Chapter 52

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The next morning, when I wake, I check on Maya to see her sitting in bed, she's awake.

"Did you sleep well? Any nightmares?" I sit on the edge of the bed. She rubs her eyes and yawns widely.

"I slept amazingly, the only nightmares I had were of that...what do you call them...those Grievers," she laughs. "Those things were crazy scary." She yawns again.

"Yeah, they get the heart pumping a bit," I say, a smile wide on my face. "Well, I just came to check on you. I have some things to take care of. I'll be back later, maybe we'll watch the second movie...that is if you can stay awake," I tease.

"Hey, if we hadn't started watching so late, then maybe I would have stayed awake. I'll stay up this time, though. Just catch me at an earlier time."

"We'll see," I say leaving her bedroom.

As I walk to my car I think about the smile on the little girl's face, the tone of her cheerful voice, the sound of her giddy laugh, it makes me happy that she's happier. I'm so glad that I found her when I did.


I reach the chambers, Dario and Niccolo are already inside with Ivan. When I reach them, Azeris's body is still on the floor, in a pool of blood. She's pale, completely drained of all color. Her eyes remain open. The room already has that slight pungent scent of death. I'm going to make him watch her rot, turn into nothing but a pile of mush and maggots before him.

I pull up the chair Azeris once sat in. I place it backwards in front of Ivan before taking a seat. I rest my elbows on the top of the back of the chair. I blow out a big breath. "Ivan, to be quite frank, I am becoming impatient with you and the torture hasn't even begun. Just tell me who you sold Echo to and maybe I'll consider letting you free."

He laughs. "I'm not stupid Caputo. You will not let me free. You will kill me anyway, so I will tell you nothing."

"But you see, you have something I want, and it's not just the whereabouts of my love. It's your mafia, I want us to combine. I want us to ally, together we can have it all." I nearly laugh at my lies. I have all the power I could ever want, everything I could ever want. I have it all, except for Echo. She's the only thing I need. I'm sure she's the only thing I'll ever need.

"You, Luca Caputo, capo of the north...want to ally?"

"Yes, I'll set you free and our mafias will nearly become one. But under two conditions, you tell me who you sold Echo to, and you never touch or even look at a child in the way you do, ever again."

He looks as if he's considering my false offer.

"That would be great, but Luca...I don't trust you," he says with a smirk.

How could he have a smirk on his face while his daughter lies dead on the ground less than 10 feet away?

My eyes land on an axe in a corner. The memories of hacking off Romano's head come rushing back. I want to do the same to this prick, but I need to convince him, not scare him. He has nothing left to lose, but if he feels like he has something to gain, he will spill.

"Listen, Ivan. Would you rather watch me run your mafia from your grave, or run it with me, next to me, you'd be my second."

His eyes trail from mine. They move to the left, possibly to catch a glimpse of Dario, then to the right where Niccolo stands. I know Niccolo is excited to see another bloodbath, but it looks like he may be disappointed. Ivan is truly considering.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

He can't know, there is no possible way. If he's gonna give into my lies, I want it to be because he's an idiot, to trust me. Not because I gave him a true reason to believe me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, Petrov...take your chances, test your luck? You have nothing to lose anyway."

He sighs as he gazes down at his rotting, decaying daughter. His eyes slightly gloss over, surprisingly.

"Okay, Caputo. I accept."

"Good..." I don't get my hopes up. He could be fucking with me. "Who has her?"

"She was sold of the Marchetti brothers. I'm not sure which one. I was not present when she was sold."

Rage courses through my body. If what he says is true, Echo has been right under my nose this entire time. I've set foot onto the property of the Marchetti's twice. Echo has probably been feet away from me, and I didn't know it.

I get up from the chair in a blind rage and grab the axe from the corner. I walk in front of Ivan. I want him to see me.

I swing the axe over my shoulder before sending it down to his leg. He screams and blood splashed up from his thigh. The sight of blood spilling onto the floor, the sound of his fervid screams, and the feeling of the axe hitting the bone are all so perfectly stimulating to my brain.

Before I know it I'm hacking at his whole body. A deep slash to his chest leaves his mouth agape. I swing at his head. The blade slices right through his face disconnecting his cheeks from his jaws. The flesh hangs, dripping with red.

I swing at his neck. Blood surges from his veins, spraying me like a light rain. His head hangs limp, hanging halfway off his neck. It isn't enough. I swing once more sending his head to the ground. The loud thud it makes does nothing but satisfy my craving to kill.

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