Chapter 3

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"Well hello there!" Vic charmingly says.

I've always enviously admired Vic. I've admired the way she's always able to have anyone wrapped around her finger, the way guys fall to their knees for her. I wish to have that effect on people someday. It's understandable though. Vic's gorgeous and I'm not saying I'm not, but Vic and I are complete opposites. She's blonde while my hair is jet black. She's tall enough to be a runway model and I'm 5'4. She's slender while I can't wear mini skirts because they never cover enough of my ass.

We may be complete opposites but we complement each other well. We're each other's better half.

"Would you two like to come over to our section? We've got unlimited drinks."

Vic lights up. She looks over at me, her eyes asking me if I wanna go. But I don't. Firstly, my social anxiety would crawl so deep into my heart that it would send me into a state of paralysis. And secondly, it doesn't seem like the brightest idea.

"I don't know, Vic."

"Come on, it'll be fun." She tries convincing me.

I think about it for a second.

"Vic, I honestly don't want to. But don't let me stop you if you really wanna go."

I peek behind the guy looking at the section he was referring to. There's a bunch of men staring at us. They undress us with their prowling eyes like predators in the wild, lurking in the glades, waiting to make a kill. I shift in my seat, trying to cover my chest with my crossed arms. It doesn't look safe, besides we can buy our own drinks. I'd rather spend my own money than end up hurt or worse.

Vic speaks to the man." I think we're good over here, thanks for the offer though."

The man doesn't give up.  "Well, in that case, let me buy you both a drink. Just because you're both so beautiful."

The man looks me in the eyes. He gives me the creeps. Something's not right about him.

I lighten up, "Sure."

The man walks around to the other side of the bar, where the bartender is. For some reason, she isn't tending to the bar anymore. Instead, she's flirting with two wealthy-looking guys. I don't blame her though, I'm all for making the pockets of men hurt.

"I'm sorry Vic. I don't mean to be a buzz kill. There's just something off about him."

"No, it's fine. I'll trust your judgment over mine any day." She gives me a reassuring smile. "What do you say we go dance after these drinks? Maybe meet some people who aren't so sketchy."

"Yeah, I'm down for that," I say.

The man comes back.

"Forgot to ask what you wanted, so I got you both margaritas. Everyone loves a classic margarita."

The man hands Vic her drink. Then he hands me mine, leaning into me. "It really is such a shame you couldn't join us. I really would have made it worth your while."

His voice sends unsettling chills down my spine, but I don't show it. "I'm sure you would have."

I smile at him but I'm honestly disgusted and uncomfortable.

He leaves. Vic and I quickly gulp our drinks down, then we head to the dance floor.

We're dancing and Vic's singing loudly to the music. She's also holding my hand and we continuously take turns twirling each other.

I look over to my left and I find that guy from earlier staring at me. I try to ignore him but every time I look up his dark eyes meet mine.

I tune back into the music and fall into another one of Vic's twirls, but I'm starting to get dizzy and I don't think it's from the spinning.

I look back up to see if I'm still being watched, but I don't see that creep anymore. I start to stumble. Heat waves flash throughout me, my body feels like the black and white static from a TV. It's nauseating.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Vic asks.

"Yeah, no...I'm fine."

She's holding both my hands when I almost take both of us down.

"Echo, you are not okay. I know you're a lightweight, but damn."

Her words are bouncing off the walls of my mind, echoing back and forth. Everything is spinning so fucking fast.

The slightest movement of my body, sends everything into chaos. People seem to float past me like phantoms. They disintegrate into dust only to come back together again.

What the fuck did that guy give me? I know it was him. It's hitting me so quickly.

Vic helps me off the dance floor and into a chair.

"Sit here, I'm gonna go get you some water."

I grab her hand with the little strength I have left in me.

My mouth is so dry and my tongue feels numb. I can't form any words.

Please, don't leave me.

"Vic," I managed to say.

"I'll be right back, Echo. I'm just gonna go get you some water."

She leaves, and as out of it as I am, I can still feel the pit in my stomach. I feel like prey. I feel like I'm being hunted by that man. I know he's around waiting for his chance, and now he's got it. And I'm helpless.

I feel a presence over me. This is it. This is where it ends.

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