Chapter 39

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TW: mentions of sexual assault.


My eyelids feel heavier than ever as I force them open. My hands are bound above my head, and the weight of my body puts a strain on my arms. My wrists are screaming. I look up to see them red and bruised, cuffed in metal. The cuffs are attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling. It all hangs me about a foot off the ground.

The cold air surrounding me chills my skin, causing goosebumps to rise. I'm still in the hot pink bra I was given and my underwear.

I scan the room made of concrete. The lights are bright and they cast a greenish hue over the room. There's not a single window in sight. There's nothing. Just me, hanging from this chain.

I'm alarmed into a panic when the door around the corner begins to unlock. My breathing rapids and a wave of nausea washes over me.

A man with dark hair and brown eyes walks in. He's fit; more on the slender side. He holds a glass of an alcoholic drink. One of his hands rests in his pocket.

When he approaches me, he grabs my thigh before running his hand up the curve of my side. Despite our faces being leveled, I keep my gaze down. I can't look at this man.

He gropes my left breast. The tighter he squeezes, the tighter I squeeze my eyes shut. My heartbeat is the only thing I can hear. I'm almost certain he can hear it too. His hand goes to my bra and the second he lifts the band, Luca's knife makes a clamorous landing on the floor. Fuck. I forgot about it completely.

He squats down to pick it up. He studies the handle engraved with Luca's name. "Luca Caputo," he chuckles. It's deep and evil. "I'm going to need you to forget all about him. You're my slut now."

My heart sinks, this isn't good. Just by the way he talks, I know he's going to do despicable things to me. Tears threaten to pour from my eyes, but I fight to hold them back.

"You belong to me now, Arturo Marchetti."

He extends the blade of Luca's knife and I hold my breath as I wait for it to slice through me. He slides it underneath the fabric of my panties. The cold metal against my skin sends chills down my spine. He slices through before repeating the process on the other side.

My underwear fall between my legs and I cross them to protect my vagina. He cuts off my bra, leaving me completely exposed. That's all it takes for tears to fall.

He sets his glass on the floor. When he comes back up, his eyes burn into mine as he unbuckles his belt.

Please don't do this to me.

When his belt is off, he holds it in his hand, walking behind me slowly. Not being able to see him is dreadful. I don't like not seeing what's coming to me next.

"I'm going to need you to say my name. You need to know who you belong to," he says.

I breathe loud and deeply, not letting a single word slip.

His belt strikes my back. The sting lingers but it's manageable. I control a whimper pushing at my lips.


I will not. I don't belong to him or anyone else. I am my own. If not my body I have my thoughts. They are mine and they are to the knowledge of no life that exists before me. My soul is forever my own.

He strikes me again. The leather leaves behind an ache on my skin. I still hold in my screams. I will not give him the satisfaction of hearing my pain.


I don't dare open my mouth to say his name. Heavy metal clashes with my shoulder blade. An agonizing scream leaves my mouth as the pain flares throughout my back. It lingers, aches, burns like a fire is only inches away.

"I don't care if I have to beat you all day. You're going to say my name."

I gather my breath before speaking boldly. "Kill me first."

I mean that. Every fucking word. I want him to kill me. Only in death will his name leave my lips.

He strikes me again. He doesn't wait to hear his name. Blow after blow after blow. My back is on fire, but I still won't say his name. Fuck him.

He brings the buckle to the front of my body, striking my breast. The pain of that hit spreads through me like wildfire, and my screams still spread throughout the room. It's excruciating.

I said I wasn't going to satisfy him with my screams but the abuse he puts on my body makes it impossible to hold them back.

The belt slams into my abdomen, if my stomach held any food, it would be all over the floor.

My tears have started to run down my face, neck, and between the valley of my chest. My body trembles and throbs in the places I've been hit.

"Come on, all you have to do is say my name, and this can be over. You're making it harder on yourself."

He gropes my already aching breast. I whine.

"Say it."

Nothing but heavy breaths come from my mouth.

He reaches up unclipping the cuffs from the chain. I fall to the floor but I'm quickly dragged back up by my hair. He walks me to a wall, smashing my body into it. His hand brushes against my bottom as he undoes his pants.

No, no, no, no. Please.

I cry uncontrollably as I attempt to escape from his hold. It's useless the weight of his body crushes me against this wall.

"Please," I whisper. I feel my determination deplete as that pathetic plea leaves my lips. Suddenly not saying his name doesn't feel so important.

He pushes my back in to gain access to me. I can't let him do this. I can't let him strip me of my dignity. It will crush me.

"Arturo," I spit his name from my mouth hastily.

He laughs. "What was that, slut? Say it louder."

"Arturo," I say; more than loud enough for him to hear. "P-please. I said it. D-don't do this." Heavy and errant breaths interrupt my words as I speak.

"I belong to Arturo Marchetti. Say it."

"I belong to Arturo Marchetti." As I repeat after him and it pains me. Luca told me I belonged to him many times before but I never gave him the satisfaction of my complete submission. I don't feel as though I belong to this man, but I'll say anything to keep him from raping me.

"That's right, you're mine. Forget about Luca. He's not coming for you. No one is looking for you. No one gives a fuck about you. Remember that."

As my sobs fill the air I realize just how right he is. There's not a single soul on this earth that cares about me. Everyone's either dead, dying, or cut off by Luca.

I need him so badly right now, though. I hate him for killing Noah, I hate him for hitting me and locking me in that basement, I hate him for lying to me about my mother, but I need him. He's my only way out.

He was at the auction, which means he's looking for me. I have hope. Hope that he will find me.

Please god, whoever is listening. Let him find me.

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