Pretty Hate Machine

649 11 4

June 7th, 2023

In the car, Lincoln and Suzio were listening to an electronic song. "Man, I love this song. I know it's from the 80s, but it sounds like it's from the 21st century." Lincoln said. "I remember when this song hit. I was just a little 4-year-old girl living in Ohio." Suziko said. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Yep." Suziko said. 



A 3-year-old Suziko is with her dad in his friend's house in Ohio. It's a fun house, she loved going there. There was a bunch of keyboards and other synth stuff. "Hey, daddy, can I pway with this pwease?" a little Suziko asked. "Let me ask Trent, honey." Albert asked. 

After a few minutes, Albert came back with Trent. After setting it up and getting a stool for her to reach the pads and keys, Trent said, "Alright, lil' Sumiko, all set up for you.". Albert then picked her up and set her on the stool so she can play with the keyboard. "Yay! Yay!" she cheered before hitting random keys. After a little bit, she started actually playing rhythms. One caught Trent's ear. "Sumiko... play that again?" he said. She then played it slowly. "I have an idea... thank you, Sumiko." he said as he ruffled her hair. "Youwe wewcome Mr. Twent!" Suziko said.


As Suziko heard "Head Like a Hole" on the radio, she smiled. She remembers Trent asking Albert if he should give Suziko credit for the part but let Trent have it all. Over the years, Nine Inch Nails would be on her and her father's playlist. When her parents divorced in 1997, her mother completely banned Nine Inch Nails and called Trent Reznor a satanist when he, in fact, was not a satanist. Ema sold her Pretty Hate Machine CD. Suziko still snuck out and bought all the CDs her mom got rid of. She still loved Terrible Lie and Ringfinger. She also remembers sneaking out to see KoRn and Nine Inch Nails in 2001. Good times.

She doesn't know how her mother got like this, but she knew she wasn't always like this. She knew she was rebellious like her as a teenager.

In Akari's house, Akari is at the table with her mother. They are discussing plans for the trip to America. "Sore de, okāsan, watashi wa Lincoln to issho ni America ni ikitai nodesu. Kare to issho ni ika sete kudasai!" (So, Mother, I want to go to America with Lincoln. Please let me go with him!). "Shinpaishinaide, beibī, anata no otōsan ni sono koto ni tsuite hanashimashita, soshite kare wa daijōbuda to iimashita."(Don't worry baby, I told your dad about it, and he said okay.) Himari said. "Hontō?! Okāsan arigatō!" (Really?! Thank you, mother!) Akari said. "Watashitachi mo ikeru kagiri." (As long as we can go) Himari said. "Ā... wakatta!" (Oh... ok!) Akari said, not expecting that, but still was ok with it.

In Ema and Albert's home, Leni and Lucy packing up their things. They all leave in a week for the hearings. In Lucy's room, she just got done packing her suitcase. As she looked around, she sees an occult book. She gasped as she saw it. "My occult book!" she said. As she looked at it, she was about to open it, she then said, "No..." and threw it to the wall and watched it hit the floor. She then saw a shredder in the hallway. The black-haired little girl then grabbed the book and started ripping every single page out of it. Lucy then took the papers and shredded them up. She then looked at the remaining cover and shredded it too. After that, she took a big inhale and exhale. Lucy then decided to walk to her sister's room.

In Leni's room, she also just got done packing her clothes. She took way longer than Lucy because, obviously, she's a fashion freak. The blonde haired, blue eyed teen girl sat down on her bed. Then, her little moody sister walked in. "Hi, Lucy." Leni said. "Hi, Leni." Lucy said. "What's wrong?" Leni asked. "Nothing's wrong." Lucy said, "I was just wondering, are you nervous about this whole court thing?". "Yes... I am very nervous, little sister. What if mom and dad find a way to cheat? What happens if all this regresses?" Leni asked. "I don't want to think about that." Lucy said, "I am too scared to.". "I get why, but guess what? We got Pop-pop, Grandma Ema, Auntie Suziko, Lincoln, and Lori with us. Aunt Suziko apparently has a strong attorney!" Leni said. This made Lucy slightly smile. Without hesitation, she quickly hugged Leni. Leni hugged her back. 

In Albert and Ema's room, they are looking at old pictures and relics of the past. One was their marriage; Ema's wedding dress was a traditional Japanese wedding dress but slightly more poofy. Another was a picture of a pregnant Ema and another one beside it was a newborn Rita being held by Ema. "What happened to her?" Ema thought, looking at the picture. There was another picture of Ema being pregnant. This time, with Suziko. The next picture had a newborn Suziko wrapped in a blanket. On the blanket, it said, "Little Sumiko Bridgette Weber, our precious daughter.". They both smiled at the picture.

There was another picture of Suziko and Antoni putting a heart together with their hands like this, "🫶". Another picture was them kissing. "I wonder what happened to that Antoni boy? I liked him." Albert said. 

There was another picture of Ema waving the American flag after granting American citizenship. "America... such a great country." Ema said. "WAS a great country." Albert said, "If you've seen this newer generation in the U.S., the country has gone down the toilet.". "Oh, I've heard. A bunch of spoiled rotten little brats who think capitalism is the root of all evil with their TikTok, pink hair, hello kitty. If my parents and grandparents who almost died in fascist Japan saw these little brats praising socialism, they would be horrified." Ema said. "If my father who fought off and defeated Nazis in WWII saw it today, he would be crying. America has been on a downward spiral since 9/11." Albert said.

In Suziko's home, Lori is on her phone. She is texting Leni.

Lori: Leni, I got a question...

Leni: What is it, Lori?

Lori: Do you ever miss mom and dad? Or even our sisters?

Leni: After what they did to Linky? No. I don't even want to look at them.

Lori: Then how come you can stand me?

Leni: Because you're my best friend and closest sister. I can't just hate you that hardcore like I do to the rest. 

Lori: Thank you, Leni. That means a lot.

Leni: You're welcome, bestie <3

Lori smiled as she put the phone down. That's when she saw her aunt walk in the room. "Hi, Aunt Suziko." she said. "Oh, hey, Lori." Suziko said. "Listen... I know I'm probably the last person you want to look at right now, but I have something to tell you." Lori said. "What is it?" Suziko asked. "I know how we can win without them cheating. I know all their dirty ways." Lori said. "Go on." Suziko said, rethinking about changing her mind about Lori.

In Sakura No Hana Park that night, Lincoln and Akari are sitting down at a park bench. They are looking at Nagano city lit up at night from a distance. Currently, they are talking about their lives and how they are rapidly changing. "You know, Akari, there's been so much happening in my life right now, I don't know where to start." Lincoln said. "I've been feeling the same way, Lincoln-San. Ever since I met you, my life has changed, for the better of course." Akari said as they held hands.

Lincoln smiled and said...

"You met me at a very strange time in my life."

To be continued...

End of chapter 75. Hope you all enjoyed!

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