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It is now Friday, June 23rd. Lincoln and Akari's families are in a museum. They are currently looking at the WWI exhibit. As they were looking, Albert saw a gas mask. 

"Hey, I won't believe it." Albert said. "What is it, Pop-pop?" Lincoln asked. "It's a gas mask! My grandfather used to wear it when he was deployed in World War I." Albert said, "I remember when I was a boy, he told me when he was walking through war-torn France, he met a wonderful Great British solider. His name was General Schofield.". "When was this, pop-pop?" Lincoln asked. "1917." Albert said. 

Later in the Vietnam exhibit, Albert is telling stories of how he and his friends would do acid before running on a battlefield. He also remembers when he was in the middle of nowhere in the forests of Vietnam and how he and his fellow soldiers would lift rocks completely out of boredom.

As they were now at home, Lincoln was with Akari in his guest room. "So, Akari, what do you think of America so far?" he asked. "Oh, It's beautiful here! I never knew America had such a gorgeous landscape." Akari said. "Yeah. It's beautiful here but there's a few really trashy areas of America." Lincoln said. "Really? Like what?" Akari asked. "Well, when you go to New York state, you will find beautiful Appalachian Mountains, Great lakes and the Niagra Falls in the upper part of the state, but when you go to New York city, it's gross. You'll find a lot of nice and fun areas of New York, but for other areas, it's gross trash. The subway is gross. You'll also find dangerous neighborhoods where you have a higher chance of dying then leaving alive." Lincoln said. "Wow." Akari said. 

Suddenly, Suziko walked in and said to Lincoln, "Hey, Lincoln, Akari. Get ready because we're leaving tomorrow.". "Ok, mama." Lincoln said. "Arigato, Sumiko-San!" Akari said.

Later that night, Lincoln was slowly walking into his mother's guest room. "Mama?" he asked. "Yeah? What is it baby?" Suziko asked her son. "Do you ever, you know, think about God?" Lincoln asked, "Like, do you think he is real?". "Of course, he is real. If he wasn't, then what are we here for?" Suziko said. "Yeah, you're right." Lincoln said, "One last thing before I go to bed, I have something to tell you.". "What is it honey?" Suziko asked. "About my "sisters", I just want to say that they weren't always like this. They used to be really nice and there for me and they used to have my back... then it all changed." Lincoln said. 

"Well, even Satan was an angel once." Suziko said. "You're right, mama." Lincoln said. "And remember, go to sleep. We have to be out of here by 11:00 AM tomorrow." Suziko said. "You got it. I love you, mama. Good night." Lincoln said as he pecked his mother's temple. "Good night, honey. I love you too." Suziko said to her son. 

A few hours later, while Lincoln was sleeping, he suddenly wakes up. He needs a drink of water. But first, he checks his phone for the time. He looks and it says, "4:47". He then looks at a notification and one of them shocked him. A message from "Joshua Jackson".  The text simply said, "Hey man, you awake?".

To be continued...

End of chapter 83. Sorry for short chapter!

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