Chapter 57

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It's been a month and Echo has been showing great signs of recovery. The doctors check her brain activity often and every time they do, they find that her brain has become a bit more active. It was all of the blood loss and lack of oxygen that put her in the coma from the start, but for some reason doctors can't explain, she's getting better.

We're still not entirely sure when or even if she'll wake, but her doctor says it's likely.

She's been healing well. Her eyes are no longer swollen and bruised, but her abdomen, legs, and back are still a deep blue and yellow color. That's normal though. Her bruises weren't only surface level so they'll take longer to heal. Echo's body has been badly marred. She's covered in scars. They're mostly on her back and legs.

I've become painfully familiar with the exact way she acquired a lot of her injuries. I went back to Arturo's house, rummaged through his office for documents that could help me bring down the rest of his organization. I came across a USB drive.

I plugged it in his computer thinking I may have found something useful. But it was hours and hours of him beating, raping, whipping, cutting, and even fucking stabbing Echo. I felt an inexpressible amount of rage while watching. I felt guilty; I let this happen to her.

And when it was all over, she balled herself up in a corner, bleeding, and pleading for someone to help her. She cried and my tears couldn't help but to fall with hers. I truly failed her.

I watched every second of that video. It was torture and I deserved to feel it. I still haven't gotten what I deserve, but one day I will. And I won't complain, I'll endure everything that comes my way because I fucking deserve it.

Right now, I sit alone beside Echo. I lay my hand on her chest every couple minutes to feel her heart. It beats strongly. She's not connected to anything but the heart monitor, she's doing so well on her own. I just need her to wake up for me.

I brush her hair from her face. I can't wait to see those honey-brown eyes again. Joyful, alive, and full of wonder. I bring my lips to her cheek. "I'll be back, my love." I always feel the need to let her know when I'm leaving, or when I've arrived. I always talk to her and I wonder if she knows how many times I've told her I miss her, or how many times I've told her I love her.

I only leave to give relief to my bladder and I'm on my way back to Echo.

I'm here all day every day, and I don't mind one bit. I won't leave her alone. Vic's here most of the time, and Dario comes to visit as much as he can. But right now, Dar's keeping up with the mafia. I haven't been in the right head space to do it myself. I'm either here with my love, or torturing the living hell out of the sick fuck who bought her from that auction, along with his brother, Valentino.

Valentino insists that he tried helping Echo, but I won't believe that until I hear it from her mouth. His torture has been minimal, I have a feeling he might be telling the truth but I refuse to let him free when he could have played a role in Echo's suffering.

Maya, she's doing well and it has been her to keep me together. I always try to keep my mood light when in her presence, so she quickly notices when upset or unhappy. She always asks me if I'd like to watch a movie or bake with her. I never refuse, her light jokes always seem to brighten me up.

Maya's currently at school. After doing online school for a couple weeks, she quickly realized it wasn't for her. I actually have to leave to pick her up soon. She refuses to be picked up by any of the drivers I send. She doesn't trust them, and I won't force her to. I'll pick her up as long as she needs me to.

I plant a kiss on Echo's forehead and grab my keys. I fucking hate leaving her. Doing shit that doesn't revolve around her makes me feel like shit. I feel like I should be by her side every second of every day.


I've been waiting for Maya to come out of the building for a while now, when she does, she walks out with a boy. Her smile is bright as she waves goodbye. It makes me happy to see her socializing, living her life.

She gets in the passenger's seat. "Who was that?" I ask.

She can't even answer before giggles erupt from her mouth. "No one, he's uhh...he's a friend."

"You know, at first I wasn't suspicious. But when a guy goes from no one to just a friend, something's up," I laugh.

She turns to look at me. "We're only friends. I wouldn't mind if we were more, but I need to focus on me right now. I'm super behind and I don't need a boy distracting me."

I nod. Maya's so responsible. I was nothing like her at sixteen. I never got the chance to be a normal kid honestly. "That's very responsible of you. But if you do somehow break your own rules, I'll have to meet him first."

She laughs. "That's actually very sweet of you, Luca. Makes me feel like you actually care."

"I do care. More than I thought I would if I'm being honest."

"Uhhh...thanks I guess."

"Of course. I just want the best for you."

"Don't make me cry," she says wiping away fake tears. "I didn't know you could be this mushy." Sarcasm drips from her tone.

I truly try. I know it makes her more comfortable when I'm not my usual self. I'm not forcing it or anything though. I guess I just have a soft spot for the people I care about.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"A little, but I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Do you think I could come to the hospital with you today? I'd like to see her if that's okay."

I hesitate before nodding. "Sure." I always told myself I'd bring Maya to see Echo, but I wanted to do it when she wakes. I also don't want to tell Maya no, so I guess there's no harm in them meeting now.


I stop at a Chic-Fil-A to get food for Maya before heading to the hospital. I skip out on lunch. Not because I'm punishing myself, I'm simply not hungry. I'm in a better head space now. I did something that past me would've never seen coming.


I'm mostly doing it for Echo. I want her to wake up to the best possible me. Things are going slow but I think I've made progress. I don't feel like I want to decapitate Dario when he says idiotic shit. I've mostly only learned to control my anger. I'm not really looking for anything else at the moment. I don't want to talk about my childhood or the things that eat away at me. I just want to learn to control myself, I have to because I can't hurt her again.

We arrive and make our way through the hospital and to Echo's room. When we arrive I approach her bedside. Maya walks around the other side. She lets a small smile unfold across her lips. "I can't wait to truly meet her."

I nod. "You will, she'll wake up." I know she will. "Well I'm here all day, so if you want to leave, let me know."

"I think I'm gonna stay here, keep you company," she says.

"Okay," I smile. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. I'll be back."

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