Chapter 20

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I stand on the shallow end of the pool as Luca sits on a lounge chair near the pool reading a book. Yeah, he reads! I was surprised too. I'm not sure what he reads because all of his books are discreet and every time I ask him about it, he gives me a smile and says "you wouldn't like it".

I get out of the pool and I walk over to Luca. After standing in front of him for a solid 30 seconds he finally looks up from his book.

"Can I help you?" Luca's eyes trail my body. I don't blame him, I love this hot pink bikini on me too.

"If you're not going to get in the pool with me, you could at least tell me what's so interesting about that book."

He gives me a smile. "It's called Ways To Kill. It's fiction, which I don't read very much but this is quite the attention grabber." Luca grabs the back of my thigh pulling me closer to him. "You are too."

I grab his hand. "Get in with me, just for a minute." I bite down on my bottom lip.

Luca closes his book. He gets up from his chair and scoops me up. "What are you doing?" I giggle. I realize when he backs about fifteen feet away from the pool. I cling onto him tightly. "Luca, no. I can't swim." He ignores me and I scream as he runs with me in his arms, jumping into the pool. We both go underneath the water, I try kicking to the surface, but Luca pulls me back down. I open my eyes to see him. I place my hands on both sides of his face, a smile wide on mine. We're at the bottom of a twelve foot pool and I can't swim, but I feel as safe as ever with him here. I bring him in for a kiss.

As our lips smash together I feel all of Luca. I crave more than just a kiss from him. Our kiss deepens to its deepest depths, when I feel the need to come up for air. Bubbles erupt between us. I kick my feet and slap his shoulder. I need to go back up. He pulls my arms around his neck and swims us back above the surface. When we emerge, I take a deep dramatic breath.

He grabs my face roughly. "You couldn't hold your breath for me a little longer, princess?"

"If I did, I'd be dead." I breath out.

"You wouldn't die for me?" Luca has a crazed look in his eye. His grip on my face is tight.

"No, I'm not there yet." The look he gives me is terrifying.

"Yet?" He chuckles. "Well I am. I'd fucking die for you, kill for you, I'd set the world ablaze for you."

Luca's eyes burn with desire. His dilated pupils make his eyes appear black. "Penso di amarti," Luca says in a breathy voice, like he's just ran a marathon.
Translation: [I think I love you.]

I don't question what he means. I figure if he wanted me to know he would have said it in English. I only glare into his eyes before he smashes his lips into mine. We don't kiss long before he's down my neck. His teeth dig into my skin.

"I want you so badly," Luca whispers into my ear.

"What was that you told me before? Take what you want?" I say softly.

Luca brings his face in front of mine. A wide lustful smile prances across his lips. "Well I would, but I don't think you're ready."

"I am." I bite my bottom lip.

Luca chuckles. "Come on Echo, you and I both know you've never had sex before."

My heart skips a beat, how does he know?

"I have." I try and sound convincing.

Luca sees right through me. "You have not. Don't lie to me, Echo."

"Fine, but what gave it away?"

"The way you look at me when I touch you, it's like you've never been touched before. You almost get this look of surprise on your face. Like it's something new for you."

I wrap my legs around his torso, and my arms around his neck. I bring my head into his chest.

"Thanks for not rushing it or pressuring me," I say quietly.

"Things wouldn't be any different if you weren't a virgin." He puts emphasis on the word virgin.

"Don't say it like that. I have nothing to be ashamed of."

"No, you don't, but it's still amusing." He lets out a small laugh. I only roll my eyes in response, making sure he doesn't catch me.

Dario emerges from the sliding door. "Capo, it's time."

Luca carries me until I'm able to stand without my head going under the water. We get out of the pool. Luca walks into the house while I get a towel to wrap around myself.

"Oh! What a surprise, the shit head is back." Dario spits out.

"Ha ha. I missed you too, Dario." I say sarcastically.

I embrace him in a hug before he pushes me away. "I did miss you, but seriously fuck off. Are you trying to get me killed?"

I laugh at the way he looks around for Luca. "It's just a hug, Dario."

"Yeah, maybe if you were a bit more clothed. Don't do that again."

I hold my arms out getting them ready to wrap around him. He backs away grabbing a chair to block me.

"HELP!" he shouts while laughing. He's fucking hilarious.


I watch Luca from the bed, still in my slightly damp bikini as he dresses himself in a white button up and black slacks. He slides on a couple of rings as well as a chain. "Luca, I have to tell you something."

He turns around to face me.

"The police know who you are. You're on their radar. I didn't tell the detective about you, she already knew. She knows you killed Noah."

"Fuller?" He questions.

"Yeah, she wanted me to give her information on you but I told her I didn't know what she was talking about."

A grin dances across Luca's lips. "You covered for me. Why?"

Truth is because Luca scares the living hell out of me but I won't say that.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "I felt like I owed you, for letting me go home."

"Well Fuller is nothing new, she's been trying to take my father down for years. And now she's trying to get at me. If she makes one move I don't like, she'll end up just like Noah. I think she knows better though, that's why she didn't badger you about me. She has nothing."

"She found Noah's body, and she knows you killed him. That doesn't sound like nothing to me."

"Fuller has found plenty of bodies with my name written all over them, but here I am. A free man. She has nothing. And you, princess, have nothing to worry about."

If he gets too sloppy he'll end up tripping in his own shit, but what do I know. I didn't grow up in this life. Maybe he does have it all figured out.

He walks over to my side. He grabs hold of my neck. "I know I said you'd have me all day but I have some business to attend to, stay inside. When I get back we'll do whatever you want."

Luca intensely kisses my lips, before exiting the room. He leaves me deep in thought about we're my life will go from this very moment.

Translation: [I think I love you.] 💕 hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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