I'm Sorry That I Let You Down

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It is Wednesday Morning, Krysia is dreaming. Inside her dream, she is in a bright white room. The Polish woman is confused as she doesn't know where she is. That's where she hears a voice. "Witaj, Krysia." (Hello, Krysia) she gasped as she heard a voice. She turned around to see a woman with the same black hair she had, the same pale skin, the same green eyes, had her body shape, her facial features mostly looked like her too, but not exactly. She also looked a little older than her too. But she was wearing a beautiful white dress. 

"Matka?" (Mother?) Krysia said. Indeed, this was her mother. Her name was Zofia. "Zgadza się, kochanie" (That's right, honey.) her mother said. "Dlaczego tu jestem? Czy to sen? Co się dzieje?" (Why am I here? Is this a dream? What's going on?) Krysia said confused. "Jestem duchem Zofia, który postanowił wejść do twojego snu." (I am Zofia's ghost, who has decided to enter your dream.) Zofia said. "Dlaczego? Zignorować to, co znowu powiem?" (Why? To ignore what I am going to say again?) Krysia said in a slightly bitter tone. "Słuchać-" (Listen-) Zofia tried to say before she was interrupted. "Nie! Słuchasz mnie!" (No! You listen to ME!) Krysia said angrier, "Próbowałem z tobą rozmawiać przez całe dzieciństwo, ale uwielbiałeś mnie uciszać i mówić mi, jak bardzo się mylę!" (I've been trying to talk to you all my childhood, but you loved to silence me and tell me how wrong I am!). "Wiem i przepraszam." (I know and I'm sorry.) Zofia said. Krysia sighed as she had a few tears in her eyes.

"Nie byłam najlepszą matką, Krysia, ale pozwól, że cię o coś zapytam. Kto się tobą opiekował, kiedy byłeś chory? Kto miał całować twoje rany, kiedy zostałeś zraniony? Kto był tam, żeby cię przytulić, jeśli miałeś koszmar? Kto cię uratował z płonącego budynku? Wiem, że nie byłem najlepszy, ale cholernie się starałem." (I wasn't the best mother, Krysia, but let me ask you something. Who looked after you when you were sick? Who was supposed to kiss your wounds when you were hurt? Who was there to hug you if you had a nightmare? Who saved you from the burning building? I know I wasn't the best, but I tried damn hard.) Zofia said. Krysia looked at her with water running down her cheeks. Zofia immeaditely hugged her daughter. 

"Kocham Cię córeczko. Chcę, żebyś to wiedział." (I love you, my daughter. I want you to know that.) Zofia said. "Ja też cię kocham, mamo." (I love you too mother) Krysia said as she hugged back.

Krysia shot up awake breathing heavily. It took her a little bit to calm down. She then got out of her bed to clear her head. She then walked out of her room. She saw Liliana's door was cracked open. She decided to check on her daughter. As she peaked, she saw her sleeping peacefully. She smiled as she walked in her room. She walked slowly to her bed and kissed Liliana's forehead. "Słodkich snów, kochani" (Sweet dreams, darlings) she said before walking out. 

After walking out, she noticed Marcel's room was also cracked open. She then decided to see how her son was doing. She saw that he was also sleeping peacefully. She smiled again and slowly walked to his bed and kissed his forehead too. "Słodkich snów kochanie" (Sweet dreams, my love) she said to Marcel before slowly walking out.

 She walked around for a little while thinking about that dream before laying back down.

It then cuts that same day. School was cancelled for the day and Lincoln was in his room. He was wearing his pajamas. He was thinking about ideas for Kenji's campaign. It was only in 2 weeks now. Anyway, as he was working on something, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" he said. Marcel then walked in also just in his pajamas. "Hi, Marcel." Lincoln said. "Hi, Lincoln." Marcel said. "So, what brings you here?" Lincoln asked. "I just wanted to hang out with my cousin for a little bit. We only have 4 days here left." Marcel said. Lincoln smiled and said, "Alright.". "I brought my switch." Marcel said. "Really? It's been a while since I played video games." Lincoln said. "Wanna 1v1? I'm sure it'll take you back." Marcel said. "Sure!" Lincoln said.

Later, Lincoln and Marcel are 1v1ing each other in Mario Kart. They then hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lincoln said. Liliana opened up the door. She was just wearing a slightly oversized shirt for a nightgown. "Hello, Lincoln. Witaj, Marcel." she said to her brother and cousin, "What are you 2 doing?". "Playing some Mario Kart. Want to watch?" Lincoln asked. "Sure!" Liliana exclaimed as she walked to Lincoln's bed and sat down crisscross as she watched them play. They all took turns with each other as they played. 

Later that day, it cuts to Lincoln, Liliana and Marcel all sleeping on Lincoln's bed. Krysia decided to check up on them. She saw her babies sleeping with her nephew (Who she also considered her baby too sometimes). This warmed her heart as she said, "Aww,  śpij spokojnie..." (Sleep peacefully). She closed the door silently. 

It cuts to Great Lakes City. Ronnie Anne is with her family. Suddenly, she puts her hand over heart and has a sad face. "Ronalda, what's wrong?" Maria asked. "I feel like lame-o is... seeing someone else... some Japanese girl..." she said a little broken. "You guys aren't dating, right?" Carlota asked. "Well yeah, but still..." Ronnie Anne said. Meanwhile, Lori was with Bobby hearing this, and she was mad.

To be continued...

End of chapter 48. Hope you all enjoyed!

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