Chapter 29

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This entire chapter is smut. If that's what you enjoy reading, have fun.

Feel free to skip if smut makes you uncomfortable.

Oh and please don't read this if you know me IRL. I can't handle the embarrassment. I will literally die.

Please and thank you, Author.


We arrive in the front yard of Luca's house. He comes to the passenger's side to let me out of the car. When I get out, I nearly fall trying to get my lips to his. When he catches me, I grab onto the collar of his blazer and pull myself on the tips of my toes to reach him. I still can't get our lips to meet.

"Luca...," I giggle. "I need your help if I'm gonna kiss you. You can't just stand there." His hands trail down to my ass and give it a tight squeeze before picking me up. I wrap my legs around him and roughly grab his face into my palms, showing him the same violent passion he shows me.

Our lips act as magnets, gravitating toward each other. When they smash together, I roughly run my hands through his hair, bite down on his bottom lip, and I barely give him time to breathe. I consume him, just the way he does to me.

Luca pulls away. "Slow down, princess."

My brows knit together. "Why? Isn't this how you like it?"

He laughs grabbing my throat. "You have no idea." His lips glide up my neck, his breath blows gently on my skin. "But please...don't forget yourself, baby." His words only act as gasoline to the flames of sexual tension between us. I want him to rip my clothes off my body and make me feel what I craze so badly.

Luca carries me into the house, up the stairs, and into his room. He pulls my dress from my body, leaving me in a pair of black lace panties. I'm like prey in front of Luca's eyes. They eat away every inch of my body.

He moves towards me, clutching my throat in his hand. "I don't think you're ready for me. Are you?"

"I'm ready." With my lips folded in, I give him a smile.

Luca pushes me onto the bed and as I run my hands over my chest, I can feel my nipples rising into hard buds. He crawls on top of me. Just as I think he's coming up for a kiss, he takes my nipple into his mouth. His swirling tongue rouses my mind.

My hands run through his hair and he runs down my body. He pulls at my panties, and when he lets go the fabric snaps against my skin causing a slight sting.

Luca travels to my inner thigh. His teeth latch onto my flesh. I grip the sheets between my clammy hands and squeeze my eyes shut so tight that tears begin to rush down the side of my face. When he lets go, I look down to see a dark red spot blossoming.

Luca brings his hands to either side of my hips. I slightly lift up to help him pull my panties off. He throws them across the room and begins to peel my thighs apart.

My heart might explode from my chest. No one has ever seen me like this before. What will he think? Maybe he won't like it. Maybe he isn't even attracted to me. I don't want sex to be the only thing we have. I don't want it to make our relationship.

My legs finally part and my pussy lays right in front of his face. With my bottom lip between my teeth and my brows slightly frowned, I sit up. Worry circles in my gut.

His eyes stay glued to my center.

"Luca...what's wrong?"

He doesn't even look at me before slowly forcing me back to the bed. He pulls the ottoman from the chair, next to the bed and takes a seat.

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