The remaining gifts

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The next day in Ema's and Albert's house, they are discussing about testifying and Albert visiting his family in June. "It's been a while since I've seen them, honey. I think it'll be fun." Albert said. "I remember the first time I've visited your family. Remember, if we see your family, then I will invite my family over for Christmas. It's been a while since I've seen my niece, Inko and my great-nephew, Izuku." Ema said. 

"I've never met the younger generations of your side. I haven't the younger ones of my side either so who knows? You know what? If we're going to New Orleans for a bit, I'm going to call someone I knew pretty well. She's DEFINITLEY NOT one of the younger generations. She's from Atlanta but she can fly. You remember Madea? M to the DEA?" Albert said.  

"Oh, the old black lady? Who doesn't? Why?" Ema asked. "Let's just say, I'll call her up to Michigan for a few days and after the hearings, the Louds are going to learn a little lesson." Albert said.

In Suziko's house, she is knocking on Lincoln's door. "Open!" Lincoln said. Suziko then opened the door. "Hey, Mama. What is it?" Lincoln asked. "It's these last few gifts that I wanted to give you. There's one from Lori and one from your family in Poland and another one that I will show you later." Suziko said. "Can we start opening them?" Lincoln asked. "Sure, baby." Suziko said, "Which one do you want to open first?". "Give me... Aunt Krysia's gift." Lincoln said. "Alright. Here you go." Suziko said as she handed him his aunt's gift. It said, "From Krysia, Marcel, Liliana. We love you, Lincoln. <3.". Lincoln smiled at the little note his cousins and aunt sent him. 

He then opened the gift. It was a big box. He opened it up and inside was a bunch of things. He decided to take them out separately. The first one was a sweater with the Polish flag on it and it said, "Polska" on the front. "Wow..." Lincoln said amazed, "This is beautiful!". "Now, that is one beautiful sweater." Suziko said. Lincoln pulled the next gift out. It was a large plastic container, and, on the inside, it looked like 2 dozen perogies. "Aunt Krysia's perogies! They're the best!" Lincoln said. He then saw what looked like a sausage. Lincoln looked at the label and it was Polish kielbasa straight from Poland! Then, he saw a jar of white sauce. On the label, it said, "Polonaise sauce: famous Polski sauce homemade by your ciocia herself!". Lincoln smiled at this. Then, he saw a letter inside. "Hmm..." Lincoln said as he took it out. It was in Polish.

"Drogi Lincoln, mamy nadzieję, że spodobają ci się te prezenty. Chcieliśmy dzięki temu jeszcze bardziej odkryć Twoją Polską stronę, a kiedy dowiesz się o niej wystarczająco dużo, będziesz w stanie to zrozumieć i przeczytać! Bądź dumny ze swoich korzeni. Niech żyje Rzeczpospolita Polska! Niech żyje naród Polaków!"

He then flipped it over and it was in English.

"Dear Lincoln, we hope you enjoy these gifts. We wanted to discover your Polish side even more, and when you learn enough about it, you will be able to understand and read it! Be proud of your roots. Bądź dumny ze swoich korzeni. Niech żyje Rzeczpospolita Polska! Niech żyje naród Polaków!" (Long live the Republic of Poland! Long live the nation of Poles!)

"That was really sweet of your Aunt Krysia, wasn't it?" Suziko said to her son. "It definitely was. I'm going to call and thank her later but right now, let's finish with the other gifts." Lincoln said. "OK. This next one will shock you. It's from Lori." Suziko said. "Lori? Really? Why? I thought she hated me?" Lincoln said confused. Suziko shrugged. "Well, let's open it." Lincoln said as he had the present handed to him. It was a pretty good-sized gift. "I wonder what this one is?" Lincoln said. "Let's find out, hon." Suziko said. After opening it up, Lincoln saw that it was a book. On the cover, it said, "My little brother, Lincoln". When Lincoln opened it, it was a bunch of pictures of Lori and Lincoln over the years. "Wow... this is really sweet." Lincoln said. After looking through the pages, he saw a letter. "What's this?" Lincoln asked curiously. He then opened the letter.

"Dear Lincoln. I know this is probably nowhere near enough for you to forgive me, but I made this to let you know that I apologize and I'm sorry.  I want you to know that I still love you. It took me a while to realize the Santiagos were part of the problem. It took me even longer to realize that I, myself was part of the problem. I've broken up with Bobby, moved out of Great Lakes City and am now living with Carol for a little bit till I figure out what to do next. Please tell Aunt Suziko, Pop-pop, Leni, Lucy, and Lily that I said hi. I hope to see you in the near future, and I hope you have a good life. I love you, Lincoln.

From, your big sis, Lori.". 

Lincoln was frozen. "Koibito? Are you ok, baby?" Suziko asked, concerned for her son. She noticed his eyes were getting glassy. "Lincoln?" She said his name. "I-I'm fine. Just fine, mama." Lincoln said, a small smile formed on his face. "I forgive you... Lori." Lincoln said. Suziko just looked at her son. "What's that?" Suziko asked. "Yep. I think you should too, Mama." Lincoln said. This left the white-haired mother thinking.

"Let's open this last gift." Lincoln said. "O... ok..." Suziko said, giving him the small present, unsure how he will react. "From: Your f... fa... ther..." Lincoln said increasingly slow. He just stood there. "Dad sent me a gift?" he said. "Well, let's find out, koibito." Suziko said. 

After slowly removing the wrapping paper, Lincoln saw that it was a small box. Ater taking the top off, he saw that it was a locket. In the locket, there was a family portrait of Antoni, Suziko and a baby Lincoln being held by Suziko. There was a little note in the box where it said, "The Nowak family will be reunited and whole again one day.".

Suziko put a hand over her mouth and had glassy eyes. "So... that's what dad looks like?" Lincoln asked. Suziko took her hand away from her mouth, wiped her eyes and said, "Yep. He was a handsome man." in a weak voice, "Now you know where you get it from.". Lincoln chuckled at his mother's comment. "You really think so?" he asked. Suziko smiled and said, "Yep.". 

Suziko took the locket and observed it. "Wow... this is a beautiful locket... this is..." Suziko couldn't continue and just started crying, looking at the picture. Lincoln wasted no time hugging her. She didn't just hug him back, she SQUEEZED him. "Lincoln..." Suziko said. "Yes, mother?" Lincoln asked. "Please promise me... you will never just leave your mama... You're all I have left of him!" She spoke. "I promise you, mama that I will always be there for you." Lincoln said. "Thank you so much, sweetie." Suziko said as she kissed his temple/ 

To be continued

End of chapter 68. Hope you all enjoyed!


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