Chapter 16

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Adele leads me to the front of the house. I help her as we walk down the stairs. When we get closer to the bottom, I see Luca. His back is to us and he's on the phone. I don't know what he's saying.

The sound of us catches his attention. He pulls the phone from his ear. "Where are your things?"

"I don't need them, I just need what I arrived with, my phone, dress, and heels," I say sternly.

Luca frowns at me. "I'll have it all sent to you, we need to get going now."

I roll my eyes. Why can't he just go get them?

"Roll your eyes again, I'll change my mind."

He opens the door and I step out first. There's the same white Audi. The same one Noah rode in the trunk of, unknowingly waiting for his life to end.

I don't wait for Luca to open the door for me, once I'm inside the car it doesn't take long before he is too.

As we drive down a two-way curvy road, all I do is stare out the window, watching the trees as they seem to quickly pass us by. My heart thumps rapidly in my chest while I think about what my parents will do to me.

Maybe I should ask Luca to take me to Vic's house, it's not like my parents can force me to come home. I'm an adult now.

I feel Luca's hand place itself on top of my thigh. I don't react, I keep staring out of the window.

"You okay?" Luca's voice breaks the silence.

"Yes," I say blankly.

"No, you're not, what's wrong? Isn't this what you want? Shouldn't you be excited to get away from me?"

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking about what will happen when I get home."

"What do you mean? Your parents will be happy to see you, and you'll go back to living your life...hopefully."

"Hopefully?" I turn to see his face. He glances at me before his eyes are back on the road.

"Yes, hopefully. I told you, princess, it's not safe."

I let out a big huff of air turning back to face the window. No one is going to fucking come for me. He's just trying to get me to stay, which is the last thing I'll be doing. I'm going home.

The rest of the car ride is silent. We arrive on my street and Luca knows which house is mine, of course. I open the door to get out, but he grabs my hand before I do. I turn to see what he wants. He holds a card in his hand.

"Look, I know you don't believe me, but please take this. If you feel like something's wrong don't hesitate to call me. It won't be like an I told you so or anything, I just want to protect you. Okay?"

The concern on his face seems real. I take the card to satisfy him and I exit the car. Luca doesn't pull off until I make it to my doorstep. I twist the doorknob to find it unlocked. My legs feel like jelly and my strength to push open the door seems to be almost nonexistent. I don't know what waits for me behind this door.

With my heart threatening to explode from my chest, I push open the door. It's dark and quiet. I look to my left where the dining area is, and then to my right.

My mother sits on the couch, weeping into her hands. She looks so tired. "James, please tell me you found something. Please, tell me you found her." She keeps her face planted into her palms.

"Mom," I softly say.

Her head shoots up. Her red eyes widen at the sight of me. She gets up placing her hands over her mouth before reaching her hands out for me. We meet each other in the middle with a hug. I can't remember the last time I hugged my mom. The feeling is so strange. Before I left we were stabbing each other with insults and the past.

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