Chapter 24

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As Vic and I approach the front door of Luca's house I fidget with my fingers, dreading what will come next. Luca wanted me back here by 7:00, and because I let Vic convince me to sneak off with her and waste all of that time, it's well past 8:00.

Before my hand can reach the door knob, the door swings open. Luca stands with a look that could fucking kill.

"Take her home." He orders one of the guards.

A guard grabs hold of Vic's arm. She breaks free before clinging on to me.

"I'm not going anywhere," Vic shouts at him.

Luca looks at me. His eyes darken. The look makes my heart rate skyrocket. I take a gulp before turning to Vic. I grab hold of her hands. "It's okay Vic, I'll be fine. Just go home."

She embraces me into a hug. "No, I'm not leaving you again. Not like this."

"Please, Vic. I'll find a way to call you later. I promise."

The guard grabs her again, ripping her away from me. She stumbles in her heels as she's pulled away. She curses and shouts at the guard.

Luca harshly grabs my arm, yanking me into the house. He slams the door shut behind us, and I keep forward after he lets me go. He's pissed and I don't want to get caught in his raging rampage.

"Don't walk away from me like you didn't just go out and do the very thing I told you not to."

I stop in my tracks. My palms become sweaty and nerves dig themselves deep into my veins. I close my eyes tightly.

"Turn around and fucking look at me."

I slowly turn, opening my eyes in the process. Luca quickly walks towards me. I take a few steps backwards. I want to run but I feel if I do, it will anger him more. I put my hands up in front of my body, hoping that somehow they will stop him.

He grabs my neck pushing me into a wall. My heart does a flip in my chest. I haven't felt this kind of fear of him in a while. I thought things were okay. He's always been aggressive. I know this. Why did I expect his reaction to be different from this?

"You wanna play games with me, Echo?" He says, no louder than a whisper. "You have my guards chasing after you all fucking day, and you think it's a goddamn game. THIS IS NOT A FUCKING GAME, ECHO. THE ONLY THING YOU'RE PLAYING WITH IS YOUR LIFE."

I grab onto Luca's wrist with both my hands. His grip tightens with every second that passes.

"L-Luca...p-please." I struggle to get air to my lungs. I close my eyes tightly and dig my nails into his skin as hard as I can. It doesn't affect him. It seems to only make his grip tighter.

I open my eyes to find his darting back and forth between mine. He lets go of my throat only to grab a fist full of my hair.

"Luca, I'm sorry. Please, you're hurting me." My cries echo through the house, as he drags me to a door and down some steps. It's cold, and all I can see is the light shining from the door above as he drags me down into darkness.

He opens another door to a dark room. When I realize where this is going I scream to the top of my lungs.

"No, no, I can't go in there. Please, don't put m-"

Luca covers my mouth and nose with his hand. I bite down into his flesh as hard as I can. The taste of pennies fill my mouth and blood trails down my chin. "Fuck," Luca groans out.

He pulls his hand away only to send his palm right back down to collide with my face. His strike sends me into a spiral, nearly causing me to lose consciousness.

I look up to see two of him slowly coming back into one. My vision clears. When my head has fully gathered itself, I make my way to my feet. I try running past Luca and up the stairs but he catches me. He wraps his arms around my waist, before making his way to the room.

"Luca, I can't go in there. Don't do this. I'm sorry."

When we reach the door I plant both my feet on either side of the door frame. I use all of my strength to push back. The space inside looks so dark that I can't even tell how big the room is.

Luca forces both of us into the room. I grab onto the door frame. He pries my fingers from it.


He pushes me, sending me further into the room before shutting the door.

I get to my feet and run over to the door. The sound of it being locked sends me into a horrific cry as I realize that I'm stuck.

"NO, NO. LUCA OPEN THE DOOR. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. I CAN'T BE IN HERE. I CAN'T, PLEASE." Tears run down my cheeks, neck, then chest as I beg for him to hear me. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run off. I don't know what I was thinking. I knew Luca would do something like this, so why did I run off like that? I'm sorry.

I bang on the door.

"PLEASE, I'LL DO ANYTHING. I'M SORRY. just let me out, it won't happen again. I promise. Im sorry, Luca please. Just listen to me."

I look around to see the pit of black I am surrounded in. I panic. "LUCA, IM SCARED." I bang on the door some more.

I don't hear a word from him. Instead I hear his heavy footsteps leaving the basement.

I back up until I hit a wall. I slide down it and bring my knees to my chest. I let the darkness that surrounds me eat away at my brain and convince me that I should be afraid. I began to rapidly breathe causing myself to become lightheaded.

Why is he like this? I know I fucked up but that doesn't give him the right to do this to me.

"Please..." I whisper into the darkness of nothing.

I don't know what I'm scared of. It could be someone, or something. I don't know, but the feeling is dreadful. I don't know why I'm like this. It's just the dark.

I fall into a hysterical sob before letting out a blood curdling scream. This is my childhood all over again.

Okay, if you started to like Luca, it's time to hate him again.😌

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