Chapter 48

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It's late when I arrive home. 11:09 pm to be exact. Even after a tiring day of getting my hands bloody, I have no desire to sleep, I dread it even. I know I'll only spend hours tossing and turning, filling my head with torturous thoughts of what has happened to Echo.

I enter the house only to come upon darkness. The air is still but the faint weeping from the living area ripples through my ears. As I approach the dark living room, Maya doesn't notice me. Her long red hair covers her face and she sits with her knees to her chest, much like when I found her.

"Maya?" I place my keys on the kitchen island before nearing the couch. "What's wrong?"

She quickly wipes her tears. "I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes it's like I'm there again. He's on top of me and I'm...I'm helpless. I can't move or breathe. I-" she breaks into hysteria. Her sobs come out violently like they're forcing their way up her throat, tired of being held in for so long.

If I'm being honest, I don't know how to comfort her. I'm not good at this sort of thing. My parents always told me to suck it up, but this isn't a suck-it-up situation. I don't know what to do. What would Echo do? She's good at this type of thing. When my father died I didn't feel much, but if I did, I'm sure her actions would have made things better.

I walk around to stand in front of her. "Do you want a hug?" That's all I can come up with.

She nods her head, before standing. I take her in and her cries grow louder. I rub soothing circles on her back, hoping to ease her pain. I know it's not possible though. She's been through so much and I know nothing I say can take her worries away. But still, I say them, because I want her to know I care. She needs to know someone cares.

"It's okay. You're not alone, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but nightmares eat away at me when I sleep too. I can't stop thinking about her. I know how it feels to have something constantly weighing on your mind."

"I just wish it would go away...I want my mom." I feel for her. The feeling of wanting something you'll never get again is all too familiar to me.

"I know, I'm so sorry. But for now, since I'm not a big fan of sleep either, what do you say I make popcorn, and we watch a movie?"

"Okay, but under two conditions..." A bit of cheer seeps into her tone. "You make cookies instead of popcorn and you take a shower. You smell awful," she says giggling a bit.

I realize that I'm still covered in Azeris's dried blood. And the stench of the chambers probably still lingers on my clothes.


After showering I make my way back to the kitchen. Maya and I bake the cookies before heading to the living room.

"Have you ever watched The Maze Runner? It's just about the only movie I've ever liked. It was Echo's favorite."

"Nope, never watched it. But I've heard of it. It sounds interesting."

"I think you'll love it," I say pressing play on the remote. "You have to. It's great, and that's saying a lot coming from me, I'm not a movie watcher."

About 45 minutes in, the weight of Maya's head weighs down on my shoulder. Soft snores tell me she's sleeping. That's great, at least one of us can get some rest. I shake her a bit, but she doesn't move. Safe to take her to her room without waking her.

I scoop her up, she's still sound asleep. I hate to say it but I wish I were carrying Echo instead. I know that sounds selfish, but I just miss her. I miss her deeply. It pains me to even think about her.

Once I get Maya into her bedroom, I head to mine to get another night of restless sleep.

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