Chapter 62

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Echos POV

4 days later

Dario, Vic, Maya, and I decorated the living room for Christmas two days ago. Luca didn't help out much, he drank plenty of eggnog mixed with alcohol, though. I'd never seen Luca drunk until then. It worried me at first. I feared that he'd turn into James Whitlock, my father. I couldn't have been further from the truth. Luca is an extremely funny and clumsy drunk. He wasn't too much off his rockers. Vic and Dario drank too but I steered clear. I'm not a huge drinker, I don't want to end up like my dad.

I've been sitting in bed for about 5 minutes while Luca sleeps next to me. It's Christmas Day and I may or may not have stolen Luca's credit card to purchase him a gift. It's the thought that counts though.

I got him a pocket knife that says I Echo on the handle. I thought it was cute until I realized he'll probably use that knife to kill people. It's way too late now, the knife came in yesterday. I also thought he might want a knife that doesn't remind him of me stabbing him. But then I reminded myself of how insane he is. He's probably absolutely in love with that knife because I stabbed him with it. I also got him sweatshirts that I'll more than likely wear. I think he should take a break from those suits. Those are only two of a lot of useful gifts I got him.

I wrapped all of my gifts yesterday. I got gifts for Maya, Dario, and Vic too. With Luca's money, of course.

I got Maya a journal to write her feelings in. While my visits with my therapist are going fine, Maya still refuses to speak with one. She doesn't even want to speak with me. I figure she should write her feelings down. I know how hard it is to speak about it, I have a breakdown every time I have a session, but I feel better in the long run. I only met her a couple days ago. I'm not too sure of what she likes, but I also got her a big comfy blanket, as well as a little stuffed bear to keep her company.

I got Dario a watch in his favorite color, blue. And Vic, I got her that Louis Vuitton robe she so badly wanted, but couldn't afford. I got her a few other pieces of clothing too.

Luca starts to stir. I was gonna wake him but he was up all night working in his office, I kept him company for as long as I could before falling asleep on the couch in there.

"Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep?"

He chuckles. "I love when you call me little names like that." He pulls me closer to him. "Merry Christmas, my love. I slept well."

"Merry Christmas," I say. He pecks my lips.

We get up and brush our teeth before heading downstairs. Everyone is already waiting.

We don't waste any time getting to gifts. Everyone loves their gifts from me, of course. I saved Luca's best gift for last, he saved his best for last too.

"I got you this," I say handing him a red box. He opens it. I see the confusion on his face. "Flip it over."

He flips it and smiles.

"I thought I'd get you one that isn't a reminder of what happened."

"I love it, princess. But I love the knife you stabbed me with and I'll be keeping it," he says with a playful smile.

"I thought so, but I'm not a big fan."

"Okay, I'll love this one then." He slips the knife back into the box and placed it to the side. "My turn. First off, I want to regift you this."

He pulls out my necklace. The one that Ms. Krone took. I thought that necklace was surely gone. I didn't think I'd ever get it back. I turn around so he can place it around my neck. I lift the half spear up to see the words inside. I'll set the world ablaze for you- Luca.

"How did you get it back? Is it a duplicate?"

"No, it's the same one, and as for how I got it back. I'm sure you know the answer," he gives a wink.

Yup, just gonna use my imagination with the knowledge of the kind of person Luca is. "And I got you this." He pulls out a phone.

"It's not your old one. I smashed it the day you got here, that's one of the reasons I never gave it back. All I ask is that you don't post anything and that you stay incognito when it comes to social media. You think you can do that?"

"Yes, sir!" I reach out for the phone. He pulls it away. I snatch it from him.

I sit back on the couch scrolling through the phone. Oh, how I've missed the internet.

"You're forgetting something, princess."

"Thank you, Luca."

He gives me a smile.

"OKAY! MY TURN," Dario shouts.

He leaves the living room only to come back seconds later. "This one's for you, Echo." I turn around to see a pretty spotted puppy. A huge gasp escapes my lips. Its fur is a fluffy mixture of black and white and I can see its beautiful blue eyes. So fucking cute.

"He's a boy and his name is Saint. I thought he could help you out a bit when Luca's not around." Dario places him in my arms. Saint gives a big, cute, puppy yawn. My heart's going to explode. He's so tiny and adorable.

"Thank you so much, Dario. He's perfect. And Saint is such an adorable name," I say tapping the puppy on his nose. I give Dario a hug with one arm while cradling Saint in the other.

I turn to Luca still looking down at Saint. "We have a baby now, Luca." When I look up, my heart staggers in my chest. Saint nearly fumbles from my arms, but I adjust my grip in time.

Luca is down on one knee with a ring shining brightly in a black box. "Will you marry me?"

I exhale a shaky breath and place my hand over my mouth. Tears have begun to cloud my sight, and my heartbeat is the only thing I can hear.

"It doesn't have to be today, or next week, or even 3 years from now. But I'm asking you because I know I love you, and you're all I want. I've never been so sure of something in my life and that speaks volumes because I've never been so certain when it comes to love. I just want you to be my wife someday, baby."

I gently place Saint on the couch and move closer to Luca. The second my head makes the sudden movement of a nod, Luca's eyes light up.

"Yes," I say. "I will." Luca takes the ring and slides it onto my finger with a smile on his face. Vic, Dario, Maya, and Niccolo all clap and cheer around us. I look up to see Vic crying with a small smile.

"This ring means a lot, baby. It holds all of my promises to you, my commitment, my love."

He stands from the floor and cups my cheeks. In all honesty, I'm scared. What if he hurts me again? I shouldn't say yes to someone I feel could potentially hurt me. But Luca wouldn't hurt me, not again, not after all that has happened, would he?

"I know that I've not been a good man to you, and for that I'm sorry." He places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I am in love with you, Echo. And I know you're unsure. But I want you to know that loving you has made me do things I never thought I would. Loving you brings me happiness and even tears. Loving you makes me a better person. I won't hurt you again, and I'll spend every day I have on earth proving myself to you."

I nod my head and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you more than anything in this world, Luca."

His large arms wrap tightly around my waist. "I love you. More than you'll ever know," he says.

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