Chapter 4

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"Dario." I look over at him. He's filling his nose with white dust as a topless stripper dances on a platform in front of him. He looks up at me. His eyes wide, and his irises, nothing but a thin blue ring around the black voids inside them.

"What, now?" He says. "Thought tonight was a night for us to chill, you know, get away from work, or is that a foreign concept to you?"

I could wring his fucking neck. Lucky for him, I need my underboss breathing.

"You need to relax," He says.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Get up."

He hesitantly stands and approaches me. 

"Doesn't that guy down there look familiar to you?" I point to a rather short man who stands in a section on the first floor of the club.

Dario rests his elbows on the railing leaning forward for a better view. "Isn't he from the Marchetti Mafia? Didn't we see him at the sit-down we had with them?"

"Yeah, I thought that was him," I say eyeing the man.

"He's not supposed to be here, right? I thought the agreement was for them to stay out of the Caputo's territory."

"No, it was for them to not carry out business in the Caputo's territory. If you weren't so high, maybe you'd remember." I say. He should fucking know this.

"Thought I was free that day, so you can't count that against me," He says.

He's right I did tell him he was free, but he should always be prepared when there is work that needs to be done. He knows this line of work can be very unpredictable.

"It doesn't look like he's 'carrying out business' to me, so I say we leave him alone."

My eyebrows knit together. I turn to look at him. "Dario, Do we ever step foot into a Marchetti-owned building without having business to attend to?"

"No," He replies.

"Exactly. He's definitely up to something."

Last week I made a deal with the South Marchetti Mafia. My father told me it would be a good idea to make peace with them. He also told me to keep an eye on them. They're slick and have been known for crossing fatal lines. I didn't think it was a good idea at the time. I felt like he was still trying to run the mafia through me. Although I wanted to let him know who was capo now, he had a point. Making peace with them would give us more connections.

"Go down there and keep your eyes and ears on his men. I'll keep mine on him," I say to Dario.

"Yes, Capo. You got it." He gives a few slaps to my back, and I find myself wanting to break his face.

Before I can give in to my urges, Dario heads to the first floor and I take a seat. I need to figure out why he's in my club.

I'm watching him when he approaches two girls sitting at the bar. One of them is blonde and tall in a red dress, the other is shorter with black hair. She's wearing a little black dress that appears to hug her body just right.

She seems a little shy compared to the other. She just sits, holding her drink in both hands, looking up every so often. I find the way she just sits there quietly, cross-legged and armed quite attractive.

It isn't until the man leaves that I take my eyes away from her. He heads to the other side of the bar and orders two drinks before moving to a less populated area. He sits the drinks down and slips a powdery substance into one of them.

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