Chapter 47

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I stand in the kitchen watching Maya eat the food I made her. I want to ask her more questions.

I grab her glass refilling it with water. By the looks of it, she's malnourished and dehydrated. Her lips are dry, she's very frail and pale.

After sitting the glass next to her I take a seat. "Can I ask you a few questions? I just want to figure out the best way to help you."

She nods her head.

"How'd you get with Ivan?"

"My mom died about a year ago. She was the only family I had left, so when she passed, I was put into foster care. I was fostered by some not-so-good people, so I decided to run away. I met this guy, he promised he could help me. He told me he could get me a job and I'd be able to make money on my own. It all sounded so promising. I took him up on his offer, he gave me to this auction. Ivan didn't want to sell me. He wanted to take me for himself, so he did."

"So, there's nowhere I can take you?"

She shakes her head no. We sit in silence before she gets down from the bar stool.

"Don't worry, I'll leave. I don't want to be a burden. You look fairly young, I'm sure taking in a 16-year-old girl isn't on your bucket list."

"Not at all, but I'm going to help you. You can stay here until we figure something out."

"Okay, but you're not putting me back into the system. If that's where you plan to send me just let me know, so I can run away. I will not go back."

"Never planned on it. By figure something out I mean, getting you onto your feet. You'll go back to school, and then we'll work on getting you your own place after you graduate. I'm going to help you, not send you off and hope for the best."

She gives a small smile. "Thank you, but why? Why do you care?"

"Because when I saw you, I thought about my love. She's very likely in the same situation you were in. If someone were to find her, I'd hope they'd help her out, as I will do for you."

"I'm sorry, what's her name?"


"That's beautiful. You'll find her. You found me, I was almost certain that no one would."

I give her a small smile. "Well, I have to go. If you get hungry again, help yourself. I'll have Adele show you to your room."

I get up to walk away. "Hey, you never told me your name."

"It's Luca."

"Well then, thank you, Luca. For being my guardian angel."

I grab my keys from the bar and make my way towards the door. She sees me as an angel while the love of my life sees me as the devil. Why couldn't I be like this with her? Why couldn't I let our first I be something like this? Comforting and caring.


I arrive at the chambers. It's about 8:00 pm now. Night has fallen and stars light up the sky. There's a nice November breeze that brushes past my skin. The trees swish and sway in the wind. What a wonderful night to kill.

I enter the chambers. The stench of death abruptly floods my nose. I make my way down the hall and to the room I told Niccolo to put Ivan in.

When I open the door. My eyes are met with Azeris tied up in a chair on the left side of the room and Ivan tied to a chair on the right. He only where's a pair of boxers. I guess Niccolo and Dario didn't give him much Time to get dressed. Azeris wears the same pastel pink dress she had on when we kidnapped her, which was like two months ago.

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