Chapter 13

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Dario and I arrived at Luca's home about an hour ago. I've spent this time asking him at least a hundred questions, to which non of them he answered straightly. I'm sure he's annoyed with me. He keeps rolling his eyes every time I go to open my mouth. He insults me every couple of minutes but I'm always sure to throw one right back his way. Dario's quite entertaining. I don't think I've talked this much since I've been here.


"What now?" He huffs. He sits on the long black couch in front of me. He's all spread out with his head laid back.

"Since you won't answer any of my questions, could you get me food?"

I'm a little hungry, but I mostly ask just to bother him.

He raises his head from the couch with a face that says who do you think I am.

"Hell no. Do it yourself. Last time I checked you were pretty mobile. Slow, but mobile."

"You know, I don't think Luca would like it if he heard you let me starve."

He squints his eyes at me. "You know...," he imitates my voice "You're a pain in the ass," He finishes off reverting back to his voice.

"I know, it's what I live for." I give him a wink and smile. He gets up to go to the kitchen nearby.

I sit in silence and boredom. I wish I had my phone, now would be the perfect time to scroll mindlessly through social media. I am not afraid to admit that I am a slave to technology. I'd probably be stalking Noah's socials right now, to be honest. Looking to see who's heart he'd be working to break right now.

I can't believe he's dead and it's all because of me. I shouldn't have asked him for help, but the last thing I thought Luca would do was kill him. It's only been a day since he was killed, I wonder what's going on out there. 'Out there' as in the outside world. I feel so closed off from everything. I wonder if my parents are looking for me, or if they miss me. Probably not. They're probably enjoying my disappearance. They probably think I ran away and don't even care if I come back.

I hear footsteps behind me. Hopefully Dario has brought me something appetizing. I turn around to see Luca. He stops in his tracks, looking down at his hands. They're all bloody. I can't help but to feel like he's killed someone else. I only watch him from the couch with my eyes wide. This is worrying. After just standing there for a moment Luca suddenly steps into a nearby bathroom.

The water turns on and it seems run for an eternity. I feel the sudden urge check up on him, so I do. When I reach the restroom the door is already open. He's scrubbing the blood off his hands. I look at his face through the mirror. No expression whatsoever. It looks like he's not even there.

"Luca." I try and catch his attention. He still scrubs away. I fear touching him but maybe it's the only way I can get to him. My heart rate skyrockets as my hand reaches out for his. Once it makes contact he stops, looking at me. "What...happened, are you okay?"

My eyes dart back and forth between his, looking for something to fix. That's what I do with everyone. I find something broken and then I try my hardest to fix it. Even if it's for heartless Luca. I don't like the thought of anyone in pain.

He only stares at me a bit before speaking. "My father, the man you met earlier, you won't be seeing him again. He's dead." Luca looks up taking a deep breath. He doesn't seem sad, more so in disbelief. He steps back taking a seat on the toilet. His hand rest over his lower abdomen, he seems to be in pain.

I find myself feeling bad for this horrible person. His father seemed like a good man, but then again, I didn't truly know him. I walk over to Luca, wrapping my arms around his neck, embracing him in a hug.

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