Flying Part 1

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The plane was now currently above Nevada, and it was still pretty dark out, but the sun was starting to rise. Lincoln and Suziko were wide awake. They just got in another well rested nap.  Lincoln and Suziko were currently watching a horror movie on Suziko's phone while having snacks. Lincoln was having chocolate covered popcorn while Suziko was having cookies. 

"Don't go in there! Don't go in the- she's dead." Lincoln said. "She was dead from the start." Suziko said. There was a scream in the movie. "Dead" The mother and son both said in unison.  The movie then rolled to credits. "Good movie" Lincoln said. "I know. I'm surprised Elijah Wood and Ewan McGregor were so good at horror stuff. They should really do more." Suziko said. "I agree. They're both really underappreciated." Lincoln said. Suziko nodded in agreement.

Just then, an announcement went off. "Good morning, everybody, this is a very important announcement. We just found out that we will not have enough aviation fuel to make it all the way to Tokyo International Airport. We will have to stop in Honolulu International Airport. We should be there in about 5 hours and 30 minutes. We are very sorry. Please enjoy the rest of your flight. Have a nice day." The flight attendant said through the intercom. 

"Damn, that sucks." Lincoln said. "Aw, it wasn't supposed to go like this. Sorry, Lincoln." Suziko said in a sad tone. "It's not your fault, Mama. You didn't intend for this to happen." Lincoln said. Suziko smiled at his comment. "Thank you, honey" she said as she hugged him. Lincoln smiled hugged her back.  After breaking the hug, they saw a flight attendant with a cart walking by. "There's a cart coming by, Honey. Do you want anything?" Suziko asked. "Just a water for me, Mama." Lincoln said. Suziko nodded.

As the flight attendant walked by, she asked the mother and son, "Would you like anything?". Suziko said, "Yes, just 2 water cups for me and my son.". The flight attendant nodded and pulled out 2 cups and filled them with water from the mini water dispenser and gave the cups to them. "Thank you" Suziko said as she took the cups. The flight attendant nodded and strolled onward to all other passengers.

"Here you go." Suziko said as she gave a cup to Lincoln. "Thanks, Mama" Lincoln said. "You're welcome, honey" Suziko said. Lincoln then took a sip and thought for a moment before asking, "Hey Mama, is Japan nice?". Oh, it's beautiful. Japan is wonderful. You'll love it there." Suziko said. Lincoln thought about that for a little bit. "You know, your grandmother lives there, too. You never met her, have you?" Suziko asked. Lincoln shook his head and said, "No, I haven't.". "Oh, she's going to love you." Suziko said with a smile. Lincoln smiled at this. He was now excited to see his grandmother for the first time. What was her reaction going to be when she saw him? Would she be happy? Would she be sad? He thought about that.

Over the course of the flight, Suziko and Lincoln watched 2 more movies, played games, took another nap, had breakfast all on the plane. Eventually, the plane stopped in Honolulu, and they went off. 

As Lincoln and Suziko got off, they were now walking. "So, Lincoln, what do you want to do right now? We have an hour and a half till the next flight, so I say we just stay in this division. It's in here, anyway. So, what do you want to do?" She asked. "Um, I don't know, let's just stay here, until I think of something." Lincoln said. "Alright, honey." Suziko replied. They then sat down at their proper gate.


Lincoln thought for a moment and said, "Can we go to some of those little shops, here?". "Ooh, that sounds fun! Let's go!" Suziko said. "Alright!" Lincoln said as they got up and walked to a nearby gift shop.

It cuts to Lincoln and Suziko in one of those airport shops and they got some pretty cool stuff. Lincoln got a keychain, a shirt that says "I <3 Hawaii", a paddleball, and a pair of headphones. Suziko got also got a pair of headphones and a Hawaii shirt, but she got some snacks and a little jar of candies for her and Lincoln on the next trip.

The two were now walking out. "Hey, Mama, how much time left till the plane starts boarding?" Lincoln asked Suziko. "Um, in about 55 minutes." Suziko said as she looked at the clock on her phone. "What do you want to do now?" Lincoln asked. Suziko thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea, how about we get something for your grandmother?". "I think that's a great idea." Lincoln said with a smile. Suziko smiled back at him.

"So, what does she like?" Lincoln asked. "Hmm?" Suziko asked. "Grandma. What does she like?" Lincoln asked, "Like, chocolates, flowers, spiritual stuff, stuff like that." "Well, she loves candles." Suziko said. "Candles? Ok, where around here could we get a candle for her?" Lincoln asked. Suziko looked around for a little bit and saw a sign that said "Bed, bath and beyond" and Suziko said, "I know a way now. Follow me, honey." She said as she walked down to the shop as Lincoln followed.

It cuts to Lincoln and Suziko at the shop in the candle section. "What kind of candles does she like?" Lincoln asked. "Hmmm.... scents... scents... *snaps fingers* lavender. She loves lavender. She also loves pumpkin cinnamon" Suziko said. Lincoln looked around and found a bunch of candles that said "lavender". "Mama, I found lavender." he said pointing to the candles. "Oh, really? Get one. She'll love it." Suziko said. Lincoln nodded, walked over and took a candle. "Let's go check out now" Suziko said to him with a smile.

After checking out, Lincoln and Suziko went back to their seats. "Hey, Mama, how much time left till our flight boards?" Lincoln asked his mother. "Um, about, 30 minutes" Suziko said looking at the clock on her phone. "Oh, ok" Lincoln said.

Lincoln and Suziko had conversated for a majority of the time. Eventually, the flight was ready. Lincoln and Suziko got on the plane, found their seats and sat down. "Lincoln" Suziko said. "Yes, Mama?" Lincoln asked. "I want to let you know that I love you and the world to me." Suziko said with a smile. "I love you, too, Mama." Lincoln said with a smile. They hugged each other for a while before breaking it up. Lincoln still had his hand over Suziko's. (This is not incest, you sick weird fucks!!! For my viewers, I am so sorry I had to say that and point that out but there are "people" who would think like that.)

To be continued...

End of chapter 8. Hope y'all enjoyed!

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