Chapter 9

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Luca's driving just like the madman he is. Every time we turn I feel that we might tip over. I look at the speed meter. 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, then finally 100.

I close my eyes tightly. Some part of me wishes we would crash. If we did at least he wouldn't be the one to kill me.

Luca speeds past every car that isn't moving fast enough. We almost hit a car head-on before he swerves back into the right lane.

After that, I hold on to the door for the rest of the ride. I pray that whatever Luca has conjured up in that sinister mind of his, won't kill me.


We arrive at Luca's estate. He gets out of the car, his gun in his hand. He opens the door to the back seat and drags me out of the car by my hair. I can feel strands being ripped from their follicles. I don't have any footing so I fall to the ground. He keeps dragging me.

As he drags me my skin is being scraped off by the concrete. I start to see blood run down my legs.

Luca drags me up the steps and all I can do is scream from the agonizing pain at my scalp. Once we're up the stairs, he brings me to my feet, turning me so my back is to his chest. He places his gun to my temple.

"You're going to cooperate, you hear me?"

I quickly nod my head yes. My eyes shut tight.

"I want to hear your voice, baby." His voice growls with sinister intent.

"Yes, sir," I say, following with a big sob.

He walks me into the house, his gun still to my head.

"Dario," Luca calls.

A tall and slender, brunette guy appears from the corner. He's approaching us. His eyes are icy blue and he has a long scar on his face. It's diagonal going from his cheek to his eyebrow.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Is this that girl from the club? I thought maybe you would've killed her by now. Why do you still have her?" Dario says with an amused smile.

Luca ignores all of his questions. "Go get her boy toy from my trunk."

"Luca, why the fuck do you have a guy in your trunk?"

Luca raises his gun to Dario's face. Dario raises his hands slowly in response.

"Go get him out of the trunk and tie him up in the basement. If he's not down there by the time I am, I'll tie you up with him."

"God, okay. Calm down, I'll get him." Dario walks away.

"Looks like someone's pussy whipped." I hear him say under his breath. I don't think Luca heard that. He is in fact, not. He's just fucking crazy.

Luca continues to walk me to the basement. Once we're there he pulls me over to these chains on the floor. I don't bother fighting him. It's clear this man will win, no matter what. Why fight when his victory is inevitable, anyway. There are metal cuffs attached to the end of the chains. He puts them on me.

I just keep my head down while silently crying. I can't even look at him. I'm sitting on the concrete, dried blood covered floor when Luca walks over to a lever. He pulls it and the chain starts lifting into the air.

A thunderstorm thrives in my chest. I back myself up until the chain reminds me that I'm attached to it. The chain is still lifting when I start to lift with it.

"Luca, please. Stop. I won't run again. I'm sorry. I just wanted to go home." I frantically spit out.

The chain has finally lifted me just high enough so that my feet don't touch the ground. My weight puts a strain on my arms.

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