Chapter 8

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I've learned that Echo likes to ask lots of questions. I don't mind answering them. I like that she finds some sort of interest in me. She's trying to figure out who I am, and I, who she is. I know everything about her that has been filed or documented, but I want to know her, not know about her.

So far, I've also learned that she is quite obsequious. She has yet to defy me, but I am waiting for the very moment she does. I know she's not a complete pushover from the way her eye twitches when I give her a command. She'll explode soon, and I can't wait to put her back together only to break her again.

I watch her as she eats her food. She takes small bites from each nugget she takes to her mouth. I think about stupid things, like why doesn't she just eat the whole nugget? I get a phone call from Dario, before leaving to answer the call.

"Seems Romano Marchetti received your little gift."

A slight smile spreads across my face. I may, or may not have had someone cut up that pathetic rat's body and gift it to Romano.

"He's requested another sit-down."

"Arrange one then," I say

"Luca, when I spoke with him, his tone came off as vengeful. I think it's best we go prepared for the worst."

"I killed one of his men, of course he'll be vengeful. Romano doesn't want a sit-down, he wants a war, and I'm more than willing to give that to him."

I don't give Dario time to respond. I hang up the phone before he's able to.

I look back over to the table I left Echo at. She's gone. My eyes dart across the food court until they land on her with a blonde guy. She's holding his hand and she looks panicked, her head flipping from side to side, worry etched into her expression. Probably wondering if I know she's trying to run away.

I slowly make my way toward her. What she doesn't know is that I love a chase, so I allow her to get outside of the building.

I get into my car, my gaze smoothly trailing Echo as she gets into a car with that guy. A slight grin tugs at the corner of my lips, because here it is, that bold decision I've been waiting for her to make.

As I follow them down a two-way road, I'm sure to stay far behind. I wonder how long it'll take before I'm noticed.

It's only 5 minutes later when they increase their speed, so I do the same. Soon I'm right next to them. I look over to see the guy staring back at me, his brow raised. Echo sits in the passenger seat crying.

I swerve my car into theirs, causing the guy to lose control. He swerves right into a ditch. I pull over to get out of my car before bringing my gun from my waistband and approaching the driver's side.

The guy is out cold. His bloody head rests against the steering wheel. Echo's hardly conscious, but her cries and groans still cut through my ears with ease. I almost feel sympathetic for her, but she did this to herself. All I asked was for her to stay put, and she couldn't follow such a simplicity of directions. This is on her.

I walk over to her side. I go to pull the door open, but she locks it before I can. I punch the window. As I do, my knuckles begin to bleed, blood seeping through the cracks and valleys of the glass. A couple more hits before it shatters. Shards of glass slice through my hand but the pain has yet to reach me. Echo screams.

I unlock the door before pulling it open. I grab her arm dragging her from the car. She continues to scream.

I slam her against the hood of the car. The hard impact stops her screams. "You thought you could run away from me, princess?"

"NOAH!" She calls out.

"Oh, is that your little boyfriend's name? He can't hear you, sweetheart. I think he's dead," I say, a smile dancing across my lips.

"Luca, please let me go." Her voice shakes and cracks. It's quiet and fearful.

"Never," I whisper to her.

She kicks and screams some more. All of this fighting she's doing is quite arousing. I grab her hair, dragging her back to my car. I open the car door throwing her in the backseat, bringing my gun to her neck. "If you even think about running again, I'll put a bullet through your throat just like I did the guy who drugged you."

She breathes heavily. Her gaze is forward.

"You understand?"

One tear out of many from earlier rolls down her cheek.

"Y-yes, s-s-sir." Her voice trembles.

I walk back over to the guy's car, before reaching through the broken window to check his pulse.

Unfortunately, I feel one. It's weak, but definitely there. I open the car door, dragging him out by his shirt. His left leg looks to be broken, it's in an impossible angle. After dragging him across the street to the back of my car, I let go of his shirt causing his head to hit the ground.

I walk to the driver's side pressing the button to open the trunk, Echo's staring out the window crying hysterically.

I get to the guy and I throw him in my trunk. I'm gonna have a fucking field day with him.

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