Chapter 19

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The car ride to Luca's house was long. I'm not sure how I feel about being here again. I left everything a mess. Everyone's going to wonder yet again where I am, and why a man lies dead on my bedroom floor.

Luca leads me to the same bedroom I stayed in before. Everything is still in the same place I left it. My clothes are scattered around the floor and the bed is unmade.

"You'll be okay by yourself, yes?"

I turn to face Luca and nod my head, yes. I lean into him for that same feeling I had when he found me. I wrap my arms around his torso. "Everything is so fucked."

Luca cups both my cheeks in his warm hands, and he wipes away my fallen tears with his thumbs. "Don't say 'fucked', such a filthy word isn't fit for such a pretty mouth." He traces my bottom lip with his thumb.

I giggle. "Thank you, for saving me tonight."

Luca shakes his head. "Don't ever thank me for something like that again. It's my job."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're mine, and I'll do anything to protect what belongs to me." He plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

I wanted to hear something like because I care about you, but I guess that works too.

"Try and get some sleep, princess. If you need anything my room is at the end of the hall near my office," he says heading for the door.


I get myself cleaned up before getting in bed. For hours all I can do is toss and turn because every time I close my eyes, my head trails off to the sight of blood and death. I blow out a big huff of air.

I look over at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 3:07 am. It was about 11:30 when I got in bed.

I remove the blankets from my body before getting out of bed and wrapping a throw blanket around myself. I exit my bedroom and with every step I take, the feeling of wanting to turn back grows stronger.

I shouldn't be falling into Luca like this but I can't help it. It's like he's a magnet and I'm iron. His pull gets stronger the closer I am to him. He pulls and pulls until I am engulfed by him, surrounded by all of my overwhelming feelings for him. If I'm being honest I don't even know what I feel for him.

I approach a big wooden double door and I'm sure it's Luca's room. It's the closest to his office and the biggest door in the hall. I don't bother knocking. He never does.

When I open the door I see Luca in his bed, he lies on his back. I get closer, his hands are behind his head and the blankets fall just below his waist showing his well defined V-line. He looks so soft when he's sleeping. That slight frown I thought was surely permanent is gone.

I decide to turn around. This isn't right. Luca is a killer, he murders people in cold blood. When he killed Noah, it excited him. It seemed to give him a thrill, much like one would get when riding a roller coaster or a motorcycle down a highway at 100mph. I don't want someone like that.

I feel something tug on my blanket and when I look to see, it's Luca pulling me back to him, like a magnet.

"Why are you here, princess?" His groggy voice and low eyes draw me closer.

"I can't sleep."

"Come here." He holds his arm out for me.

I hesitate a bit, my heart thumping in my chest. I crawl into his bed before laying my head on his chest and bringing my leg up and across his torso. He wraps his arms around me.

"How was your time without me?"

I laugh at his question. "You say that like I haven't lived my whole life without you."

"Pretty soon you won't be able to go a second without thinking of me," Luca says. I can almost hear that stupid grin on his face.

I scoff. "Are you projecting?"

"Just a little bit, but I think soon is already here. Not a second passed where I didn't think about you when you were gone. For a while, I even thought about setting up a 24-hour surveillance outside your home, but I knew you wouldn't like that if you found out."

"You were going to stalk me?"

"No, I wanted to protect you. Remember the conversation you overheard before I took you home?"

I nod my head yes.

"The guy who broke into your house tonight is connected to the man who made all of those threats, so from now on you are not to leave this house."

I don't say anything in response. I think I trust Luca and the decisions he makes when it comes to protecting me.

"You can chill in the backyard as long as myself or Dario is with you. Understood?"

"Yes," I huff.


Luca pulls me in closer. I close my eyes letting a deep sleep consume me.

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