Cahpter 44

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After my shower, I dry myself and it takes me nearly twenty minutes to leave the restroom. I fear that Arturo is outside that door, waiting to harm me. My heart bangs against my chest, and my wet palms slip from the sink every so often. I look up in the mirror, my eyes are full of tears, my cheeks are redder than ever, my expression is flooded with terror. My leg trembles beneath me. I'm so fucking scared. I've never felt this kind of fear before. Not from my mom, not from my dad, not even from Luca.

Come on Echo, it's been 20 minutes. If he was out there waiting for you, he would have become impatient a long time ago. He would have burst through that door a long fucking time ago.

I bring my hands from the sink, and stumble my way over to the door. I reach for the knob before twisting it, pushing the door open. A stifled breath releases from my lips when I see no one in the room, and a heavy weight lifts from my shoulders. I take a step from the restroom.

I wrap my towel tighter around my sore body, and take a seat in a chair next to the bed. I lay my head back as my body sinks into the comfy chair. I've been sitting and laying bare, on a cold concrete floor for months. This feels nice, but knowing Arturo could walk through the door at any moment keeps me from fully being at ease.

I wonder if my mom's okay; if she's still alive. She said she had a month left and it's been at least two. Even if I get out of here, apart of me wants to never see her again. I want to pretend she's okay. I want to pretend that she's thriving. I don't want to know the truth, though I know deep down her chances of being alive are very slim.

I wonder about Luca too. We ended pretty harshly. The last time I saw him, I felt nothing but fear and hate. I felt hurt too. He said I was nothing to him.

The door knob begins to turn. My once calm heart rate spikes once again and a flash of fright passes through my body. Arturo walks in with that collar in his hand. He signals for me to stand and I bring myself to my feet. Arturo brings himself inches away from me. He tugs at my towel until it is no longer on my body.

I do my best to keep my breathing steady. He turns me and puts the collar around my neck.

"You hungry?"

I hesitate. I feel like he's going to make me do something for food. I'm fine though. I don't need food right now, though I want it very badly. My stomach is filled with water from the shower, I'll be fine, but only for a minute. I can't remember the last time I ate.

I nod my head yes in response.

"Your sandwich and water are waiting for you in my office, you still want it?"

I nod again. "Yes, please."

"Come on, then."

My skin crawls, thinking about what I've just gotten myself into. What does he have planned? When he's this calm, things never go well.

He brings me into the hallway, down the stairs, down another hall, and into his office. A sandwich and water bottle sit in a chair. I sit next to the food. Arturo sits behind his desk.

He extends his hand out to the the food. "Go on. You said you were hungry, so eat."

I pick up the sandwich taking it from its plastic bag.

"I...I can eat it, and I won't have anything?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing, just eat. I'm just trying to keep you alive. For now."

I gulp and take a breath before taking a bite from the sandwich. It's filling. I take in every bit of its flavor. Turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, I taste mayo. My mouth waters and my eyes close as I cherish the taste. I hold back tears that want nothing more than to spill.

My eyes open, Arturo's attention has gone to some papers. I sit back and enjoy my sandwich, my eyes closed with every bite.

I finish my sandwich within around 15 minutes. I do my best to make it last. I take a few sip of water, but it quickly becomes nauseating from all the water I drunk in the bathroom. When I'm done I just sit in silence, watching Arturo work, or reading labels on any and everything.

A knock sounds on the door.

"Come in," Arturo shouts.

I cover my chest. Arturo still refuses to get me clothes. He makes me sit naked 24/7, no matter where I am.

A guard peaks his head through the door. "Luca Caputo is here. He's coming to your office. A maid is bringing him."

My eyes widen. Luca is here? He came for me?

Arturo becomes panicked. His face drains of color and his eyes grow wide. He quickly gets up from his chair. As he rushes toward me, I don't dare move. He grabs me by my arm pulling me up.

Arturo reaches down, pulling the black rug from the floor. A small door, maybe the size of myself, is revealed. He opens it, my eyes meet with darkness. Arturo grabs my arm again. I pull back.

", please." I shake my head. Tears well from my eyes. He pulls me harder, but I drop to the floor to make myself heavier.

Arturo grabs my face. "Get your ass down there before I kill you, now."

I continue to shake my head. That room in the basement was always lit. Every hour, every minute, every second of the day. I can't go in there. I can't do this again.


Arturo jerks me from the floor and drags me down into the dark space. Split wood from the stairs pierces and scraps my skin. Arturo flips a light on when we reach the bottom. He drags me towards some chains.

"Please, just kill me. I don't care. If you think it'll hurt Luca, just do it."

I mean it. I want him to kill me. I don't want to be alive, not even for Luca.

He grabs the chain and both my wrist. "Don't worry. I'll give you what you want. But I'm going to get all of what I want out of you first." He locks the chain on to me. He grabs my face. "And you can scream all you want. He won't hear a sound." An evil smile spreads across lips.

As soon as he walks away. I start jerking my hands from the chains and all the evil monster before me does is laugh at my frustration.

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