Chapter 21

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Maybe my father was wrong about Echo. She didn't give Fuller any info on me, even if she did it wouldn't be anything Fuller doesn't already have.

But then again no one was ripping out her teeth and fingernails trying to get her to break. That would be completely different.

Before leaving I had all guards on duty. I made it clear that if anything happened to Echo, I'd cut their heads off and send it to their families.

Romano has played his cards but now it's my turn. I'm going to kill him, for a number of reasons. For crossing me, killing my father, and now for attempting to abduct Echo. He's gotten away with too much.

He's been under the radar for a month now, no trace of him whatsoever. One of my men, Niccolo, spotted him at an auction. I sent him there to see exactly what the auction was for. Turns out Romano was there buying women for his personal use. Niccolo reported kids as young as fourteen being bid on. He found that Romano bought two girls, one of them only 16, the other 22.

He's a fucking pig. Some mafia's drug traffic, some smuggle, extort, corrupt, and infiltrate businesses, but most leave women and children out of it all, unless they involve themselves. Even then I don't hurt kids. Women on the other hand, should just stay out of my way.

Niccolo was able to set the girls free and bring Romano to the Chambers. Today Romano will die a horrific death. One that I will enjoy every second of. The Marchetti mafia will fall.

When I arrive at the Chambers, Dario arrives no later than a minute after me. Niccolo stands at the entrance. The chambers are underground. When you open the door there are stairs that lead down a hall of many rooms.

Whenever I enter the Chambers my nose is met with the stench of death and air as cold as winter in Minnesota. The lights are dimly lit casting an almost green color over the scenery.

"Where is he?" I ask.

Niccolo takes the lead. He brings me down a hall before turning onto another one.

We enter a room, and there he is tied to a metal chair. Romano slowly raises his head. One of his eyes are purple and swollen shut. I chuckle turning to Niccolo. "What'd you do?"

"Oh, this isn't my doing." Niccolo brings his hand to his chest. "Before I set those two girls free the youngest decided to get a punch in."

"Well, good for her." I say bringing my gaze to Romano.

I walk over to a table that holds guns, blow torches, and a bunch of hardware tools. "What should I torture you for first, Romano? Killing my father, attempting to abduct my girl, or buying teens from an auction?" I say scanning the hardware tools.

"F-fuck you." He grunts out.

My eyes land on a drill. "Maybe I should drill a hole in your head, for killing my father."

"Just kill me, you son of a bitch."

"Oh no need to rush, we're gonna get there, don't worry," I say assuring him. "But first, you're going to tell me who runs that auction."

"I won't tell you a damn thing."

"You will, unless you want me to have Dario chop your dick off and shove it down your own throat."

"What? Why me?" Dario interrupts.

"Because we both know you'd enjoy it."

He gives me a face that says you're right. I grab a butcher knife from the table. It weighs down on my wrist, and the blade shines even under the dim lighting. After walking over to Romano, I untie one of his hands from behind him, placing it on a small wooden table. He tries pulling it away but I have it pinned down. His fingernails whiten as he grips the edges of the table.

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