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It was Monday morning, 4:00 am. Lincoln was in the bathroom. He was over the toilet vomiting. He felt his stomach rejecting food out of his system and felt extremely hot. He couldn't stop coughing or sneezing either. He had a bunch of snot rags in his mini trash can. He felt horrible. He groaned as he stood up and flushed the toilet. He wiped his mouth with paper towels and threw them in the trash. Lincoln then washed his hands with soap and water. He doesn't know how he got this sick and he felt awful. 

As he opened the door, he saw his mother in her nightgown outside her door. "Mama?" Lincoln asked. "Oh, Lincoln. Are you alright, baby?" She asked concernedly. "I don't know. I feel awful." Lincoln said. 

It cuts to Lincoln sitting on his bed with a thermometer in his mouth. After a beep, Suziko took the thermometer out of his mouth. She looked at it and said, "102.1. You have a fever, Lincoln. You're not going to school." Suziko said. Lincoln sighed and nodded. He then started coughing. It sounded bubbly and crackly. "That cough doesn't sound good." Suziko said, "Yeah, you're definitely not going to school. You need to rest. I can't be here today. I have to work. Luckily, Krysia can help you with your sickness. She won't mind.". "Ok" Lincoln said. "Right now, just get some rest. Ok, honey?" Suziko said. "Ok." Lincoln said as he laid back down. Suziko kissed his forehead and left the room. Lincoln fell back asleep.

Lincoln woke up to his alarm clock. He then stretched and cracked his fingers. He sighed. He then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" he said. That's when he saw his aunt slowly peek her head in and then slowly walk in his room. 

"Hi Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said. "Hi kochane", Krysia said, "Your Mama told me that you were sick, and I came here to check on you. How are you feeling?". "Not too good." Lincoln said. "Awwww kochane..." Krysia said, "Are you hungry?". "I am a little" Lincoln said. "I will tell you what, I will make you special Polish soup. Hmm?" Krysia said with a smile. "That sounds nice, Aunt Krysia, thank you." Lincoln said. "Anything for my nephew. I'll be back, kochane." Krysia said as she kissed his forehead and left. 

It cuts to Krysia in the kitchen. She is making a soup. Krysia is cutting up potatoes and carrots to put in the soup. She was humming a tune. Then, Liliana walked in. "Cześć mama. Ooh, robisz zupę?" (Hi Mama. Ooh, are you making soup?) she asked her mother. "To prawda, córeczko. Robię zupę. To dla twojego kuzyna, bo jest chory." (It's true, baby girl. I'm making soup. It's for your cousin because he's sick.) Krysia replied to her daughter. "Aww, czy Lincoln jest chory?" (Aww, is Lincoln sick?) Liliana said, "Czy mogę pomóc w gotowaniu?" (Can I help with cooking?). "Jasne! Przynieś mi kiełbaski z lodówki, kochanie." (Sure! Get me some sausages from the fridge, baby.) Krysia said. "Masz to, mamo!" (You got it, Mama!) Liliana said as she ran to the fridge. 

It cuts to Lincoln in his room on his phone just watching an anime that Akari recommended to him. Akari showed him popular Japanese shows like anime while Lincoln showed her western cartoons. (Nick, CN, Disney). He then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" He spoke. The door opened and it was Krysia holding a bowl of soup. "Hi, kochane. I made you special soup. This should make you feel better. It made me feel better when your babcia made it for me whenever I was sick growing up. It would make Marcel and Liliana better if they are ever sick too." Krysia said as she sat down next to Lincoln. Lincoln put down his phone. Krysia handed the bowl of soup to him. "Thank you very much, Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said. "You're welcome, kochanie." Krysia said. Lincoln then took the spoon and put it in his mouth. "Mmm... this is really good." Lincoln said. "I'm glad you like it, kochane." Krysia said with a smile, "Me and Liliana made it with sausage, potato, carrots, and the most important ingredient, love.". This made Lincoln smile. "Well, I hope you feel better kochane. Yell if you need anything. I love you, Lincoln." Krysia said as she kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Aunt Krysia." Lincoln said. Krysia waved at him and left.  

A few minutes later, he heard another knock on the door. "Come in!" he said. He saw it was Liliana. "Hey, cuz" Lincoln said to his cousin. "Hi, Lincoln. My Mama wanted me to give this to you." Liliana said as she gave Lincoln a pill. "What's this for?" Lincoln asked as he took the pill. "It's to help with your mucus, sneezing, and cough problems." Liliana said as she set down a glass of water on his nightstand, "I love you, Lincoln. Feel better, cousin." she said as she kissed Lincoln's forehead. "Thank you for this, Liliana." Lincoln said. "You're welcome, Lincoln. Feel better." Liliana said as she walked out. 

Lincoln then put the pill in his mouth, took a sip of water and swallowed. He then ate some more soup as he replayed his anime.

Many hours later, Krysia saw that he was sleeping. She smiled and kissed his cheek as she took the empty bowl and cup from his nightstand. She then walked out with it.

It cuts to Krysia putting the dishes in the sink. She then heard the front door open and close. "Suziko! Welcome back! How was work?" Krysia asked. "Busy but worth it." Suziko said, "How's my boy?". "He's sleeping. I gave him a special soup as Liliana gave him a pill." Krysia said. "That's good to know." Suziko said happy, "I'm going to go check on him.". Krysia nodded.

It cuts to Suziko slowly opening Lincoln's door. She sees him sleeping and she smiled. The ashen haired hafu woman slowly walked up to her son and kissed his cheek. "Sleep well, honey." she said before slowly walking out.

To be continued...

End of chapter 28. Hope you all enjoyed!

A/N: There will be a nice bonding thing between Marcel and Lincoln. He will teach Lincoln things like on how to fight back and how to impress a girl.

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