School transferring

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After going into the food court and getting lunch, Lincoln and Suziko then went to get Lincoln some hygiene products and a new phone. After that, they went in the car. 

It then cuts to Lincoln and Suziko driving on a street. Lincoln sees a sign that says, "Sakura No Hana Private School.". Lincoln then got curious, "Mama, what are we going here for? Does my school start now?" he asked. Suziko shook her head no and said, "Nope. I'm just transferring you right now, remember? School doesn't restart till Monday. It is currently winter break right now, so you have about 2 more days". "Oh, yeah, that's right..." Lincoln said.

It then cuts to them parking and exiting the car. Lincoln looked at the school and thought, "Wow, this looks nice on the outside!". "Just wait till you go inside" Suziko said.

It cuts to them walking inside the school. They see a woman who is dressed professionally, has purple eyes, and grey hair (No, she is not old. It has probably always been like that).

 It has probably always been like that)

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"Konnichiwa, you must be Ms. Suziko Weber, and you must be Mr. Lincoln Nowak." The lady said. "Nowak?" Lincoln asked curiously to his mother. "I will explain to you later." Suziko said. "I'm Yui Aoki, the principal here. Follow me. Come.". The lady said. They then followed.

It cuts to them in the principal's office. They are talking about Lincoln's transfer. "Sorede kare wa nihogo o benkyo shimasu ka?" (So, does he study Japanese?) Suziko asked in Japanese. "Hai, kare wa ishi. Kiso manande ikimasu. Sugaku, rika, taiikku, seikyoiku, jushu-shitsu, sugaku." (Yes, he will. He will also learn the basics. Science, physical education, sex education, study hall.) Mrs. Aoki said. 

"Kare wa seifuku o kinakebara narimasen ka?" (Does he have to wear a uniform?) Suziko asked Mrs. Aoki. "Hai, kare wa seifuku o kinakereba narimasen. Jitsuwa ima, kare no saizu de 1tsu yoi shite imasu." (Yes, he has to wear a uniform. I actually have one in his size right now.) Mrs. Aoki said to Suziko as she pulled out nicely folded uniform. "Hmm..."Lincoln said interested. "Lincoln, this is for you" Mrs. Aoki said in English as she gave Lincoln the uniform. Lincoln took the uniform and looked at it. "Wow, Principal Aoki, this looks really nice!" Lincoln said in an interested tone. "Glad you like it, Lincoln-San. I have a feeling you'll do great here". Mrs. Aoki said. "You really think so? I won't be an outcast, here? Like, I'm not going to be called bad luck or be called names because of my white hair?" Lincoln asked. "Oh, of course not. I've heard those stories. "Luck". Luck doesn't exist here at Sakura No Hana private school. It is just a joke, here. And your white hair? You won't be an outcast, you'll just be different. The kids here are very nice and very welcoming!" Mrs. Aoki said. Lincoln was now confident and happy.

They continued talking and the time eventually ran out. Lincoln and Suziko went back into the car. "So, do you think you like your new school?" Suziko asked Lincoln. "I'm really looking forward to it." Lincoln said. "Who knows? You could meet new friends, maybe get yourself a girlfriend hmm..." Suziko said with a smirk on her face. "Mama!" Lincoln said embarrassed with a blush on his face. "Haha! I'm just playing with you, Honey, come on now." Suziko laughed to him, "Well honey, let's go home.". They then drove off back to their home.

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