Chapter 46

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As I drive away from Arturo's property, my suspicion of him grows strong. I didn't think he could have anything to do with Echo, but when he asked me about her, it made me think. Why the hell would he bring her up, it's none of his business, why would he care? Was that a taunt? Does he have her?

I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Our two mafias are good. We're as cordial as we can be right now, and I don't want to fuck it up.

My phone rings. Niccolo's name displays across my screen.

"Luca, I found Ivan."

"Is he in Moldova?"

"What? No, he's been right under our noses this entire time. He's been staying in a penthouse, just downtown."

"Where are you?"

"Come on, you already know. I'm right outside. I'll send you the address."

I chuckle. "Dario and I will be there soon, don't engage. Wait for me."

I end the call.

"Who was that?" Dario says yawning. This motherfucker.

"It was Niccolo. He found Ivan, something you couldn't do, even with years of training."

"Blah, blah, blah. Kiss my fucking ass. I fucking tried. I tried, Luca. I really fucking did."

I look over at him. "I know, I know. I'm just fucking with you, it's not your fault. It was never your fault. I apologize for ever making you feel that way."

He laughs. "You're apologizing? Wow, Echo must have stolen your soul or something, or added one."

"Maybe she did," I laugh. "I really love her, you know. Every night I struggle to get to sleep, thinking about her. The thought of her being dead... just eats away at me. It's driving me mad, I've never felt these feelings before, I don't think I ever felt at all before her."

"She says she hates you, but I'm not so sure of that. I think she loves you too, but the things you do to her, hold her back. She's scared to love you, Luca."

"Scared? I never thought it that way."

"She just fears you hurting her. Whether it's physical or mental, doesn't matter. She's just scared, Luca. She's definitely been through some shit. I don't know who put her through it, but they broke her. I think they're the reason why she's so quick to forgive you when you hurt her. You have to stop taking advantage of her."

I take in his words, he's right. While I'm not sure I can completely let go of my possessive nature, I will try. And I've already realized just how much I've taken advantage of her. I just don't see the problem. I want to protect her, so I don't let her go out, I don't let her have her phone, I don't allow her to make phone calls. I just want her safe, why is that so bad?

I know that allowing her those things will make her happy, but it's not worth losing her. It looks like I already have. Lately, my hope has been depleting.

We arrive at the penthouse. Niccolo's black BMW sits right outside. He spots us as we get out of the car. We all make our way to the entrance.

"Do you know which apartment," I ask?

"Yes, just follow me."

We get into the elevator and make our way up. When the elevator door opens I can feel adrenaline already coursing through my veins. I'm just going to try not to kill him, before getting answers out of him.

We make our way to the apartment. I pull at the doorknob, but of course, you need a key car. I point my gun at the lock.

"Wait, let's just knock," Dario says. I almost want to take my gun across his face, but I mean, what could it hurt?

I knock. I wait for 15 seconds before becoming impatient. I take my gun and blow 4 bullets into the lock. The door pushes open and we barge in.

"Look around."

We split up and I head down a hall. A door at the end of it is cracked, and water runs from what sound like the shower. When I reach the room I push the door open a bit more. A girl sits in the bed with her knees to her chest while whimpering. She doesn't notice me until I'm only feet away from her. When she looks at me, I notice her black eye and bruised cheek. Her cries become slightly louder. She holds her hands up as if surrendering to me.

"P-please d-don't...hurt me."

I walk closer to her. She scoots across the bed.

"Please, no." She turns her head away, with her hands still head up. They shake and tremble.

"Hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you. Come here."

She frantically shakes her head.

"Look, my guns down. I'm not going to hurt you. Just come to me."

She finally takes a look at me. She looks over to the restroom door that is slightly cracked open. She gets up. She wears not a single piece of clothing on her badly bruised body. My heart breaks looking at her. Echo could be in this very same state. I don't stare at her bruises for too long. I don't want to make her feel more uncomfortable than I'm sure she already is.

She runs over to me and I grab a towel from the floor to wrap around her. When we leave the room, Dario walks towards the girl and me.

"He's in the shower, you and Niccolo get him to the chambers. I'm gonna get her somewhere safe."

He nods his head.

I lead the girl from the penthouse to the elevator. Before the doors can open to the lobby, I wrap my blazer around her. I don't want her to have to walk out in front of all those people in only a towel.

Once we reach my car I sit her in the passenger's seat before going back around to the driver's side. I pull away from the penthouse, making my way to my place.

I turn on the heat. "How old are you?" I've been dreading asking her this question. I know the answer will prove just how fucked up Ivan Petrov is. Just how fucked up men can be.


I don't even know what to say. She shouldn't be here. She should be somewhere with friends, doing teenage girl shit.

"What's your name?"

"Maya," she says hesitantly.

"I'm going to get you home, okay."

She turns her head to look out the window. From the way that her voice cracks, I know that she turned her head to hide her tears. "I don't h-have a home," she shudders.

"Hey don't cry. You'll be okay. For now, I'll take you with me, and we'll things out from there."

She nods her head, wiping her tears. I don't know what I'm going to do with her. I don't know where to take her, or how to help her.

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