Chapter 5

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I wake up to an unfamiliar setting, lying in a bed. It's dressed with a set of bright white sheets and a comforter. There's a huge floor-to-ceiling window to my right. Behind it lies a thick, verdant forest. In front of me, stands a wooden double door, and there's a restroom to my left.

The room is beautiful in all its luxury, but my heart still beats in my chest like a drum. Where am I? Where's Vic?

I look down at myself. This shirt isn't mine. Where is my dress?

I look at the small nightstand for my phone and purse, but they're not there. My breathing begins to stifle as panic floods my body. Where the hell am I? The view outside doesn't look like anything I've seen around home. It's nothing but dense forest.

I spring up from the bed. Suddenly, my head starts to float off my shoulders. I wobble a bit, struggling to find my balance. Once I do, memories of last night flash through my vision. That creep fucking drugged me.

Please don't tell me he took me home with him. Please.

I run over to the door and when I try opening it, I find it locked. Fear builds on top of my suspicions of that creep. He's brought me home with him. Who knows what he's gonna do with me?

I run to the window and turn on its handles. It's locked too. My eyes wander for the locks. There aren't any, just a keyhole on the handle that I can't do anything with.

If the door was unlocked, I still wouldn't be able to escape. From the looks of it, I'm at least three stories off the ground.

As I search for something to help me open the door, it begins to unlock. I run to the restroom to hide. I feel like I'm being strangled as the locks of the door click. I'm gonna die, he's gonna kill me.

The door opens with a creak.

"Miss?" The frail voice sounds to come from a woman. It's soft and gentle, even comforting to hear, but I stay hidden.

My eye catches a fairly large vase.

"Hellooo. If you're hiding, please come out," She calls again.

I think about grabbing it, but I can't hit this old lady with a vase. That's insane.

I come from the bathroom. The woman looks to be in her sixties. She stands with a bright smile on her face. She's not very tall, she's about four inches shorter than me. Her hair is all gray and pinned back in a bun. Her eyes glow a bright blue. Without saying much, she has already brought me a bit of comfort.

"Hello, dear. I'm Adelaide, but you can call me Adele."

I don't respond to her. Though she brings ease to my heart, I don't feel safe enough to tell her anything about myself. This whole soft, old lady thing could be an act.

"Come along, Mr. Caputo's waiting for you." She turns around heading for the door.

"Wait. Who's Mr. Caputo?" I ask, stopping her.

She pauses. A look of turmoil washes across her face. She takes a breath, returning her sweet gaze. "Well, I think I should let him tell you that himself." She turns to leave again but I still have more questions.

"Where am I?"

She exhales loudly, then she gives me a small, sweet smile.

"Mr. Caputo is a man who doesn't like to be kept waiting. I suggest you follow me before he has to come up here himself."

Trepidation bursts through my core and spikes me with fright. I don't like the way she talks about him.

I settle my nerves and follow her outside the room. She walks us through a nicely decorated hallway, and down a case of long stairs.

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