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It is the next day, Tuesday, in the Nagano subdivision. It is afterschool and Lincoln, Suziko, Krysia, Liliana, and Marcel are shopping at the Nagano mall. They are going separate ways. Suziko gave everyone 26,424.20 Japanese Yen ($200 USD). 

With Marcel, he is in a jewelry store looking for a gift to give Zuzanna. As he looked around, he found a shiny necklace which he thought was beautiful. He picked it up and thought, "Ah, będzie w tym pięknie wyglądać." (Ah, she will look beautiful in this.). He then went to the line to the checkout.

With Krysia and Suziko, they are in a fashion store. Krysia comes out the dressing room wearing a red sparkly dress. "So, sister-in-law, what do you think?" Krysia asked. "It's uh... a little sparkly... kind of hurts the eyes, but if you were to fix a few things here and there, it would look beautiful." Suziko said. "Hmm..." Krysia said, "I think you should try on that skirt. I would look cute on you.". "You really think so?" Suziko asked. 

With Lincoln, he is walking around the mall. As he is walking, he accidentally bumps into a blonde teen girl in a green jacket. As he continues walking, he turned around and looked back. He saw her with a young girl in a black jacket. "Hmm?" Lincoln thought. They looked kind of familiar to him. He shrugged it off and continued walking. 

With Liliana, she is in Bath and Body works. She is looking around in the nail polish. She wants to paint her nails a nice cute purple tone. She then bumped into a girl her age with blonde hair wearing a green jacket. "Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry!" Liliana said. "Oh no, don't be!" the girl said. "Hey... that color on your nails is cute." Lilana said. "Oh, thank you! It's called "heather"." the girl said. "Heather? I'll look for that. It is a gorgeous tone!" Liliana said. "It is. I also recommend boysenberry, amethyst, and lavender. They're all so cute! Off topic, but what conditioner do you use for your hair?" The girl asked. "Oh, L'oreal Paris." Liliana said. "Really? I never was a fan because I never paid attention to it." The girl said. "You should try it." Liliana said. "I will. By the way, what's your name?" The girl asked. "Liliana Vervaeke. Yours?" Liliana asked. "Leni Loud. Very nice to meet you." Leni said. "Very nice to meet you, too, Leni." Liliana said. 

Meanwhile in Poland, a man is in a dim bar. We cannot see him, only his black figure. He is taking a shot of liquor. After he finished, he sighed and slammed the cup down. "Ayy, papier!" (Ayy, paper!) he hears the bartender say as he gives the man a newspaper. "Dziękuję, Stanisław." (Thank you, Stanislaw) the man says. He begins reading. "Hmm... policja bada amerykańską rodzinę pod kątem wykorzystywania dzieci." (Police investigate an American family for child abuse) the man reads. "Znam tę sytuację..." (I know this situation...) the man said. "Czy kiedykolwiek tęsknisz za rodziną?" (Do you ever miss your family?) Stanislaw said. "Oczywiście, że tak... ale za jakieś 3-4 lata, kiedy skończę z tym całym szaleństwem, wrócę do nich. Suziko, Lincoln... Niedługo wracam do domu." (Of course, I do... but in about 3-4 years, when I'm done with all this madness, I'll come back to them. Suziko, Lincoln... I'm coming home soon.) The man said as you can still only see his shadow, but you can also see his deep minty green eyes.

To be continued...

End of chapter 46.  Hope you all enjoyed. 

Peace out!

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