Court day

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This is it. Court day. June 26th. Probably one of the most important days of Lincoln's life. It will determine whether he gets justice or not. He was nervous, but brave. If this goes well, he finally gets justice, and his "parents" will be in a jail cell. If this doesn't, they get to walk free and probably ruin more lives. 

The current time, 7:00. Lincoln and his mother are getting ready for it. Lincoln was wearing a suit and tie but had his regular shoes on. Suziko was wearing a blouse, jacket, skirt with flowers on it, pantyhose and hi-heels. Her hair got done too. She's also wearing make-up. She was extra ready for this. Why? Because it's the day Rita is going to jail and it's going to be one of the greatest days of her life.

The court room

In the court room, the judge is sitting in his seat. He is looking at a note that was sent from Lynn Sr. and Rita. "A little gift to get us free :) Follow these steps." the note said. There was also $750 in a rubber band. The judge then took the note and ripped it up. "Bribing a judge... another edition to the list of felonies..." he said.

Back to Lincoln and Suziko's hotel.

"You ready, Lincoln?" Suziko asked her son as she turned around to see him. She saw him sitting on his bead with his hands over his head. "Lincoln, honey... what's wrong, koibito?" she asked him. "I-I'm stressed, hahaoya (mother)." Lincoln said. Suziko then decided to sit down next to Lincoln and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Lincoln, honey... I know you're stressed but you got to have confidence." the ashen haired woman said to her teenage son. Lincoln slowly put his hands down and looked to his left and up at his mother. Suziko smiled. "Pray with me, akachan.". 

Lincoln grabbed his mother's right hand and held it as they both closed their eyes. Suziko then spoke:

"Dear Lord...

Please help us beat this case.

Please help us prevail.

Please help us fight against evil because we won't let it win.

Please protect us and guide us.

We love you; Lord and we thank you for everything.

We need you to guide us and protect us.

Thank you...

In Jesus name...


Lincoln and Suziko said Amen together.

As they stood up, Lincoln immediately hugged his mother. Suziko hugged him back. "Mama...?" Lincoln said. "Yes, sweetheart?" Suziko said. "Before we go... I just want to say... thank you... for everything... you've given me a roof above my head, you've given me a place to sleep, you've given me food to eat, but there's one thing you haven't given me... but it's rather God that has given me that gift." Lincoln said. This made Suziko break the hug. "What's that?" she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly. 

Lincoln smiled and said, "A mother who loves me and a mother I can love.". Suziko smiled as she let out a few tears of joy, her mascara rolling down her cheeks. She put a hand over her heart. "Aw... Lincoln..." Suziko's voice cracked as she hugged him again. Lincoln hugged back.

"I love you, son... I love you so much!" Suziko said. "I love you more, Mama." Lincoln said. "Now come on." Suziko said as she broke the hug "Let's go, baby. Believe, son.". They then walked out the door.

2 hours later: the court room

It is now in the court room. Rita, Lynn Sr, Luna, Luan, and Lynn Jr. are sitting at their table. The twins and Lana are at home since they are too little. As everyone is sitting in the seats, the judge thought, "Where are the plaintiffs?". That's when Suziko, Lincoln, Lori, Leni, and Lucy all walked in. As they were walking in, they walked in and sat down. Lynn Sr. couldn't stop gawking at Suziko's body. "What are you doing?! Don't stare at her! I'm your wife!" Rita scolded him, causing Lynn Sr. to snap out of it. "Oh, sorry, honey." Lynn Sr. said. "Lynn... are you thinking she's cuter than me?" Rita asked. "W-what? Wh-What kind of q-question is that?! Of course not, dear!" Lynn Sr. said nervously. Rita could tell that he was full of it. 

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