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In Masovian Province, Zuzanna is walking down the hall in her boyfriend's old apartment building. She was worried sick. She had not seen Marcel in 2 days. The red-haired teen girl then stopped as she saw his door. On the door, it said, "SPRZEDAM MIESZKANIE KONTAKT Z WYNAJMUJĄCYM APARTMENT FOR SALE CONTACT WITH THE LESSOR". Zuzanna gasped as she whispered "Marcel...". She then decided to open the door but nothing. Entire house was empty, dark and quiet. It made her a little scared. She slowly backed out of the room and closed the door. 

After getting out, her phone rang. She looked and it said, "Marcel". She wasted no time answering it. "MARCEL?! MIŁOŚĆ?! GDZIE JESTEŚ?!" (MARCEL?! LOVE?! WHERE ARE YOU?!) Zuzanna said panicking. "Zuzanna, kochanie, uspokój się, uspokój się. Nic mi nie jest. Nic mi nie jest, kochanie." (Zuzanna, darling, calm down, calm down. I'm fine. I'm fine, honey.) Marcel said. Zuzanna took a moment to collect herself before asking, still worried, "Ok... Ok... Już jestem spokojny. Proszę, powiedz mi, gdzie jesteś!" (Ok... Ok... I'm calm now. Please tell me where are you!). "Jestem teraz w Ustka z mamą i siostrą. Właśnie straciliśmy mieszkanie." (I am now in Ustka with my mother and sister. We just lost our apartment.) Marcel said. 

"Ustka?! Cóż, mam nadzieję, że ty i twoja rodzina macie się dobrze. Wiesz, Marcel, mogłeś zostać ze mną." (Ustka?! Well, I hope you and your family are doing well. You know, Marcel, you could have stayed with me.) Zuzanna said. "Dziękuję Zuzanna, ale chodzi o to, że jesteś bardzo ważną kobietą w moim życiu, ale mam jeszcze 2 inne bardzo ważne kobiety w moim życiu, którymi muszę się opiekować. Są moją matką i siostrą." (Thank you, Zuzanna, but the thing is, you are a very important woman in my life, but I have 2 other very important women in my life that I have to look after. They are my mother and sister.) Marcel said. 

"Widzę. Dzięki Bogu mam dom w Kołobrzeg, więc może zobaczymy się tam za kilka tygodni. Kiedy twoja rodzina wybiera się latem na plażę, może wpadnę." (I see. Thank God I have a house in Kołobrzeg, so maybe I'll see you there in a few weeks. When your family goes to the beach in the summer, maybe I'll come over.) Zuzanna said. "Dziękuję kochanie. Muszę iść, Zuzanna. Kocham cię." (Thank you, my love. I have to go, Zuzanna. I love you.) Marcel said. "Ja ciebie też kocham Marcel. Do widzenia." (I love you too, Marcel. Goodbye.) Zuzanna said. "Do widzenia." (Goodbye) Marcel said as they both hung up.

After Marcel hung up, he saw Liliana on the phone. "Alright. Ok. Bye Jonathan.". She then hung up. "Co więc powiedział Jonathan?" (So, what did Jonathan say?) Marcel asked. "Podobno jego rodzina jest bogata i posiada cztery domy. Jeden w Anglii, jeden w Portugalii i dwa w Polsce. Powiedział, że będzie tu za kilka tygodni. Jak to jest z Zuzanna?" (Apparently his family is rich and owns four houses. One in England, one in Portugal and two in Poland. He said he'd be here in a few weeks. How is it with Zuzanna?) Liliana said. "Powiedziała, że też tu będzie za kilka tygodni." (She said she'd be here in a few weeks too.) Marcel said. "Może wszyscy powinniśmy zrobić coś razem!" (Maybe we should all do something together!) Zuzanna said. "Tak, może." (Yes, maybe) Marcel said. 

After a little bit of silence, Marcel suddenly felt Liliana hug him tightly. "Kocham cię, starszy bracie." (I love you, big brother.) Liliana said. Marcel smiled as his heart warmed at his baby sister's comment. He returned the hug. "Ja też cię kocham, siostrzyczko." (I love you too, little sister.) Marcel said.

As Zuzanna was walking out of the building, she stopped on the sidewalk. She needed a ride home. She couldn't call her mom because her phone was almost dead. That call with Marcel didn't do any better. She didn't know what to do. Zuzanna then looked to see a man with a black beard with small grey specs in a black beanie in an old car. "Potrzebujesz podwózki, młoda damo?" (Need a ride, young lady?) the man asked. Zuzanna walked up to him and asked him, "Kim jesteś?" (Who are you?). "Jestem wujkiem Marcela." (I'm Marcel's uncle.) the man said. "Dowód?" (Proof?) Zuzanna asked. The man then pulled out a very old picture of him holding a 3-year-old Marcel. Zuzanna then took it and looked at it for a little bit. "Hmm." she said as she got in.

"Jak masz na imię?" (What is your name?) Zuzanna asked. "Antoni Robert Nowak." Antoni said. 

In Sakura No Hana, Leni, Lucy and Lily were visiting Lincoln and Suziko's house. Lucy is going through some of Suziko's old pictures. She found this one picture that amazed her. It was her aunt in her teenage years as a goth with dyed black hair.

 It was her aunt in her teenage years as a goth with dyed black hair

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"Oh... my... goodness... Aunt Suziko, you were a goth?!" Lucy said a little excitedly. Suziko immediately ran to her niece, took the book and shut it in no time. "What's wrong, Aunt Suziko?" Lucy asked. "Nothing, Lucy." Suziko said with a very very red face.

In Ema's house, Albert and Ema were talking. "So, about Christmas, you want to do it? Invite both our families over?" Albert asked. "Sure. Why not? It may symbolize that we're back together!" Ema said. "Alright." Albert said as he got out of his phone. "What are you doing?" Ema asked. "Calling my old buddy Hank. He can ship out American propane for us." Albert said.

Meanwhile in Poland, Zuzanna is giving Antoni directions. They are almost at her house. "Tutaj!" (Here!) Zuzanna said as they stopped. "Dziękuję!" (Thank you!) Zuzanna said as she got out. "Nie ma za co." (You're welcome.) Antoni said. "Czekać! Zanim pójdę, mam pytanie. Możesz powiedzieć Marcelowi, że prawie skończyłem odwyk?" (Wait! Before I go, I have a question. Can you tell Marcel I'm almost out of rehab?) Antoni asked. "Um... jasne!" (Um... sure!) Zuzanna said. "Dziękuję, młoda damo. Jesteś dobrą, miłą młodą damą dla Marcela. Założę się, że cię kocha." (Thank you, young lady. You're a good, kind young lady to Marcel. I bet he loves you.) Antoni said. "Aaw..." Zuzanna said, "Tak, bardzo się kochamy." (Yes, we love each other very much.). "Proszę, traktuj go dobrze. On jest dobrym chłopakiem." (Please treat him well. He is a good boy.) Antoni said. "Będę. Żegnaj panie Nowak!" (I will be. Goodbye Mr. Nowak!) Zuzanna said as she waved at him. Antoni waved back before driving away.

To be continued...

End of chapter 61. Hope you all enjoyed!

Peace out!

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