyramids. While I am still scared of being thrown in the air, I am not as scared anymore. I have kind of gotten used to it." Akari said. "Really?" Lincoln said. That's when he heard his teammates call for him. "Well, I got to go sit down. Later, Akari." Lincoln said. "Good luck, Lincoln-San!" Akari said. 

"Akari?" the girl heard a feminine voice call her name. She turned around to see Yui in a cheerleading uniform. "Yui? Chiarīdingu-budesu ka? Naze watashi wa anata ni kidzukanakatta nodesu ka?" (Yui? Are you in the cheerleading club? why didn't I notice you?) Akari asked surprised. "Watashi wa anata ni onaji koto o tazuneru tsumorideshita!" (I was going to ask you the same!) Yui said surprised. "Sate, koko ni imasu!" (Well, here we are!) Akari said. Both the girls giggled. That's when Yui decided to ask Akari a very important question, "Akari, kikitai koto ga aru ndakedo..." (Akari, there's something I want to ask...). "Anata wa nani ga hitsuyōdesu ka?" (What is it?) Akari asked. "Lincoln wa sukidesuka?" (Do you like Lincoln?) Yui asked. "Hai,-sōdesu. Watashi wa kare ga kawaikute amai to omoimasu. Watashi wa kare ni koi o shite iru koto o mitomemasu." (Yes, it is. I think he is cute and sweet. I admit that I am in love with him.) Akari said, "Naze?" (Why?). "Watashi mo kare ni koi o shite imashitaga, gakkō no 2-nichi-me no koto o oboete imasu. Kare wa anata ga sukida to mitomemashita." (I was in love with him too, but I remember on the second day of school, he admitted that he liked you.) Yui said. "Uwa ̄ ... Anata mo kare ga sukideshita ka? Watashi wa ima hidoi kibundesu..." (Wow... did you like him too? I feel terrible now...) Akari said ashamed. "Damedamedame! Ikenai!" (No no no! Don't be!) Yui said, "Watashi ga iitai no wa, watashi wa anata no soba ni ite, anata ni kokuhaku shite hoshī to iu koto dakedesu!" (All I want to say is that I support you and want you to confess!). "Honto?" (Really?) Akari asked. "Hai!" (Yes!) Yui said, "Kappuru ni natte hoshī! O ni-ri wa issho ni totemo kichō ni miemasu!" (I want you to be a couple! You two look so precious together!). "Anata wa sō omou?" (You think so?) Akari asked. "Mm-hmm" Yui said. Akari smiled and said, "Arigatō, Yui." (Thank you, Yui) Akari said. "Dōitashimashite, Akari" (You're welcome, Akari) Yui said. They hugged for a bit before breaking it up. 

First quarter

The score was now 8-8. After waiting five minutes, it was Lincoln's time now. He was ready. He walked up to the court and passed the ball three times. After three times, he started dribbling and walking with the ball. That's when the defender for the other team started trying to block him and put his arms up over him. Lincoln guarded his ball for a moment and saw that some of his teammates were waving their arms up signaling they were open. 

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